Although I haven't really posted anything on the forum I've been Penis Enlargementing on and off for 3 years now. Just recently I've finally seen my first erect gains using just jelqs and basic stretching. So, now I'm thinking of trying hanging for a second time. But the first time I attempted hanging with the Wench it left small bumps all over my penis at areas of high stress. These bumps have never gone away, but stopped appearing as soon as I stopped hanging. The bumps are most likely PPP, but a very mild case. I was hoping that a vaccuum hanger might allow me to hang with minimal skin irritation. I was reading about skin irritation amongst some people using vaccuum hangers and didn't want to spend $100+ on one until I knew the extent to the irritation and how it compares to non-vaccuum hanging devices.

In my experience there is no skin irratation generated from vacuum hanging aside from fluid buildup in the tip of the glans. However, and for me particularly, this has never represented a problem, for all of the fluid buildup that I have experienced disappears in no more than 45 minutes following a hanging session. That is, in short, it has never been a problem for me. Additionally, and as you perhaps already know, there exist various methods which are, to some degree or another, successful in helping one control the extent of fluid buildup experienced while hanging.

Vacuum hanging does give you a little bit of fluid buildup which disappears a few minutes after you take the device off. The biggest problem is how your skin will peel on the head. It's not a problem at all though. I only get the skin peeling because I don't wrap my glans with sports wrap when I'm in the [words=]ADS[/words]. Otherwise you should be fine. Going with a vac hanger is also great, especially if you get and/or use either it or another vac product as an [words=]ADS[/words]. You can stretch literally 24 hours a day! Plus, when I was using a vice-style hanger, I lost a lot of sensitivity in my glans, and I got bad discoloration. A Bib Hanger is almost guaranteed to give you this, as it is a vice hanger. Plus you can only wear it 20 minutes max, whereas vacuum I can wear 2+ hours at weights under 10 lbs if I want to.
Thanks for your opinions on my issue. I'm still a little bit worried about irritation around the glans since that is where PPP is most prone to show up, but I think I'll get vacu-hanger package from Monkeybar ($89.00). I was just wondering if I'd be able to [words=]ADS[/words] with just this package.
BigTuna said:
Thanks for your opinions on my issue. I'm still a little bit worried about irritation around the glans since that is where PPP is most prone to show up, but I think I'll get vacu-hanger package from Monkeybar ($89.00). I was just wondering if I'd be able to [words=]ADS[/words] with just this package.

Im ADSing with the vacuum-hanger right now. In fact, there is a leg strap and several hooks that are included in the package that will allow you to set up an [words=]ADS[/words] system quickly.
jqsderrida said:

In my experience there is no skin irratation generated from vacuum hanging aside from fluid buildup in the tip of the glans. However, and for me particularly, this has never represented a problem, for all of the fluid buildup that I have experienced disappears in no more than 45 minutes following a hanging session. That is, in short, it has never been a problem for me. Additionally, and as you perhaps already know, there exist various methods which are, to some degree or another, successful in helping one control the extent of fluid buildup experienced while hanging.


1) Which vac product do you use?

2) What are the intervals and weights that you use?

I gather that both of these can make a bid difference in whether or not you get the dredded blisters.

I'm hoping to be able to hang for at least 1 hour straight at 5-20 lbs.
1) Which vac product do you use?
(A) - Monkeybar's vacuum-hanger. The product can be further investigated at this site:Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device
2) What are the intervals and weights that you use?
(A) - A detailed answer can be found in my routine page. Yet, typically, I try to hang three 1-hour sets per day at 10lbs a set each at the OTS angle (my lot and exit point are lot).

More in general, this is a great product that I HIGHLY recommend. As I detailed in a post above, the vacuum device can be used both as hanger and as [words=]ADS[/words] and this is a big plus. Additionally, as you may or may not know, the product package is only $89. It is certainly worth every penny.
I have been aware of monkeybar and glanced at your routine before. This just felt like the best place to ask at the moment I posted - plus to make sure it was specific to the description you gave. Thanks for confirming things for me.
BTW, PP, I command you to start hanging and to join the [words=]MoS[/words] hanging e-community. Reber and I might set up a hang-off this summer and you should certainly be a part of it.
jqsderrida said:
BTW, PP, I command you to start hanging and to join the [words=]MoS[/words] hanging e-community. Reber and I might set up a hang-off this summer and you should certainly be a part of it.

rofl Thanks bro. I'm definitely considering it. I know that I do plan to start hanging 1-1.5 hours per day - maybe 5 days per week, eventually. I have a specific plan in mind. The rest of the plan requires setting aside another 3-4 hours - per those same days :O . It's what I really want to do ... but, starting to get really busy again ... so not sure how practical the plan is yet.

I look into stretchers, wraps etc mostly right now because it is the only thing I have a really good chance at being consistant with with my curent schedule. So far, wraps is the only thing really working out - and it is not nearly as intense as I want - of course.

I will let it be known to you and our friend Reber when I start hanging, for sure. We will have a hang off - and I will, of course, win. ;)
Damn I haven't hung in over 3 weeks. After finals I'm going to jump back in and see what gains all of us can make! I've been wearing my [words=]ADS[/words] 24/7 though.
10inchadvantage said:
Damn I haven't hung in over 3 weeks. After finals I'm going to jump back in and see what gains all of us can make! I've been wearing my [words=]ADS[/words] 24/7 though.
Yeah... when this semester is over Im going to be investing a lot of time into hanging. We'll have to have that hang-off!!