Title: AQAL Penis Enlargement & T.E.A – An integral perspective PART 1
Author: Benefit
Date: 09/04/08
This article seeks to define, and better understand Natural Penis Enlargement through Ken Wilber’s AQAL Model. AQAL is simply a map that encourages to look at the world through a wider perspective. When looking at a subject area/concept/idea through AQAL eyes, we often find things that we missed before. In addition to integrating new ideas and thoughts, AQAL as a tool can assist us in drawing a synthesis from our many ideas.
In the future, I will include levels, lines & states in a following synthesis of the model and its applications to Penis Enlargement – but for this attempt I will simply view Penis Enlargement through the four quadrants, touching on the other AQAL elements only where necessary. In addition I will be analyzing/defining a Penis Enlargement workout and Penis Enlargement progress to gains, through the T.E.A. model from NLP.
It is my hope that a synthesis of this sort will aid Penis Enlargement Practitioners at all levels (newbie to advanced) in touching each quadrant of the Kosmos. This will ensure that we do not miss out any opportunities for growth. Beginners will be able to ensure that the foundations are properly laid – so that the platform for growth is as solid as possible. Advanced users will benefit from looking back and analyzing the systems that they are using, in pursuit of perfection, as well as looking forward to their goals and visions through eyes that see much more than they did yesterday.
Once we have amassed our knowledge; synthesis becomes the key to finding a solution that work.
This article will provide the practitioner with a framework for participating in Integral Penis Enlargement. The benefits will prove to be incredible. Many tools will be offered – and I consider this journey to be a work in progress.
Additionally I hope to turn the reader’s attention to the dynamics of the T.E.A model and its implications for Penis Enlargement. This model derives from only quadrant of the AQAL map. Because Penis Enlargement is for the most part such a personal project, I consider this quadrant to be crucially important for success.
Consider that the missing link between you and the desired penis state that (size, feeling, attitude) you have wanted could be one quadrant away – or more precisely, one upgrade away. You may simply be missing one element; I don’t purport to have the answer to which element that may be for you – I am on a path too, but I will attempt to describe new areas for you to look at and explore. Down one of these paths I am certain that you will find your solution – you will create the reality that you desire.
I hope to promote fresh thinking and encourage individuals to take a look at their own program and perhaps life through Integral eyes. I will be looking as well.
This is for the eggheads. This is for the pragmatic. This is for the in-between.
Lets get started.
Extremely brief History of AQAL:
A researcher named Ken Wilber locked himself up for 3 years with 200 legal pads full of diagrams, concepts, maps & theories. His starting point was ‘How can there be so many different ways of viewing the world which contradict each other – yet all work effectively in their own right?’ His conclusion = they are all true and partial. With this insight he created a construct, which has place for every map of reality, and recognizes each map as true and partial. What he arrived at was AQAL – all quadrants, all levels, all lines, and all states. As I stated in the synopsis my focus will primarily be on the Quadrants.
I’m going to keep this AS SIMPLE as possible. There is so much more that can be said, and it is my hope that greater thinkers will say it. My purpose is practical. I want people to start using the model – then conceptualize later about how it works.
At their rudimentary level the quadrants are the individual and the collective – and the corresponding interior and exterior of both.
The interior and exterior of the I, and the interior and exterior of the We. Individual: Collective, I: We, Inside: Outside.
I = Interior (the interior of the individual; feelings, thoughts, moods)
I = Exterior (Objects – Things we describe in ‘it’ language: car, boat, penis)
We = Interior (Cultural – Shared Meaning)
We = Exterior (Social – Functional Fit)
Let me explain it a different way:
Everything has an inside and an outside. And there are 2 quadrants to each side – an individual, and a collective. Lets use a human brain in action deciding to go for a walk.
The ‘I’ exterior (what we can see and touch) – the physical brain – fires neurons that translate to the thought ‘Go for a walk’. The neurons can be seen and measured and that is why are they the Exterior of the Individual. The thought ‘go for a walk’ itself cannot be seen. Therefore it is the interior of the individual or the ‘I’ Interior.
