Hey guys.
after fast initial gains and a pause for almost 3 months due to three irritated veins I resumed my workout at the end of january this year. things went good so far with respect to further gains. Although I don't train length specifically I gained there, too. Girth came also. I switched from jelqing only to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words] and jelqs (both with 100% erection) combined in a single session with a time frame of about 35-45 minutes. Average frequence is about 4-5x/week.
But what has concerned me for a few weeks now is the fact that my average Eq has worstened. My first conjecture was that I overdone with the girth work. Though my cock is much better condtioned now than last year and didn't show any signs of t-veins or red spots or whatnot despite fully erect jelqing and ssjing, I sometimes had the feeling of a dull pain during ssjing (each rep executed for 1 minute at least, more like 1,5 or 2 minutes), not after. Furthermore this uncomfy feeling appears only on the right side of the shaft.That made me worry a bit. But I think/hope it's not a damage of the erectile tissue, since I'm still able to kegel my dick to rocking hardness. But If I don't kegel arbitrarily the EQ is only about say 80%. So my second conjecture would be a fatigues pc muscle. Is that possible or probable? Should I suspend kegeling for 3-4 days to validate my hypothesis? What do you guys think? any other suggestions also very welcome.
Thx in advance and good gains to y'all.

Edit: my kegel routine consists of 3-4 minutes fast and light kegels, followed by 15-30 minutes of hard 5-10- sec. reps and 2-3 2 minute reps at the end. no reverse kegels involved.
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I think taking the time off to conduct the experiment is smart and a good way to find the truth. I will always search an avenue of curiosity with as much determination as the routine if I feel I may discover something new.
To whom it may concern:
I haven't suspended my kegel routine, but with respect to my workout I had to take three consecutive off due to some external restrictions. On the third day things started running again well and my erections were rock hard again. So I have to assume that fatigued erectile tissue was the cause for my problems, amplified by a corresponding mental state of fear of failure.
It went well for the two succeeding weeks before my EQ hit rock bottom again three or four days ago . During these two weeks I resumed regular workout with 5 days on and two days off, jelqing and SSJing at 100% erection for 30-40 minutes. I guess this regime presses too hard on my dick, so I'll have to take it down a notch. I'm not quite sure how to procede: either I cut all SSJing and stick to classic jelqs all along or I exercise with an EQ state of about 80% instead of 100%. A third possibility would be a reduction of the volume per week or per day. Hybrid options of these may be realized in case of failure. I have to ponder that yet, but I'm inclined to a reduction of the weekly volume combined with a reduction of SSJing
I will report back, if some of you guys are interested and could profit from my experience.

On a side note: I measured for the first time in the last 3 months and I can confirm a growth rate of 0,5 inches in girth and 0,5 inches in length, though I never specifically targeted length (except for two weeks of stretching in the initial phase>>overall 6 months of Penis Enlargementing with a 3 month break after the first 1,5 months). Now I'm at 8" BPenis EnlargementL/7,5" NBPenis EnlargementL (haven't measured corrrectly the first time, when I stated that parameters as initial size) and 6" MSG. Penis Enlargement is the shit! Thx to DLD and all the rest of you, who contributed big time!
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Congrats on your gain!

I had the same thing with tired PC muscles and some days off kegeling (but with my routine) helped me get back in shape (it just took a week or so). I guess this is pretty normal. I can not give you a good advice about what you should do, but maybe keep the intensity of the workouts and just get the 2 days off.

The length gains when doing girth are quite often here. Lots of brother report this. I still haven't gained length (but I have gained girth), but I guess it's just me or the intensity that is the problem. :)

Keep up with the gains brotha :)
Thx, Zam! Thing is, that I want to keep the fatigue level consistently low because I have a girl with whom I enjoy a very rich sex life. I surely don't want to spoil my everday "bed routine" for faster gains.;) I'm very confident with what I have and I am patient enough to accept slower gains (though this shit makes addictive, I gotta admit). So fatiguing every week anew doesn't seem a very attractive option to me, but I'll experiment a bit further. There are so many variables in this game, it's hard to isolate distinct causal interrelations.
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Well if you have a rich sex life as you say (fuckin asshole) and are pleased with slow gains, then it'd be best to do a 5-2, 4-3 days on-off. And it may be best to have sex on your Penis Enlargement break days maybe. But I guess you're completely right- you've got some years for wild non-stop sex (damn you!!! rofl ) and a lifetime to Penis Enlargement if you are satisfied with what you have. Rock on mate! All the best, Zam :)

P.S- how did DLD's comment slip in there? I remember not seeing his comment when I wrote my first post here. Might be some kind of a problem with the forum.
What? Sex only during off days with 2-3 off days a week? Naah, man, you must be kiddin' me. rofl I know I'm blessed.
4-5 times a week is my frequency right now, so I guess I have to go farther down or reduce intensity. Maybe another option would be to workout strictly in an eod-rhytHydromax (read: every other day) and at least cut back the SSJs a bit to two or three reps per session (each of my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] reps takes 1,5-2,5 minutes).
rofl Really cool you get laid so often! So, yeah- the time you spend to Penis Enlargement should be reduced or the routine should be performed with less intensity. Go on and bang, mate:)