thinking about redoing my circumcision myself. I dont have money or insurance. I was thinking of attempting to do a small circumcision on myself, just to get rid of the big piece on the side and cutting the surface of the other part where the head is tucked away, to allow more freedom in which I think it might eventually release the rest of the head maybe.

I was thinking of using a razor blade and sterilizing it in bleach and rubbing alcohol. cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol before and after with peroxide. I'm an amateur piercing artist kinda, I've piereced myself 13 times and have pierced another person before so I know a bit about this stuff.

Any ideas? thoughts? comments?

Reason: because i think the bridges is what have caused me to be so small.

I just posted on your other thread about this.

Really, I wouldn't do it if I were you. You're likely to get a bad cosmetic result being that you've never done this sort of thing before, and I hardly think piercing is good training for self-conducted minor surgery on you genitals.

Also, and I discussed this on your other thread as well - this will in no way enlarge your penis. The risk of infection and other problems are absolutly too high and you're not going to see the benefit that you're assuming will be there - don't do it!
i dont see what the big deal is. i dont see how the risk of infection is any different from a piercing. your genitals hardly touch anything except your clothing and your hands. but with any other piercing you're going to end up touching it with your hands everything else. i'm not planning on doing the whole circumcision, just a minor bridge area on the side that looks weird. it's a very thin piece of skin that just hangs there connect to the end with space under it.
Painful Pleasur ...
If this plaques your mind to the extreme you describe. You really should seek an expert and get a consultation based on truth(s) to make a final decision. This self-circumcision is nothing like piercing nor a simple slice of the skin along with removing an unsightly mole. I'm not endorsing self-surgery but here is

One man's story of SELF-CIRCUMCISION
Self circumcision performed alone is highly dangerous; you must have helpers who know how to help you if things go wrong. I accept no
responsibility for any injuries caused as a result of this posting! <Gee, I'm starting to sound like a Net_lawyer!>

I once chopped pieces of foreskin off my penis with a pair of cuticle scissors.[ed. note: wanna read more? i don't, but just keep goin's there. Now that I've got your attention, I'll go back and tell the whol e story. Apologies if it gets a little lengthy, but this yarn deserves to be spun well.

After I was circumcised as an infant, the wound was not taken care of with sufficient diligence, and it healed incorrectly. Portions of the raw edge of the remaining foreskin bonded to the glans, a little bit above the lower edge of the glans. This left a series of "skin bridges", basically sections of foreskin which can't be retracted, because they are fused to the glans at one end and the shaft at the other. These varied in width from about 1/16" to 1/4", and were attached off and on over about 2/3 of the circumference. This was never a major problem. It was a long time before I even realized it was abnormal. Everything functioned properly, but there were a few minor problems with it which made me wish I could fix it.

  • It was a cosmetic defect -- it didn't look good.
  • It was tough to keep clean under the bridges -- I had to swab it with a Q-tip now and then to knock down smegma buildup.
  • Some of the most sensitive parts of the glans were hidden under relatively insensitive chunks of foreskin, robbing me of the proper stimulation which was mine and every man's birthright.
Over the past few years, I'd been thinking of getting it corrected, but there were problems. Doctors cost money, and I didn't have it, and student insurance sure wasn't gonna cover it. Plus, the thought of some strange doctor chopping at my pee pee head gives me chills. Now, all a doctor would do it sterilize it, numb it, cut it and bandage it. "Hell, maybe I can do that!", I thought. The problem was how to kill the pain. I experimented with cutting myself (with an x-acto knife), but seeing as it always hurt like hell before I even cut anything, I never went through with it. Recently, I came back and studied the situation. Again, the problem with the self-surgery approach was dealing with pain. There had to be some way of numbing the area, but how? One winter day, it hit me. If cold can make fingers go numb, then cold can also make a ManTool[tm] go numb. With this in mind, I pioneered athe "home penile self-surgery procedure".

  • Cuticle scissors (1 pair)
  • Rubbing alcohol (1 bottle)
  • Antibiotic ointment (1 tube)
  • Anti-bacterial soap (1 bottle)
  • Gauze pads (lots, various sizes)
  • Ice cubes (iodine added to water for sterility)
  • Clean Washcloth (freshly laundered with lots'o bleach)
  • Well-lit work area (the kitchen table)

Wipe down work area with alcohol. Clean penis with soap and water, then with alcohol. Wash hands thoroughly. Soak scissors in alcohol. Holding the ice cube with the washcloth (to prevent your fingers from going numb), apply the ice cube to the target area. Hold for 5 to 10 minutes, until area is numb. Using the cuticle scissors, sever the skin bridge as closely as possible to its connection with the glans. Then sever the foreskin end of the bridge in such a location as to leave an even edge on the foreskin. Use gauze pads and direct pressure to stop the bleeding, then apply antibiotic ointment and bandage.