The thought ‘go for a walk’ itself rises from culture. In the cases of the wolf boy, it has been documented that language does not develop without the need to communicate with others. Language develops out of culture. Therefore the thought ‘go for a walk’ arises from a pool of culture - The Exterior of the We. The exterior of culture is what we can see and touch from culture – we can clearly see people around us walking, using this idea, we see in human history that people have been walking for many years.
The exterior of the ‘we’ shapes our thoughts so that we achieve a functional fit into society. Without this influence, when we went for our walk, we would walk into someone rather than moving out of the way when our paths were colliding. Humans share physical space and this quadrant is concerned with how it objectively fits together.
This fit cannot be achieved without sharing intersubjective space with others. IE: If you and me are going to walk together we are going to have to fit more than just our bodies together in the same space – we have to fit our minds together. We have to find mutual understanding. We need to understand and move out of the way for each other – this quadrant is concerned with respect and recognition of others.
Consider that without this intersubjective space, individual subjective identities could not exist, and without which objective realities could not be perceived.
HUMAN BRAIN – Thought and Action of Going for a walk
‘I’ Interior
‘I’ Exterior
Brain Stem
‘We’ Interior
How can I go for a walk while respecting other individuals?
Should I smile at people when I see them?
Should I move out of the way and let faster people go by?
‘We’ Exterior
Walking where?
Will there be many people walking?
How will I fit myself on the path?
Is it a running track I am walking on?
Will I be sharing the path with cyclists? How can I walk so that we don’t hit each other?
Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense fully; just be aware that there are 4 sides to everything. There are 4 quadrants of the Kosmos. An integral approach acknowledges all four.
For the purposes of this essay – no other knowledge is required. I strongly encourage you to pick up one of his books and familiarize yourself with the models – they are life changing. Start with ‘A Brief history of everything’ by Ken Wilber. Or go to Kenwilber.com and read some articles.
Now lets take our simple example of going for a walk and turn it into doing a Penis Enlargement workout
Penis Enlargement Session
‘I’ Interior
‘Is my cock big enough’
‘I want to be bigger’
‘I don’t want to be small’
‘I want to have better sex’
‘I have to Penis Enlargement’
‘Its time for my workout’
‘I have to do these things to grow’
‘We’ Interior
‘What if my partner catches me?
’‘I don’t want my partner to see me watching adult entertainment and trying to make my cock bigger’
‘What if my parents see me doing this’
‘What if someone sees my internet history’
‘What if I don’t gain and let my misses down’
‘What if I don’t gain and let everyone else down (by not reaching potential etc)
‘How can I make some gains my allies will be proud off?
‘I’ Exterior
How long?
How Hard?
How many exercises?
What intensity?
How Often?
‘We’ Exterior
How can I fit this in with my other priorities?
How can I do Penis Enlargement when I have no time to do it
How can I do Penis Enlargement when I am tired?
How can I ensure that Penis Enlargement doesn’t ruin my relationships
How can I prevent Penis Enlargement from taking over my life and friendships?
How can I let others know that I would rather pull my cock and make it bigger then spend time with them doing other stuff
NB: This is not exhaustive. This is just an example of what I will (with your help) be developing as a tool for Penis Enlargement Practitioners.
This is all I am trying to present. I am trying to show Penis Enlargement through the four quadrants. There it is. I argue that one side, or perhaps several, or elements from each are the roadblock to any individuals and our collective success.
Is it the interior of the ‘I’ that is holding you back. Is it your thoughts? Is it your doubt? Are you worrying yourself too much? Are you mentally setting yourself up for failure or success with certain types of thinking? What kinds of thoughts run through your head about your penis and about Penis Enlargement? Are you skeptical?
Is it the exterior of the ‘I’ that is holding you back? Are you lazy? Do you do minimum work? Do you not take rest days? Do you rush your workouts? Do you injure yourself too often? Too much time off? Easy exercises? Do you breathe? Do you eat properly?
Is it the interior of the ‘We’? Are you placing too much emphasis on other peoples feelings, and how they feel about your Penis Enlargement? Are you not placing enough? Are you trying too hard to make other people feel comfortable by compromising how you know you should be doing your Penis Enlargement? Are you not stretching after you pee because you are in the urinal and you don’t want to be judged?
