My penis is 14 cm I developed a belief that average penis size is 15 cm . Problem is I want to stop Penis Enlargement but I cant stop thinking about reaching 15cm. I assume that some of you will say why not do Penis Enlargement to reach that 15 cm - but I dont want to I want to stop but I cant !! Is there a cure?
Worry not! As long as you want the size- you will Penis Enlargement and get it. There must be no excuses, you know!

Once you can (if this is a special situation for a certain amount of time)- renew the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and rock it. All the best, Zam :)
Surgery- I do not recommend it, but this seems to be the only solution for you. You might have your reasons, but so far you sound as a marathoner that wants to finish first without running. Plus, the fact that Penis Enlargement got you addicted is good. Being addicted to following ones goals is what distinguishes the winners from the losers! If you have no reasons and just want to stop Penis Enlargementing, then you just do not want that bonus size as bad as the rest of us. This is not meant to offend you, but understand that if you do not fight for your dreams and goals- you will not achieve them. All the best, Zam :)
I think your routines are not good if you want to stop doing Penis Enlargement. I for myself actually look up to evenings and my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] or [words=]Penomet[/words] sessions. I do piss pulls at work and also at home, wearing the ROP from time to time.
I surely know that Penis Enlargement can be a chore at times and sometimes the motivation is gone. But if you want to reach where you want to be, you can either continue Penis Enlargement or then stop and just accept what you have.
Accepting is sometimes the easiest path. I wouldn't necessarily suggest that path.

Zam said it quite well, so my input seems just as an extra.
Surgery is definitely not recommended way to go, sometimes it can actually make you lose size and also the risk of erectile dysfunction is high.
Addiction towards Penis Enlargement isn't bad, but control is important. Make a plan, decide on a routine and go for it! And don't beat yourself for missing a day or two.

I hope all the best for you!
arkailija;558887 said:
But if you want to reach where you want to be, you can either continue Penis Enlargement or then stop and just accept what you have.
Accepting is sometimes the easiest path. I wouldn't necessarily suggest that path.

There is a difference between wanting to reach some size and wanting to kill yourself if you dont reach that size.

This is my penis size standing up:

Do you people even take into consideration the fact that men start Penis Enlargement because they have anxiety disorder which might turn into serious illness like in my case? It is a mental problem not a penis problem.

I do not blame this forum, apparently I had some predispositions to develop a belief that I will not start living and meeting girls untill I reach 15 cm. The forum only helped me to fall into that state of mind.
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Sounds like some therapy is in order. There are probably many men with small penises that have great anxiety about it.
Your size is average, bro. We could all look at adult entertainment and feel small. When I read kingsnakes thread I feel jealous. And I'm well above average. Its relative.

1) get help with feeling good about yourself. If you are every actually contemplating suicide.skip the long term and call a suicide talk line immediately.
2) if 15cm will make you feel worth living do a month or 3 of basic stretches and find out. My first half inch came pretty quickly that way. That's what this site is for so don't blame us if we teach you how and advise you how to achieve that goal, even if you also don't want to do it. You're here do we assume you do...
3) realize that just as you are you are a worthwhile person, Visitor. You can achieve anything in life you want, including a happy relationship. Yes you now have this obsession and mixed feelings about it, but you wont always.
I am 27 years old, I had that obsession for almost 2 years because for the last 2 years I decided to stop Penis Enlargement (there was 1 cm to reach the final goal yet I decided to experiment and see if I can resist that desire). This desire is huge, it made me quit my music passion, ruined my peace of mind. Every single day I have to masturbate 1-3 times only not to think about my penis. And orgasms make me more agressive - especially towards other people I am affraid I will hurt sb. It would be nice to know how long will that evil obsession (OCD) last. As for now the 'party' is still on. I am obsessed with number 15 and I will hate this number for the rest of my life. And the whole problem didnt start out of nothing but only after 3 years of basic stretching.I know I can try do stretching exercises but somehow I have to see if I am able to resist that. As for now I am loosing. Maby having some girlfriend or simply meeting girls would be a good theraphy.

I am affraid that solving that problem will stretch into 5-10 years of everyday battle which is a crappy perspective when I am 27 years old now - a person at that age is supposed to enjoy life as much as possible and I am now I am so pissed about that I am affraid I will hurt sb and go to jail or sth.
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Well no wonder. You're making yourself cray.

Ill suggest, yes, you've proven to yourself you can resist that desire. Experiment successful.

...with an asterisk.

At what cost? You've created this obsession by holding that goal firmly. In your mind, then denying yourself success. Its like standing 1M short of the finish line of the Olympics Marathon and watching everyone else pass you...

That's making you crazy bro. YOUR choice. Sounds to me like you could xo easily just achieve your goal and then move on with life in peace. You've fixated yourself here in time and space stuck in your mind by holding this goal, so close, so firmly in your mind, then deny yourself that?

I hope you do what you gotta do to move on in your life from staring down at that finish line, brother. You must decide to move, one way or other, on with your life.
LoveHerDeeply;558900 said:
Its like standing 1M short of the finish line of the Olympics Marathon and watching everyone else pass you...
The only catch is that I know how my penis responds to basic stretching and it will take at least 7 months to 1 year to stretch that 1 cm further.
LoveHerDeeply When I am talking about 1 cm left it is 1 cm left to 15 cm relative to that measurement when I am sitting which is not the real penis size but I developed a belief that this is my current real penis size ---> it is 14 cm. My penis size is more likely to be that of when I am standing up right ??- I even measured my penis in missionary position it had even 11 cm!! This is why that whole 1 cm left to 15 cm is crazy. But it is exactly what my obsession is about.
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What I can say is that you arent the only one here obsessed. I am betting there are many guys like you on this forum with varying degrees of obsession. As DLD has mentioned he started with an obsession back in the day himself.