THE OPenis EnlargementRATIONS
Though the operations are not painful if done correctly, the healing process is a real pain in the ass. It also takes a certain state of mind to be able to cut your own flesh. I would kind of put myself into robo-manzombie mode for the operations, in that I never dwelled on what I was doing, I just mechanically plodded through all the steps without thinking about how totally gross it was. Since the ice cube could only numb a small portion of the penis, and since I could only tolerate so much trauma to my dick in one session, it took 6 separate operations, spread out over a two week period, to cut/remove all of the skin bridges.

Operation #1 (Day 1) The test cut. I chose a small thin skin bridge, about 1/16" across. I held the ice cube on for 5 minutes. The ice caused a peculiar kind of "cold ache", but it wasn't that bad. I gingerly made the cuts, and sliced through with no pain at all. There was some minor bleeding, but because of the speed at which I worked, I had finished and had the gauze on it before the wound had any chance to bleed significantly. After about 10 minutes the bleeding was stopped and I bandaged it up, no problem at all. Only a tiny little speck of flesh had been removed, the run impressive looking.

Operation #2 (Day 3) Operation #1 turned out so well, I decided to go for big game this time. The target was the mother of all skin bridges, about 1/4" across and very thick and meaty. Again, I made the preparations and applied ice for 5 minutes. I made the first cut along the glans, and was surprised at how much I had to bear down on the scissors. This skin was surprisingly tough. I finished that cut, and then turned my attention to the cut on the foreskin side. Wanting to get it done quickly, I decided that two large, powerful snips should do the job. I bore down and made the first cut, and realized with a shock that IT HURT LIKEHELL. Well, it turns out that due to the thickness of the skin bridge on that end, the cold hadn't penetrated deeply enough, and it hadn't gone numb. So, I was left with a problem. I had a half severed bit of foreskin hanging off me, and no anesthetic. My only recourse was to finish the cut. I thought, "Shit. This will hurt.". So I lined up the scissors, closed my eyes, and as quickly and powerfully as I could, I made the snip. My prediction was correct; it did hurt (don't you hate when you're right about things like that?). I managed to avoid shouting out, instead opting for a few simple gasps and whimpers. I resolved to hold the ice on for much longer in future operations. Being that this was a bigger cut than the first, it bled much more profusely. It took about 20 minutes of direct pressure and a lot of gauze until I could staunch the main flow. Even then it kept oozing blood for a few hours. I spent the rest of the evening with nothing on below the waist, sitting in front of the TV with a few brews (this became standard procedure for all forthcoming operations). Any motion tended to make it break open and bleed again, so I moved around very little. I was functioning (that is, walking) almost normally again by the next day, but it took about 5 days before this one completely stopped oozing blood. As I gingerly hobbled back into the kitchen for another brew, I spotted IT, the severed hunk-o-foreskin that I had left on the table. It was of fairly good size, about 1/2" by 1/4" and maybe as thick as a piece of bacon. Suddenly, strange thoughts entered my skull, and a ragingmental battle between good and evil ensued.

EVIL: "Eat the foreskin.
"GOOD: "Don't do it!! That's gross!!"
EVIL: "Eat the foreskin."
GOOD: "Stop thinking about it!!"
EVIL: "You know what you must do. Eat it. It is your destiny."
GOOD: "But that's cannibalism!"
EVIL: "So what?"
GOOD: "Cannibalism is shunned for a reason! It spreads diseases!"
EVIL: "Look dipshit. It's your own fucking flesh. Any diseases in
there, you already got."
GOOD: "But it's SELF-cannibalism!"
EVIL: "So is chewing on the piece of skin you bit off your fingertip.
GOOD: "But this is weird, deranged and perverted!"
EVIL: "Exactly"
GOOD: (Hauls its sorry whupped ass away and shuts up)

So, I ate it. Turns out it was very tough and chewy, kind of like biting a little piece of rubber. I chewed for about 5 minutes, but didn't make any progress on breaking it down, so I swallowed it. It had a little bit of blood flavor at first, but after that it had no flavor at all; rather disappointing in that respect. Maybe I should have cooked it.

Operation #3 (Day 10) A medium sized cut. I held the ice cube on much longer (10 minutes instead of 5), so there was no problem with pain. Not nearly as much bleeding, but still a respectable amount. A word about erections: they were a bad thing. Any hard-on would tear the wounds open and start them bleeding again. This would be a problem for about 3 or 4 days until the wounds had healed sufficiently. Basically, I had to spend a long, long time without even thinking a nasty thought. Of course, when I was asleep I had no control over the process, which would always result in me waking up with a dick that hurt and bloody bandages. I was really lovin' life at moments like these.