Is it the exterior of the ‘We’? Do you simply not exercise when your friends or girlfriend come to visit? Do you have short workouts when you have errands to run for other people? Is there a private place for you where your Penis Enlargement wont interfere with anyone else who needs the space or the computer?
One of these quadrants holds the key to your success.
We will journey together in an attempt to find it.
So lets look at a few brief examples of tools that we can use to upgrade each of the quadrants. Everyone is on their own path - what I present are simply ideas. Please think.
The list of tools I will present are ‘skinny’. They are just food for thought. It will take many months to gather all the tools available out there and create the final synthesis. This WILL HAPPenis EnlargementN.
THIS IS CRUCIAIL. Everyone is unique. We all have certain strengths. Some people are incredibility tough minded – and with medium technique and above average belief are able to create incredible gains. This is where Lines, States & Levels come in. We will explore these at a later date. Keep that in mind as you move through the map – there is a combination of factors that will create the outcome you desire – be intuitive, be resourceful, find yourself – face your challenges, and walk forward. What worked for him may or may not work for you. These are just ideas.
Extremely Non-Exhaustive List of Tools for Quadrant Development
‘I’ Interior
Positive Thinking
Shadow Integration
Emotional Control
‘I’ Exterior
New Workout
Rest Time (set & workout)
Penis Enlargement environment
‘We’ Interior
Finding evidence that supports a more powerful worldview
Reading about Arabic culture and methods
Talking to people that think as you think
Reading articles from those that share your views
Contemplating regularly the individuals who have made incredible gains
Removing yourself from doubters
Keeping your partner from getting disturbed or disconnected
Writing your own thoughts about how NPenis Enlargement works and how to get the best out of it, and sharing it with others
‘We’ Exterior
Penis Enlargement TeamsBuilding
Handling Relationships
Self: Other Diagnostic/Repair Tools
Boundary Setting
Finding a way to Penis Enlargement at work
Penis Enlargement routine for when people visit (extra kegels + toilet stretching?)
NB: This is not exhaustive. This is just an example of what I will (with your help) be developing as a tool for Penis Enlargement Practitioners.
What I will do now is offer a very brief description of each quadrant and why it is so important. In addition I will offer an example of how additional growth can be achieved through its development.
Lets look at the Interior of the Individual.
This quadrant is important because your thoughts guide your actions. Your thoughts create your feelings. With proper aligned thoughts to outcomes, powerful action is more consistently taken.
We can begin with ‘belief structure’ and ‘creating a new map’. How I propose individuals can do this – is to simply slide their existing maps to the side and ‘bring live’ a new map that includes the types of beliefs that will support them in the outcome that they are pursuing. Some individuals do not need new maps – their inner state is at peace and they are primed for growth. They should look to another quadrant for ideas.
We need a new map that is not tainted by culture, or existing belief patterns, or limited to assumptions. An example of how this is done is DLD taking the view that most guys with large cocks are large because they have used Penis Enlargement. This is contrary to the existing map of reality that most of us carry ‘He is blessed genetically and I am not’.
Consider that assumptions limit solutions. If my assumption (arising out of the map that I filter experience) is that guys who have big cocks are blessed – then logic will deduce as follows:
I don’t have a big cock – I must not be blessed –
Size = genetics
If size = genetics and I don’t have size –
I must not have genetics –
Therefore I cannot possibly make it longer because my genetics won’t permit. ASSUMPTIONS LIMIT SOLUTIONS
Back to DLD’s map briefly; DLD is not lying to himself, whether consciously or not – he made a decision that the existing beliefs and paradigms of penis enlargement and the penis topic in general would not be effective in supporting him in reaching his goal.
He created a new map –
When you read his philosophy of Penis Enlargement it is built on a few basic assumptions that he has created for himself – his own map – all he had to do was slide the other maps to the side and start living from this one. When I say ‘all he had to do’ I do not mean that it was easy. He admits that it was difficult. It is. But there are hundreds of great tools out there to affect this change.
