Hey guys.
DLD, and any other guys who have good penile knowledge:
I haven't got much of a fat pad at all. from the side, if i measure my penis, it is 0.8'' bigger (at what seems like the bottom of the fat pad)
But the difference between my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL is small, it is 0.3''
I am 18, so I will start in around 6 months and see how much length I get with a small fat pad and a young age.
Then I will do it when i am about 22. then before I get married (around 26) (im gonna be a virgin until marriage).
Would that be dangerous? Would I be unsuccessful if I do it at these different ages?
I really want to be 7'' NBPenis EnlargementL.
So does that mean that barely anyone gains anything NBPenis EnlargementL?
And one last question, im 6.5'' BPenis EnlargementL and 5'' girth, has any men with the same/similar size penis been called small by a female before? or felt like they are penetrating a vagina as if they are a bucket going into a big well?