Operation #4 (Day 12) Another medium sized cut, but with the added bonus of having a small vein (about 1 mm in diameter) running
through the skin bridge. Now, the blood supply for the penis mainly runs through blood vessels buried deep inside. When you get down the the small vessels, the circulatory system becomes more of a spider web, with redundant paths going to every point. So I knew it wasn't actually dangerous to cut it, but it was still a kind of psychological obstacle. I expected this one to be a heavy bleeder, and I wasn't disappointed. It took about a full hour of direct pressure to get the severed ends of the vein to close up. Otherwise, not too much of a problem.

Operation #5 (Day 14) I was planning on more time to let the others heal, but due to changes in the way skin tension was being applied to the remaining bridges (because I'd cut some others away), one small bridge was getting a lot of stress and starting to hurt. So I chopped it quick and easy, no real problems.

Operation #6 (Day 15) The problem with operation #5 was that it just transferred the stress to the next bridge down the line. So even though I had about 3/4" of flesh left to cut, I resolved to do it all at once in one last cutting frenzy. Due to the size of the operation, it took a while to complete (maybe 1 minute total), which gave the blood a chance to flow. I had to stop a few times and wipe away blood so I could see what I was doing. Strangely, this didn't bother me at all. It seemed perfectly normal that I should be wiping up copious amounts of blood flowing from my bleeding pecker which I had sliced open myself. Actually, it seemed kind of cool at the time, which led me to speculate at the time that I had gone insane, which I also thought was pretty cool. Anyway, except for the excess blood which had dripped on to the chair, it went quite well. The only thing that really grossed me out was when I noticed I had blood all over my hands. If any psychoanalysts want to analyze that tidbit for me, feel free, though I really don't care.

The wounds are now completely healed, and the results are good.
  • There are no scars to speak of, just a few bumps on the glans. This is because I didn't trim the flesh quite close enough in a few spots. They kind of resembling little warts. I thought about going back and trimming them off, but I kind of like 'em now. After all, it's not everyone who has the privilege of appearing to have warts, without actually being diseased.
  • Without the skin tension holding things back, total dick length has increased by 1/4". (Of course I've measured the length of my dick. Like you haven't?)
  • It's a great topic for dinner time conversation. Women generally seem to find it quite interesting. Men generally turn kind of pale. With my new found surgical skills, I've been contemplating a few more self-surgical procedures. You know, mole removal, wart removal, nose jobs, the whole vista of cosmetic surgery. I'll need some help for that mole on my back, which means training an assistant. Ah, the future looks interesting indeed ...
i'm not talking about cutting big chunks of flesh. this is just a paper thin piece of skin on the side that needs to be seperated and the outside rim of the other side needs to be seperated, they are just tiny little paper thin things holding on like threads. i'm not talking about a regular circumcision here where i chop off a big layer of skin and remove it.
Ok, if you look at my crude diagram you will get a better understanding.

The black line indicates the thin piece of skin holding on to the head. It is holow empty under it, i can stick a damn barbell in it and make it look like a prince albert.

The red line indicates the top area where tiny little threads of skin are barely hanging on and seem to be tearing away.

Both areas seem to be tearing little by little. Ever since I started pumping and exercising it, the skin seems to be tearing.
Painful Pleasur said:
i'm not talking about cutting big chunks of flesh. this is just a paper thin piece of skin on the side that needs to be seperated and the outside rim of the other side needs to be seperated, they are just tiny little paper thin things holding on like threads. i'm not talking about a regular circumcision here where i chop off a big layer of skin and remove it.

You seem to be on the defense with all the threads you start and your postings. We are in support of your decisions and efforts here. Just do your research and base your decision on truth(s).

You think DLD threw together his 5-phase program in a week. Nah, he did mass amounts of research and learning to form a decision to do it over several years. Granted I'm not talking about spending years learning about the penis and circumcision. Find someone that is an expert on your issue and keep an open mind. Not someone to simply agree with you.

“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”
Here is another pic to show where the rest of my head is. I will NOT be cutting this area. I repeat, I will NOT be cutting this area, I will have a doctor do it someday.
Threak said:
You seem to be on the defense with all the threads you start and your postings. We are in support of your decisions and efforts here. Just do your research and base your decision on truth(s).

You think DLD threw together his 5-phase program in a week. Nah, he did mass amounts of research and learning to form a decision to do it over several years. Granted I'm not talking about spending years learning about the penis and circumcision. Find someone that is an expert on your issue and keep an open mind. Not someone to simply agree with you.