The final answer to whether or not most guys have big cocks because of genetics, or Penis Enlargement, or luck, or a mixture of all is not really important to DLD. What is important is how powerfully his ideas or conclusions are empowering his actions or not. This idea that guys with big dicks use Penis Enlargement – supports his idea that Penis Enlargement works. It supports his worldview.
What I believe (which map I choose to view my reality through) will largely determine the results that I produce, so if I want to create different results, I am sometimes required to use a different map; if no maps exist that are comprehensive enough to aid me in my goal – then I am required to create a new one – that makes all of the existing models obsolete.
What is important to remember is that the conclusions that we make can severely limit the problems that we produce – and therefore the solutions (results-outcomes)
By saying that I want a bigger cock, I create the problem for myself of building a bigger cock. The answers that I give myself to questions such as ‘is it possible, how long will it take, can anyone do it, can I do it?’ will impact upon the action that I take – and as a consequence, my results.
Taking the ‘most guys have large cocks because of Penis Enlargement example’ further – if this is a view that I choose to espouse, what happens?
I start looking for evidence to support my conclusion – every time I see adult entertainment I think about how much Penis Enlargement the guys in the video did – when I hear about someone having a huge cock – I think he is a few months of Penis Enlargement ahead of me, when I reflect on my experience and the path that I am walking – I feel really good – the whole big dick community has been secretly benefiting from Penis Enlargement and now it is my turn to reap the benefits.
Compare that to the idea that ‘most guys have large cocks genetically, and Penis Enlargement only works for some people’.
Again I find evidence to support my conclusion – I start reading threads on the forum board about members who have not gained, I doubt whether Penis Enlargement is possible, I doubt my genetic capability.
My belief will aid me in creating my reality, for the better, and for the worse. The mind is responsible for leading the body. Thought – Action.
Further examples of why it is so important to touch this quadrant can be found on any Penis Enlargement forum. Example: Without proper belief structure you may give up – you may not be able to elevate your performance to the required level – you may not be able to produce the results, your doubt produces cortisol, your doubting thoughts limit your actions etc.
I encourage you to stop and take a think about some of the beliefs that you hold about Penis Enlargement, yourself, and the universe and how they may be limiting the solutions that you apply EG instead of ‘If I stretch too hard I might hurt myself’ try ‘If I stretch hard enough I will build a big powerful cock!’
Warning: Visualization alone will likely not give you the results that you desire. For most people it will take physical work (why some people are able to do less and gain more, will become clearer in the next section of this article that deals with levels, lines and states)
For now – consider it your responsibility to create the optimum internal conditions for growth.
Moving now the exterior of the individual
Science places mind as a function of the brain-, which is a part of the mind-body. The material sciences do not have place for ‘positive thinking’ and ‘beliefs create reality’. Through the eyes of science, material processes – not mental processes and states, create reality
Looking at Penis Enlargement through a scientific map (objective reality) exclusively would possibly lead you to conclude that it is not possible – which is one of the reasons why it is still not in the mainstream movement. I do not mean ‘not possible’ because others have said it is not – I mean not possible because it is not a muscle. It appears to lack scientific evidence but more importantly to the skeptics – it lacks credibility.
This quadrant encourages us to look simply at the material factors at play. Things we can see and touch. For example: our diets, our exercises, our intensity, how often we rest, the pressure we apply, how much protein we are consuming etc.
This is the realm of the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words], the hangers, and advanced Penis Enlargement exercises, the clamping & the ballooning. This is the quadrant that has received the most attention from practitioners. This is simply because the rational objective view of the world has been dominant for so long. We see matter and try to mould it like clay.
We forget that there are other quadrants to touch. We don’t consider which level, line, or state we are in. We rush ahead without thinking. We attempt to apply a universal remedy to the problem of ‘How can I build a bigger cock’. Not everyone will gain from a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. Just because he gained an inch from a routine – does not guarantee you an inch gain. Even if you follow everything that he did down the letter – you are not him – you have to find your own combination.
Hundreds of objective factors might be in the way –diet, water consumption, the form might be wrong.
Factors from any one of the other quadrants can also be in the way.
But lets forget that for a second.