With all obsessions there is a hump that must be reached and then overcome before life can transition. Maybe it is finding another obsession, maybe it is meeting a girl, getting a job. Maybe it is what has been mentioned above and that gaining the cm will provide relief. I am not sure if that is true or if any one of these will work alone. Humans, as we are, are always looking for the next goal, next obsession, next thing to aspire to do, to be. We are wired that way and from the sounds of it you are very hard wired that way. We have trouble actually being truly happy with the goal we just achieved because we make up a new one just as quickly as we reach it because what we see and feel isnt what we expected to see and feel.

Side note- My guess is when you find a business in life or something to pour all of that energy into that you will be extremely successful at whatever you do because of this obsessive type behavior.

But for right now I can say that many of us have similar thoughts and that Penis Enlargement CAN become an obsession if we let it. One thing is for certain. If you continue to Penis Enlargement then you will have to find a way to become whole with the idea of doing it and make it feel healthy to you or your gains will potentially be very slowed by the negative feelings you have about it and the obsession will ruin you. I hear and understand that you want to quit but this negativity of giving up before you reached your goal is looming over you. This need to feel normal. That in itself is normal.
I dont have your answer but I am hoping that you find your path and that your answer soon gets realized. There are many others like you. You are not alone and sometimes just knowing that can help.

Karate Kid quote coming:

Miyagi: Walk on road, [words= ]Hydromax[/words]? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: get squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so,"
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: just like grape. Understand?
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We have to distinguish here between a healthy obsession and an anxiety disorder.

Listen to that
I was making music I am tallented musician , I was obsessed with music
now I do not give a s#%t about music (really, I do not give a crap I do not even listen to music anymore - I do not understand it) because at some point of my Penis Enlargement (while I was still writting music)
I was getting closer to those 15 cm at which point extreme anxiety and fear that I will die without reaching those 15 cm took over my mind completelly. This is a mental illness not an obsession.

jakb I appreciate your post though. Thanks for the support.
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Ya man. We will help however we can here. I wish it was as easy as saying throw away all of your rulers and forget about it. But we both know its not. Have you been treated for an anxiety disorder before?

I listened to your music. I liked it. Have you tried anything new lately?
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jakb;558925 said:
Have you been treated for an anxiety disorder before?
From august 2012 to november 2012 I attended a group theraphy with some antidepressants. The theraphy did not adress the problem at all (it only helped me to meet new people) but the time has made compulsive thoughts less violent. I stopped taking meds because they made me so sleepy. However, the belief still exists. Now I am capable on focusing easily on other things without thinking about the issue. As for now I cant see a way out, when I measure my dick sitting down my fat pad makes the measurements confusing for me - now I do not know whether I have 1 cm left of 1,5 cm is crazy
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Look up Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You can do it yourself through books, AKA bibliotherapy or find a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and do both. Aaron Beck started the therapy. David Burns has a few books out, one specifically for anxiety. Check it out and put the work in. This coupled with meditation and learning to relax will help immensely. I suffer from severe anxiety and have become obsessed over things in the past but I don't think I have true OCD. Perfectionism will wreck havoc on the brain and you must learn to accept yourself for who you are. I highly recommend the book, do the exercises and learn some simple Mind-Body Meditation. Don't force the mind to relax, it don't work that way. Focus on relaxing your body and the mind will follow. Start off doing 10 minutes each day and build up to doing 40 minutes daily by the end of a month.
jakb;558912 said:
Karate Kid quote coming:

Miyagi: Walk on road, [words= ]Hydromax[/words]? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: get squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so,"
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: just like grape. Understand?

Well, what you do not know is that getting over with obsession has nothing to do with the quote above. Did you hear how known comedian George Carlin got over his addiction to cocaine ? He did less and less. He fulled his mind. Maby getting over Penis Enlargement is doing less and less.
The_Visitor;558958 said:
Well, what you do not know is that getting over with obsession has nothing to do with the quote above. Did you hear how known comedian George Carlin got over his addiction to cocaine ? He did less and less. He fulled his mind. Maby getting over Penis Enlargement is doing less and less.
I would agree fully. Sometimes people can quit cold turkey, sometimes they wean themselves off and that is their successful route. Keep us posted.
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The_Visitor;558906 said:
LoveHerDeeply When I am talking about 1 cm left it is 1 cm left to 15 cm relative to that measurement when I am sitting which is not the real penis size but I developed a belief that this is my current real penis size ---> it is 14 cm. My penis size is more likely to be that of when I am standing up right ??- I even measured my penis in missionary position it had even 11 cm!! This is why that whole 1 cm left to 15 cm is crazy. But it is exactly what my obsession is about.

Jakb can you adress that message quoted above? It seems that I developed a belief over something which is not true. Those measurements are taken with maximum blood amout being pushed into the head and penis tissues. What is more determining official penis size according to the sitting position is also not true - it is just another body position.

It seems that I am judging my penis size according to the fat pad position when sitting. However, it is illogical to determine penis size according to the fat pad position which is even different in different sitting positions. But measuring when sitting is how I started Penis Enlargement back in 2009.

And I know, my penis wont be long after I reach my goal anyway. The belief went from repeated statements in my country that 15 cm is average.

I feel dead. I feel like my life is over. I am a handsome healthy guy. I cant believe it man that mental state can turn a person literally into a cripple. It is like I lost both of my legs.
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