“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”
thank you. i understand but it seems that the skin being torn apart anyway from pe exercises and pumping. if i just make a small cut on the edge so it just seperates, it will save a lot of time waiting for it to slowly rip apart and i think it might help my growth progress and it will also look a little better i think.
Threak said:
Painful Pleasur ...
If this plaques your mind to the extreme you describe. You really should seek an expert and get a consultation based on truth(s) to make a final decision. This self-circumcision is nothing like piercing nor a simple slice of the skin along with removing an unsightly mole. I'm not endorsing self-surgery but here is

One man's story of SELF-CIRCUMCISION
... not going to quote the whole story again ...


gahdam that's a f*cked up story...
So, I ate it. Turns out it was very tough and chewy, kind of like biting a little piece of rubber. I chewed for about 5 minutes, but didn't make any progress on breaking it down, so I swallowed it. It had a little bit of blood flavor at first, but after that it had no flavor at all; rather disappointing in that respect. Maybe I should have cooked it.

Thats fucked up:barf:
GOD DAMN!!! This just made me cringe and my penis has run away. Painful, DON'T DO THIS!!! I don't think it's worth it, on any level. If you want to get it done get some insurance and make sure it's done by a doctor, and if he fucks it up sue him for millions. Just don't do it yourself.
why read it all? i don't want to hear about soem guy choppin his dick intentionally! makes me cringe just thinkin bout it. first thing that came to mind is that no razor should be cutting any skin down there.
Well, you seem intent on doing this, so more power to you I suppose. Like somebody else mentioned, I think you're mentally marginalizing the risk because you're hoping for a positive result, but that's your prergotive.

One think that I strongly urge you to consider - this is in no way going to enlarge your penis. There's just no physical explanation of how this could happen. If you actually feel that a few skin bridges are actually holding your size back, then please consider the nature of skin. If you're bodybuilding, then the tightness of the skin on your arms isn't going to hold back the growth of your biceps and triceps. Skin is amazingly elastic and will adjust to any phsyiological changes. I can understand that it may cause some pain or deterence with Penis Enlargement exercises, but I can assure you that it has not constricted your penis size.

So, if you puruse self-conducted surgery, know that you're doing it for cosmetic reasons and you won't be recieving any size benefits.

Also, to the guy that ate his own foreskin: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thanks for ruining bacon for me.
Shit, man!! You're probably young and impulsive. PLeeeeeeaaase don't do it. Let a doctor perform it--even the minor skin attachment. It will not make your penis grow faster. That's utter bullshit!!!

I you don't have insurance, then wait until you have enough money to pay it off yourself. Yes, some of us are reading all the posts. We know your story. It can't be too expensive just to have the minor cut.

Your dick will get bigger in due time no matter how much skin is or isn't still attached.

Almost everyone here is telling you the same thing, pal.
Yeah dude, you possibly pass the f-out, wake up in a mess to. Save up and get it done professionaly, you'll most definetly feel better about it's apperance afterwards.
This is a terrible idea... just fucking stupid. Your probably going to end up fucking something up seeing as how you have no formal training to do what your planning on doing, and regardless of that, your probably going to end up with an infection... Your dick only touches your hands and your pants?? What about the sweat and bacteria that are going to waiting to make their way into this wound your going to make? Dont forget where your ass is too buddy.

But have fun mutilating yourself; perhaps itll stop you from making anymore rediculous posts after you end up with a vagina when your cock falls off and Penis Enlargement is useless to you.
Threak said:
So, I ate it. Turns out it was very tough and chewy, kind of like biting a little piece of rubber. I chewed for about 5 minutes, but didn't make any progress on breaking it down, so I swallowed it. It had a little bit of blood flavor at first, but after that it had no flavor at all; rather disappointing in that respect. Maybe I should have cooked it.

. It seemed perfectly normal that I should be wiping up copious amounts of blood flowing from my bleeding pecker which I had sliced open myself. Actually, it seemed kind of cool at the time, which led me to speculate at the time that I had gone insane, which I also thought was pretty cool.

. After all, it's not everyone who has the privilege of appearing to have warts, without actually being diseased.

[*]It's a great topic for dinner time conversation. Women generally seem to find it quite interesting. Men generally turn kind of pale.

Your a VERY SICK person.. Maybe you need a CAT SCAN or something.. :dropjaw:
I am just lost for words??? Ummm, yeah.
It seems to me that the easiest, safest, cheapest way to do this would simply be to convert to Judaism. That way the Rabbi will circumcise you...and they don't charge.....