This quadrant is vital. Getting the right objective bits moving around in the correct way is certainly one of the keys to tremendous gains. One small system upgrade to your exercise routine can break the growth barrier for you.
There is a danger with over glorifying this quadrant. Some individuals with horrible interiors (thoughts, emotions), wander why they don’t gain when they simply keep jumping from one routine to the next in search of the perfect objective exercise set. Guys! This is not everything! If you’ve been working your ass off doing all the right things for a long time, and you have got nowhere. Step back and look at the other quadrants.
Moving down to using a systems theory map of the world- we are required to look outside of ourselves and see the connections – patterns- and links – that weave our pursuit together.
Who will be involved? How will I get them involved?
Who can I share my experience with? How often?
Who can I learn from? How can I make time for this learning?
How do the elements of my system fit together to make a cohesive whole – rather then a heap?
How do I keep my eye on the overall picture – and remain aware of the elements that exercise the most control – and use them to my advantage?
How does my training fit around my friends and family? Will they be away when I work out?
How does my building a bigger dick affect the woman in my life? Will it physically fit?
Systems theory encourages us to explore ecology – the consequences on the wider system. By asking the question ‘What else happens when I take up this pursuit and activity?’
I argue that some people are not growing because they have not taken full responsibility for this quadrant.
They stop exercising when people come to visit. When they are going on holiday they don’t make plans, when they are required to put in extra time with helping the kids with their homework or whatever it is.
Somewhere along the line, the self/other objective balance has not been achieved. If Penis Enlargement is a high enough value on someone’s list to be taken seriously and pursued with commitment – external pressures cannot be allowed to prevent workouts and impair growth.
Fitting this system in place can be as simple as saying to your partner
‘Between 6-7 every morning I am going to do this, I need the computer, some privacy and quite’ OR changing your working hours around etc.
This quadrant is vital for long term Penis Enlargement success. What happens when you get a new partner that doesn’t know about your Penis Enlargement? If you don’t learn how to understand this quadrant and think about its implications in your life – you miss out on important advantages that you could potentially stack in your favour.
Neglect of this quadrant can also destroy relationships - cause Penis Enlargement to negatively impact on work, health and other values in your life.
Collective: Interior
When we look at culture – it is important to acknowledge its powerful function – without being defined by its conclusions to date. The majority of our culture has touted penis surgery as the only effective means of Penis Enlargement, and denied that exercise, pills, patches etc work.
The market for Penis Enlargement products is definitely saturated and it is difficult to know whom to trust. The culture is one of mistrust – men have been scammed before. The problem is that the culture we live in prizes the rational scientific – what we can see – the giant thick cock.
The cock as a symbol of masculinity and power – for a lot of woman the interior-individual is reduced to a function of how big the cock is – if the cock is good – the man is good. Esteem is measured by penis size and the ability to fuck like a stud. adult entertainment does not help the situation as most men in porno have objectively large dicks. Men grow up watching this adult entertainment – and even at a conscious level they grasp that the dicks in porno are huge – the subconscious mind compares and lesions slowly form over time.
Culture has placed a large burden of shame on the man who has a small penis. A small penis is almost viewed as a birth defect – a disease of sorts. I would argue that creating a bigger penis is so difficult – largely as a result of cultural context.
Culture has taught us that ‘be happy with your size = you can’t change it’ ‘exercise doesn’t work’ ‘the only way out if surgery – but that will only get you an inch, cost you thousands, and might impair your penile function for life’. On top of all this we are told ‘having a small dick is not ok’ ‘woman don’t like small dicks’ ‘a big dick is the sign of a powerful man’ ‘a big dick can satisfy a woman properly’ etc etc… is it any wonder that guys who look down at there dicks and aren’t clearly over the 6 inch mark think they are small???? Is it any wander that guys with 8 inch dicks start Penis Enlargement!!!!???
I would argue not. In the worldview that the majority of the western world espouses size is more important that quality.
The bigger the better – big guns, big tits, big lips, big bums, big rims and tires, big stereos, big mac’s UPSIZED, big balls, big mouth, big house, big boat, big fridge - GASP – long tongue, long fingers, long hours, long days etc etc… Is the west’s fascination with size becoming more apparent now? It is only natural – that the symbol of masculine power be sized up as well. Instead of blaming culture – lets work with.
