I want to know your NBPenis EnlargementL gains, and how many months it took you...and what age you are.

I don't want to hear the gains of the moderators because I know they gained a lot.

I want to know everyone elses gains, so I can see what is the average gains.


I gained about an inch and it took me about a year to do it. Then I stopped for awhile and lost a quarter inch. Now I'm back at it. I am 32 years old.
This is a tough place to get an average as everyone has a different fat pad. Someone could gain 2 inches by doing nothing but dieting and someone could gain 2 inches and never see it because it is buried in the fat pad.
damn you fat pad you ruin everything!!!>:(..well i'm a mod so i guess i'm not included but for me it was pretty hard to gauge how much i gained and how long it took because i was so off and on with my routine through out my pe career.
gained about 0.75 inches length so far, found this site sometime in july, now its 10th august so that is pretty good gains for just a months work :) starting size was just under 6NBPenis EnlargementL now is 6.7NBPenis EnlargementL
twins172_up;348729 said:
damn you fat pad you ruin everything!!!

Look at it as an opportunity. I had gained 4" and I was only able to see 2" of it. I made a decision to lose this weight and it was my desire to expose the gains I made that drove me.
newbie09;348797 said:
npbel says almost nothing about gains. i don't even measure it. bpel to know whether i gain or not is enough :)

So true and I think many guys get hung up on NBPenis Enlargement. BP is the only way to measure gains.
doublelongdaddy;348820 said:
So true and I think many guys get hung up on NBPenis Enlargement. BP is the only way to measure gains.

I totally agree...
My NBPenis EnlargementL is fairly simiar to when I started maybe like 0.3cm bigger.., but my BPenis EnlargementL has gone up about 1cm in 2 weeks (unofficially)

I spose BPenis EnlargementL is easier to be consistant with.. I havent changed body shape to expain a cm gain anyway..
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doublelongdaddy;348820 said:
So true and I think many guys get hung up on NBPenis Enlargement. BP is the only way to measure gains.

it is. all the nbpel fanatics say it's about sexually usable length, but after 7'' npbel you don't need that value anyway, because that should be hitting every uterus wall.
gained over 1/2" BPenis EnlargementL and ~1/4" EG, i'm about 3/4" up in flaccid stretch I've been doing Penis Enlargement for about 6 weeks and for the past couple have been using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]length master[/words] for the vast majority of my length work. I'm 23 and don't have too much of a fat pad

edit: been doing Penis Enlargement 3-4 days a week
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doublelongdaddy;348820 said:
So true and I think many guys get hung up on NBPenis Enlargement. BP is the only way to measure gains.

Glad I read that. I was wondering about that very thing.

It seems to me, even as a noob, that the two are rather independent. I hope to get my fat pad down to a minimal level through my fitness program, but "core" penis length is unaffected by that.

I guess that means I have two reasons to expect "visible" gains: True Penis Enlargement related gains, and fat pad reduction "apparent" gains. Its all good, baby!
Hey guys.

DLD, and any other guys who have good penile knowledge:

I haven't got much of a fat pad at all. from the side, if i measure my penis, it is 0.8'' bigger (at what seems like the bottom of the fat pad)

But the difference between my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL is small, it is 0.3''

I am 18, so I will start in around 6 months and see how much length I get with a small fat pad and a young age.

Then I will do it when i am about 22. then before I get married (around 26) (im gonna be a virgin until marriage).

Would that be dangerous? Would I be unsuccessful if I do it at these different ages?

I really want to be 7'' NBPenis EnlargementL.

So does that mean that barely anyone gains anything NBPenis EnlargementL?


And one last question, im 6.5'' BPenis EnlargementL and 5'' girth, has any men with the same/similar size penis been called small by a female before? or felt like they are penetrating a vagina as if they are a bucket going into a big well?

brianfighter75;349027 said:
Hey guys.

DLD, and any other guys who have good penile knowledge:

I haven't got much of a fat pad at all. from the side, if i measure my penis, it is 0.8'' bigger (at what seems like the bottom of the fat pad)

But the difference between my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL is small, it is 0.3''

I am 18, so I will start in around 6 months and see how much length I get with a small fat pad and a young age.

Then I will do it when i am about 22. then before I get married (around 26) (im gonna be a virgin until marriage).

Would that be dangerous? Would I be unsuccessful if I do it at these different ages?

I really want to be 7'' NBPenis EnlargementL.

So does that mean that barely anyone gains anything NBPenis EnlargementL?


And one last question, im 6.5'' BPenis EnlargementL and 5'' girth, has any men with the same/similar size penis been called small by a female before? or felt like they are penetrating a vagina as if they are a bucket going into a big well?


how you doin brianfighter, and welcome to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]! you can start Penis Enlargement at whatever age that you would like. theres guys on here that have started Penis Enlargement in thiers 40's and some in thier 60's and they have gained from it. in my opinion, i guess its easier to determine gain in BP instead of NBPenis EnlargementL, because youll never know if your fat pad might slightly increase or decrease. so if its always measured BPenis EnlargementL youll always know if you gained, no matter how big or small your fatpad is.

i know you only asked your last question to guys with 6.5" and 5" girth, but 6.5" in length is above average. the avergae penis size is 5" erect. also 5" girth is average its not small. im sure someone else will be able to answer this question better.

goodluck on your Penis Enlargement journey.
brianfighter75;349027 said:
Hey guys.

DLD, and any other guys who have good penile knowledge:

I haven't got much of a fat pad at all. from the side, if i measure my penis, it is 0.8'' bigger (at what seems like the bottom of the fat pad)

But the difference between my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL is small, it is 0.3''

I am 18, so I will start in around 6 months and see how much length I get with a small fat pad and a young age.