Bruticus said:
If you have your skin bridges removed you'll gain some noticable length.

that is not true. i'm uncircumsized and i made the gains i did. it does not affect the gains, and if so only a small just have to work through it. no need to chop away at your dick.
floridabob said:
Your a VERY SICK person.. Maybe you need a CAT SCAN or something...

It wasn't me who did that shit...
I can't even clip my own toenails without cringing, let alone slice the skin off my dick and eat it.

You're right about it being SICK & TWISTED but I didn't do it
samzman said:
that is not true. i'm uncircumsized and i made the gains i did. it does not affect the gains, and if so only a small just have to work through it. no need to chop away at your dick.

You misunderstand me, I'm not talking about Penis Enlargement at all.

First off, a skin bridge is entirely different from an uncircumcised penis. It forms when the circumcision wound is still raw and the infants penis is not being cleaned properly. Portions of the shaft fuse to the still-raw glans, creating a bridge.

This can pull on the glans reducing length somewhat.

I have a meaty, half inch, clean (thank god) skin bridge at the base of my glans which is getting tighter due to Penis Enlargement. I've gained a little over a half inch and it pulls down on the glans, forcing blood out :O unless I'm completely hard.

Ideally, you'd want your skin bridge removed before starting a routine.

The next time I need an extended break (2 weeks or so) I'm going to have a DOCTOR remove it. :)
This is turning into another drama, bullshit annoying
I thought this was a great thread!!! Responses were hilarious at times.

But seriously- here's my cool skin bridge story- advocating a doctor.

Up until 23 (way before Penis Enlargement), I had a skin bridge on the right side of my kak. From circumcision ring to side of glans. I wanted it removed for cosmetic reasons (it looked like a kink in a neck).
So...I got a consultation from a Eurologist saved the $ over the summer and went in for the procedure before school started.
(note- razor blades have microscopic rough patches all over the blade as oppossed SURGICAL SCALPenis EnlargementLS!- My dick is worth saving up for- I'm sure most of us feel that way.)
Cool part- The doctor comes in w/ an older nurse and they inject me w/ like 7 shots (yeah no shit) at the base and throughout the penis (didn't hurt much).
He comes back in followed by a different nurse. A 28 yr old Latin goddess. So now my kak is the biggest I've ever seen it and just HEAVY from the anestesia fluid. It was sweet. So, the nurse, and the doc were great, my kak hung like a champ for about 6 more hours, it healed up great and (drum roll please)- I ran into the nurse at the grocery store and ended up dating her until next semester.
Moral of the story- save your money and do it right, you might even get laid before it's all over.
OnSwoll said:
I thought this was a great thread!!! Responses were hilarious at times.

But seriously- here's my cool skin bridge story- advocating a doctor.

Up until 23 (way before Penis Enlargement), I had a skin bridge on the right side of my kak. From circumcision ring to side of glans. I wanted it removed for cosmetic reasons (it looked like a kink in a neck).
So...I got a consultation from a Eurologist saved the $ over the summer and went in for the procedure before school started.
(note- razor blades have microscopic rough patches all over the blade as oppossed SURGICAL SCALPenis EnlargementLS!- My dick is worth saving up for- I'm sure most of us feel that way.)
Cool part- The doctor comes in w/ an older nurse and they inject me w/ like 7 shots (yeah no shit) at the base and throughout the penis (didn't hurt much).
He comes back in followed by a different nurse. A 28 yr old Latin goddess. So now my kak is the biggest I've ever seen it and just HEAVY from the anestesia fluid. It was sweet. So, the nurse, and the doc were great, my kak hung like a champ for about 6 more hours, it healed up great and (drum roll please)- I ran into the nurse at the grocery store and ended up dating her until next semester.
Moral of the story- save your money and do it right, you might even get laid before it's all over.

:blush: Now that's a great story! Normally having your penis cut on isn't a good thing but I guess it really worked out for you in the end.
thinking about redoing my circumcision myself. I dont have money or insurance. I was thinking of attempting to do a small circumcision on myself, just to get rid of the big piece on the side and cutting the surface of the other part where the head is tucked away, to allow more freedom in which I think it might eventually release the rest of the head maybe.

I was thinking of using a razor blade and sterilizing it in bleach and rubbing alcohol. cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol before and after with peroxide. I'm an amateur piercing artist kinda, I've piereced myself 13 times and have pierced another person before so I know a bit about this stuff.

Any ideas? thoughts? comments?

Reason: because i think the bridges is what have caused me to be so small.
Just no. You will destroy your penis if you do not work as a surgeon. It's a big chance, that you will not be able to use your penis again after this. So dangerous. Keep your foreskin instead.