In summary = our assumptions limit our solutions.
If we assume that Penis Enlargement cannot be done – then our solution is to tell our children to be happy with their size
If we assume that girls prefer guys with big dicks, we are small, and can’t change our size = our solution is nothing; except for shame, guilt, feeling small and like a coward – basically punishing ourselves because we are ‘not good’ – having a small penis by itself cannot give you insecurities – although if you are raised in a culture that glorifies the large penis and laughs at the small one – and places such a large emphasis and value on a large thick cock – and also offers you no solutions to the problem of having a small one –
The conclusion that you will make is that ‘you are not lucky, you are not good enough, or big enough?’ If you here this often enough and internalize it, it is part of you, and until you break the cycle, you are trapped.
How can we reverse the functions of culture?
By creating a new map. At Matter of Size there is a team concept where a group of individuals all committed to the aim of increased penis size post their goals and lean on each other for support and motivation.
By seeing that there are 5 other people just as hungry as you, working just as powerfully as you, believing in the same thing that you do – you yourself are inspired. You tap into the power of collective reality.
This is a very simple example, but it serves the purpose.
We have touched the four quadrants and seen how the neglect of any can be detrimental to gains. We have explored some tools that are available to practitioners for each of the quadrants. We have journeyed together in pursuit of better tools. If you are not growing simply ask yourself ‘which quadrant have I not been acknowledging?’ then take corrective action.
Self-diagnosis will become simpler when I introduce levels/lines & states. For now, keep in mind that there are four distinct sides that you may need to touch before your growth takes off.
Happy Penis Enlargement!
Author: Benefit
Date: 09/04/08
This article seeks to define, and better understand Natural Penis Enlargement through Ken Wilber’s AQAL Model. AQAL is simply a map that encourages to look at the world through a wider perspective. When looking at a subject area/concept/idea through AQAL eyes, we often find things that we missed before. In addition to integrating new ideas and thoughts, AQAL as a tool can assist us in drawing a synthesis from our many ideas.
In the future, I will include levels, lines & states in a following synthesis of the model and its applications to Penis Enlargement – but for this attempt I will simply view Penis Enlargement through the four quadrants, touching on the other AQAL elements only where necessary. In addition I will be analyzing/defining a Penis Enlargement workout and Penis Enlargement progress to gains, through the T.E.A. model from NLP.
It is my hope that a synthesis of this sort will aid Penis Enlargement Practitioners at all levels (newbie to advanced) in touching each quadrant of the Kosmos. This will ensure that we do not miss out any opportunities for growth. Beginners will be able to ensure that the foundations are properly laid – so that the platform for growth is as solid as possible. Advanced users will benefit from looking back and analyzing the systems that they are using, in pursuit of perfection, as well as looking forward to their goals and visions through eyes that see much more than they did yesterday.
Once we have amassed our knowledge; synthesis becomes the key to finding a solution that work.
This article will provide the practitioner with a framework for participating in Integral Penis Enlargement. The benefits will prove to be incredible. Many tools will be offered – and I consider this journey to be a work in progress.
Additionally I hope to turn the reader’s attention to the dynamics of the T.E.A model and its implications for Penis Enlargement. This model derives from only quadrant of the AQAL map. Because Penis Enlargement is for the most part such a personal project, I consider this quadrant to be crucially important for success.
Consider that the missing link between you and the desired penis state that (size, feeling, attitude) you have wanted could be one quadrant away – or more precisely, one upgrade away. You may simply be missing one element; I don’t purport to have the answer to which element that may be for you – I am on a path too, but I will attempt to describe new areas for you to look at and explore. Down one of these paths I am certain that you will find your solution – you will create the reality that you desire.
I hope to promote fresh thinking and encourage individuals to take a look at their own program and perhaps life through Integral eyes. I will be looking as well.
This is for the eggheads. This is for the pragmatic. This is for the in-between.
Lets get started.
