Ok, here is my question. I consider myself to be a bigger than average, when erect that is. I range anywhere from 7 to a little over 7.2 nbp now cause of weight loss, but my flacid penis doesnt look like it should be what it should. I got some pics in my log in the routines section, mostly after stretching and jelq sessions and it is 5 flaccid but its not like that all the time, that gain is temporary. I have seen very minimal flacid gains since starting pe, and im a little over 4.5 flacid on a good day, but alot of the time, esp during the winter (which is now), i shrivvle down to small proportions. Now when i say small, i mean like real small. Before Penis Enlargement i shrivvled down to 3, now after the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] for a while it shrivvles down to 3.2 or 3.5, which aint bad but since i got real big, loose balls, it doesnt look good. My question is do any of you bigger erect dudes flaccids shrivvle down small like this and is there anything that can be done about it? Since starting pe, i havnt realy noticed alot of flacid gains, mostly on erect if anything, id realy like to have a bigger flaccid hang, 5 inches regularly would do me just fine, 4 shrivvled up wouldnt be so bad. I realy just want to be a good shower instead of a wait till we get to the beddroom guy. I might have created a thread like this before but if i did im sorry. Im realy sick right now and messed up on all kinds of meds so please bare with me. Thank you in advance aswell.