If a woman has a small mouth and short fingers she will have a small, short Vagina. A good fit for a short penis and not recommended for a large penis.
If she has big, thick lips, her Vagina is will be wide and thick.
If she has deep set eyes, her Vagina will be deep.
A woman with 'skinny' eyelids, will have a deep Vagina.
A woman with thick fleshy eyelids will have a short Vagina.
A Woman with bulging eyes, will have a very short Vagina. A woman with such a short Vagina is wise to avoid a man with a large penis as during intercourse his penis will penetrate the Cervix which can be quite harmful.
A woman who is nearsighted will have a deep Vagina. The more near sighted she is the deeper the Vagina.
A woman with big watery eyes, will have a big watery Vagina. Again, the bigger the eyes, the bigger the Vagina. This woman will find a man with a shorter penis unsatisfying.
A woman with a wide mouth and thin lips will have a narrow and deep Vagina.
Puckered, protruding lips or protruding bone structure indicate an elastic Vagina. It could be big or small, but it will be very wet, warm, and soft. It also vibrates and trembles and is often referred to as a 'talking Vagina.'
A woman who is tough and emotionless will have a hard, dry Vagina.
A woman with narrow cheeks and jaws, will have a small, crooked Vagina. If it is only slightly curved this is not a problem. However, if the curve is significant, she will need a long narrow penis.
If a woman has a narrow forhead and flat nose, she will have a short, wide vagina.
If she has protruding cheek bones, she will have a very deep Vagina and a strong sexual desire. This is not considered all that desireable as her desire potentially will consume or devour her partner.
If a woman has a dimple, she has a very short Vagina.
What I have found in my experience is smaller women has deeper vaginas. This is only by experiencing by no scientific methods but it just seemed to me when I did have sex the taller the girl the less I can get inside
If a woman has a small mouth and short fingers she will have a small, short Vagina. A good fit for a short penis and not recommended for a large penis.
If she has big, thick lips, her Vagina is will be wide and thick.
If she has deep set eyes, her Vagina will be deep.
A woman with 'skinny' eyelids, will have a deep Vagina.
A woman with thick fleshy eyelids will have a short Vagina.
A Woman with bulging eyes, will have a very short Vagina. A woman with such a short Vagina is wise to avoid a man with a large penis as during intercourse his penis will penetrate the Cervix which can be quite harmful.
A woman who is nearsighted will have a deep Vagina. The more near sighted she is the deeper the Vagina.
A woman with big watery eyes, will have a big watery Vagina. Again, the bigger the eyes, the bigger the Vagina. This woman will find a man with a shorter penis unsatisfying.
A woman with a wide mouth and thin lips will have a narrow and deep Vagina.
Puckered, protruding lips or protruding bone structure indicate an elastic Vagina. It could be big or small, but it will be very wet, warm, and soft. It also vibrates and trembles and is often referred to as a 'talking Vagina.'
A woman who is tough and emotionless will have a hard, dry Vagina.
A woman with narrow cheeks and jaws, will have a small, crooked Vagina. If it is only slightly curved this is not a problem. However, if the curve is significant, she will need a long narrow penis.
If a woman has a narrow forhead and flat nose, she will have a short, wide vagina.
If she has protruding cheek bones, she will have a very deep Vagina and a strong sexual desire. This is not considered all that desireable as her desire potentially will consume or devour her partner.
If a woman has a dimple, she has a very short Vagina.

I am printing and laminating this!

(my head hurts a bit...)
I have found a minor correlation between body size and pussy size. But the tightest pussy i ever had was on a girl who was 5'9 240ish.

I think bigfer framed women are usually bigger in the vag, but extra weight tends to crowd up the area, making for more tightness.

Fwiw, East Asian women are pretty universally tight, in my experience. I had a bad case of yellow fever in my 20s.
I have found a minor correlation between body size and pussy size. But the tightest pussy i ever had was on a girl who was 5'9 240ish.

I think bigfer framed women are usually bigger in the vag, but extra weight tends to crowd up the area, making for more tightness.

Fwiw, East Asian women are pretty universally tight, in my experience. I had a bad case of yellow fever in my 20s.

I found similar findings.
My experience is pretty consistent with what's been found by others. In short, it's unpredictable - at least by any visual characteristics. My last partner was around 5' and her vagina was around 6-7" deep.
My experience is pretty consistent with what's been found by others. In short, it's unpredictable - at least by any visual characteristics. My last partner was around 5' and her vagina was around 6-7" deep.

For me it seemed like the shorter the girl the deeper I could go. My wife was almost 6 feet tall and she could take only 4 inches. But my next girl could take everything I had but she was tiny. Jen was right in the middle of the both of them and she eventually was able to take everything.