Extremely brief History of AQAL:
A researcher named Ken Wilber locked himself up for 3 years with 200 legal pads full of diagrams, concepts, maps & theories. His starting point was ‘How can there be so many different ways of viewing the world which contradict each other – yet all work effectively in their own right?’ His conclusion = they are all true and partial. With this insight he created a construct, which has place for every map of reality, and recognizes each map as true and partial. What he arrived at was AQAL – all quadrants, all levels, all lines, and all states. As I stated in the synopsis my focus will primarily be on the Quadrants.
I’m going to keep this AS SIMPLE as possible. There is so much more that can be said, and it is my hope that greater thinkers will say it. My purpose is practical. I want people to start using the model – then conceptualize later about how it works.
At their rudimentary level the quadrants are the individual and the collective – and the corresponding interior and exterior of both.
The interior and exterior of the I, and the interior and exterior of the We. Individual: Collective, I: We, Inside: Outside.
I = Interior (the interior of the individual; feelings, thoughts, moods)
I = Exterior (Objects – Things we describe in ‘it’ language: car, boat, penis)
We = Interior (Cultural – Shared Meaning)
We = Exterior (Social – Functional Fit)
Let me explain it a different way:
Everything has an inside and an outside. And there are 2 quadrants to each side – an individual, and a collective. Lets use a human brain in action deciding to go for a walk.
The ‘I’ exterior (what we can see and touch) – the physical brain – fires neurons that translate to the thought ‘Go for a walk’. The neurons can be seen and measured and that is why are they the Exterior of the Individual. The thought ‘go for a walk’ itself cannot be seen. Therefore it is the interior of the individual or the ‘I’ Interior.
The thought ‘go for a walk’ itself rises from culture. In the cases of the wolf boy, it has been documented that language does not develop without the need to communicate with others. Language develops out of culture. Therefore the thought ‘go for a walk’ arises from a pool of culture - The Exterior of the We. The exterior of culture is what we can see and touch from culture – we can clearly see people around us walking, using this idea, we see in human history that people have been walking for many years.
The exterior of the ‘we’ shapes our thoughts so that we achieve a functional fit into society. Without this influence, when we went for our walk, we would walk into someone rather than moving out of the way when our paths were colliding. Humans share physical space and this quadrant is concerned with how it objectively fits together.
This fit cannot be achieved without sharing intersubjective space with others. IE: If you and me are going to walk together we are going to have to fit more than just our bodies together in the same space – we have to fit our minds together. We have to find mutual understanding. We need to understand and move out of the way for each other – this quadrant is concerned with respect and recognition of others.
Consider that without this intersubjective space, individual subjective identities could not exist, and without which objective realities could not be perceived.
HUMAN BRAIN – Thought and Action of Going for a walk
‘I’ Interior
‘I’ Exterior
Brain Stem
‘We’ Interior
How can I go for a walk while respecting other individuals?
Should I smile at people when I see them?
Should I move out of the way and let faster people go by?
‘We’ Exterior
Walking where?
Will there be many people walking?
How will I fit myself on the path?
Is it a running track I am walking on?
Will I be sharing the path with cyclists? How can I walk so that we don’t hit each other?
Don’t worry if this doesn’t make sense fully; just be aware that there are 4 sides to everything. There are 4 quadrants of the Kosmos. An integral approach acknowledges all four.
For the purposes of this essay – no other knowledge is required. I strongly encourage you to pick up one of his books and familiarize yourself with the models – they are life changing. Start with ‘A Brief history of everything’ by Ken Wilber. Or go to Kenwilber.com and read some articles.
Now lets take our simple example of going for a walk and turn it into doing a Penis Enlargement workout
Penis Enlargement Session
‘I’ Interior
‘Is my cock big enough’
‘I want to be bigger’
‘I don’t want to be small’
‘I want to have better sex’
‘I have to Penis Enlargement’
‘Its time for my workout’
‘I have to do these things to grow’
‘We’ Interior
‘What if my partner catches me?
’‘I don’t want my partner to see me watching adult entertainment and trying to make my cock bigger’
‘What if my parents see me doing this’
‘What if someone sees my internet history’
‘What if I don’t gain and let my misses down’
‘What if I don’t gain and let everyone else down (by not reaching potential etc)
‘How can I make some gains my allies will be proud off?
