Too early to tell with the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words], but I was able to keep it at a pretty high pressure for 20 min. with no doughnut or blood spots. It was much more comfortable than an air pump and the pressure felt pretty uniform. There was some very minor expansion that has almost totally gone away about 20 min. after I used it. I'm going to give it another round tonight after some intense stretching. I had a feeling it was going to be this way with my unit, I have a very tough one, I can abuse the hell out of it without injury, but I think that makes me a hard gainer so it's not a good thing. I am not new to Penis Enlargement so I am pretty well conditioned, maybe that has something to do with it, it seems like those who have responded the quickest are relatively new to Penis Enlargement or pumping in general.
As for the [words=]extender[/words], some bit of numbness is inevitable, I judge more on the color. Be sure you squeeze all the blood from the head before applying, this will stave off the numbness. After an hour or so, the head starts to turn a darker color, and in some cases gets pretty numb. You don't want any prolonged numbness, so I always take it off at that point. I don't wear mine out of the house very often because it requires too much/too frequent maintenance, so it's hard to log in a ton of hours for me. I used to use my Static Stretcher medium duty a lot outside of the house because you can leave it on all day without numbness or discoloration, but the stretch is not as great as the FS. I'm not convinced it does enough to justify the inconvenience of wearing it all day, especially with my tough unit. I have worn the FS for several hours in a day (with lots of breaks) and I think it creates enough stretch to do some good when used that way. With all [words=]extenders[/words], slippage can be a problem too, just from day to day movements (sitting, standing, walking, bending, etc.) so I like to be able to make adjustments immediately, by being at home when I use them. Good luck, let me know if your [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] shows up today and how you like it.