Then I will do it when i am about 22. then before I get married (around 26) (im gonna be a virgin until marriage).

Would that be dangerous? Would I be unsuccessful if I do it at these different ages?

I really want to be 7'' NBPenis EnlargementL.

So does that mean that barely anyone gains anything NBPenis EnlargementL?


And one last question, im 6.5'' BPenis EnlargementL and 5'' girth, has any men with the same/similar size penis been called small by a female before? or felt like they are penetrating a vagina as if they are a bucket going into a big well?


brian, i can only speak for myself, but my start size was 6.5" BPenis EnlargementL, and is now ~7.25" NON-BPenis EnlargementL, so yeah, i think your goal is more than doable. for me , my fat pad has gotten smaller as well as my penis longer, i think this naturally happens as you start moving things around down there with Penis Enlargement, so you should be good, probably better than you plan!

and NO, i have never had any females complain about my start size, in fact, i would hit pretty much all there cervix' with just a slight tilt up of there pelvis, which i LOVED, but most said it hurt them.:s good luck man!
I can now proudly say that my fat pad has decreased significantly. I dropped from 220 down to 180 and I'm showing 6.25" NBPenis EnlargementL at 180 compared to 5.5" NBPenis EnlargementL at 220. Hopefully I'll lose even more weight and get down to 160-165.
I have gained a little over half an inch in NBPenis EnlargementL since starting Penis Enlargement back in 2008. DLD is right BPenis EnlargementL is a more accurate way to measure for consistency but when it comes down to bragging rights only your NBPenis EnlargementL should be used. If you meet a pretty girl at a bar, take her home and she ask you how big is your dick, it's proprably smarter to tell her your NBPenis EnlargementL. If you have a BPenis EnlargementL of 8 inches and 2 inches is hidden away in your fat pad how are you going to explain to the girl why your so called 8 inches looks and feels like the standard 6 incher that she has probrably incountered many times before.
kingsnake;351614 said:
I have gained a little over half an inch in NBPenis EnlargementL since starting Penis Enlargement back in 2008. DLD is right BPenis EnlargementL is a more accurate way to measure for consistency but when it comes down to bragging rights only your NBPenis EnlargementL should be used. If you meet a pretty girl at a bar, take her home and she ask you how big is your dick, it's proprably smarter to tell her your NBPenis EnlargementL. If you have a BPenis EnlargementL of 8 inches and 2 inches is hidden away in your fat pad how are you going to explain to the girl why your so called 8 inches looks and feels like the standard 6 incher that she has probrably incountered many times before.

Or you could explain Penis Enlargement and all it's wonderful measurement and tell her you ELBPGHSYTSYRS size:)
doublelongdaddy;351638 said:
Or you could explain Penis Enlargement and all it's wonderful measurement and tell her you ELBPGHSYTSYRS size:)

Hydromaxmm....but the real measuring is based on NBPenis EnlargementL no BPenis EnlargementL...to be real...BPenis EnlargementL is our measuring to think oooooo i am big yes...8,9 inches yeeeahhh...but if u see 9 inches NBPenis EnlargementL there is smt....smt big....Does average studies of penis size is made of NBPenis EnlargementL or BPenis EnlargementL measure...????
Dld how much do u gain NBPenis EnlargementL?
i have gained(still now)1 inch NBPenis EnlargementL and 1 inch BPenis EnlargementL....
Hi_I_AM_neW19;351665 said:
Hydromaxmm....but the real measuring is based on NBPenis EnlargementL no BPenis EnlargementL...to be real...BPenis EnlargementL is our measuring to think oooooo i am big yes...8,9 inches yeeeahhh...but if u see 9 inches NBPenis EnlargementL there is smt....smt big....Does average studies of penis size is made of NBPenis EnlargementL or BPenis EnlargementL measure...????
Dld how much do u gain NBPenis EnlargementL?
i have gained(still now)1 inch NBPenis EnlargementL and 1 inch BPenis EnlargementL....

normally bpfsl
Surely if you gain on BPenis EnlargementL you gain on NBPenis EnlargementL too?

Therefore your gain is the same. If you started at BPenis EnlargementL 6" and you had a fat pad of 0.5 leaving you with NBPenis EnlargementL of 5.5' and gained an inch, you gained an inch. You're now 7 inches with a fat pad of 0.5. So your NBPenis EnlargementL is 6.5.

Am i wrong?
Yes,but your penis starts from your asshole if u look that way...I was looking some video where girls measure guy's cock and one of the girls measure guy's dick and says "here is 6"" and he says no no 6'5 you know....What we would say?No i am not 6" i am 8' bpel???????I know that sucks but is the way it is.
I ate a big dinner, my NBPenis EnlargementL is 9.5
Will my penis size start to retract if I stop for a couple of months? (a rookie question).
I think either way, I might tell the girl that I am 7.25 even though now I am 6.7''...I'm sure she'll believe me...although my NBPenis EnlargementL is about 6.3''

I reckon that BPenis EnlargementL GAINS = 2x greater than NBPenis EnlargementL gains but I won't know.

I gained 0.2'' by just doing erect-wanking-jelqs from the bottom of my penis...like i dug right into the fat pad and i followed through to the start of the penis head.

I am going to start the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] after researching it properly on this site tonight. I just wish I don't retract. If i do, maybe I should get onto the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words].

i dont really know what to do after the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words].
I really wanna gain LENGTH, then girth. I know girth is pleasurable but first I want to look visually stimulating.
Hi_I_AM_neW19;352040 said:
fact!with Penis Enlargement you increase NBPenis EnlargementL and BPenis EnlargementL!finish.:D

As you gain in any area of Penis Enlargement all other areas increase too. Size gains are relative to the entire picture.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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