‘I’ Exterior
How long?
How Hard?
How many exercises?
What intensity?
How Often?
‘We’ Exterior
How can I fit this in with my other priorities?
How can I do Penis Enlargement when I have no time to do it
How can I do Penis Enlargement when I am tired?
How can I ensure that Penis Enlargement doesn’t ruin my relationships
How can I prevent Penis Enlargement from taking over my life and friendships?
How can I let others know that I would rather pull my cock and make it bigger then spend time with them doing other stuff
NB: This is not exhaustive. This is just an example of what I will (with your help) be developing as a tool for Penis Enlargement Practitioners.
This is all I am trying to present. I am trying to show Penis Enlargement through the four quadrants. There it is. I argue that one side, or perhaps several, or elements from each are the roadblock to any individuals and our collective success.
Is it the interior of the ‘I’ that is holding you back. Is it your thoughts? Is it your doubt? Are you worrying yourself too much? Are you mentally setting yourself up for failure or success with certain types of thinking? What kinds of thoughts run through your head about your penis and about Penis Enlargement? Are you skeptical?
Is it the exterior of the ‘I’ that is holding you back? Are you lazy? Do you do minimum work? Do you not take rest days? Do you rush your workouts? Do you injure yourself too often? Too much time off? Easy exercises? Do you breathe? Do you eat properly?
Is it the interior of the ‘We’? Are you placing too much emphasis on other peoples feelings, and how they feel about your Penis Enlargement? Are you not placing enough? Are you trying too hard to make other people feel comfortable by compromising how you know you should be doing your Penis Enlargement? Are you not stretching after you pee because you are in the urinal and you don’t want to be judged?
Is it the exterior of the ‘We’? Do you simply not exercise when your friends or girlfriend come to visit? Do you have short workouts when you have errands to run for other people? Is there a private place for you where your Penis Enlargement wont interfere with anyone else who needs the space or the computer?
One of these quadrants holds the key to your success.
We will journey together in an attempt to find it.
So lets look at a few brief examples of tools that we can use to upgrade each of the quadrants. Everyone is on their own path - what I present are simply ideas. Please think.
The list of tools I will present are ‘skinny’. They are just food for thought. It will take many months to gather all the tools available out there and create the final synthesis. This WILL HAPPenis EnlargementN.
THIS IS CRUCIAIL. Everyone is unique. We all have certain strengths. Some people are incredibility tough minded – and with medium technique and above average belief are able to create incredible gains. This is where Lines, States & Levels come in. We will explore these at a later date. Keep that in mind as you move through the map – there is a combination of factors that will create the outcome you desire – be intuitive, be resourceful, find yourself – face your challenges, and walk forward. What worked for him may or may not work for you. These are just ideas.
Extremely Non-Exhaustive List of Tools for Quadrant Development
‘I’ Interior
Positive Thinking
Shadow Integration
Emotional Control
‘I’ Exterior
New Workout
Rest Time (set & workout)
Penis Enlargement environment
‘We’ Interior
Finding evidence that supports a more powerful worldview
Reading about Arabic culture and methods
Talking to people that think as you think
Reading articles from those that share your views
Contemplating regularly the individuals who have made incredible gains
Removing yourself from doubters
Keeping your partner from getting disturbed or disconnected
Writing your own thoughts about how NPenis Enlargement works and how to get the best out of it, and sharing it with others
‘We’ Exterior
Penis Enlargement TeamsBuilding
Handling Relationships
Self: Other Diagnostic/Repair Tools
Boundary Setting
Finding a way to Penis Enlargement at work
Penis Enlargement routine for when people visit (extra kegels + toilet stretching?)
NB: This is not exhaustive. This is just an example of what I will (with your help) be developing as a tool for Penis Enlargement Practitioners.
What I will do now is offer a very brief description of each quadrant and why it is so important. In addition I will offer an example of how additional growth can be achieved through its development.
Lets look at the Interior of the Individual.
This quadrant is important because your thoughts guide your actions. Your thoughts create your feelings. With proper aligned thoughts to outcomes, powerful action is more consistently taken.
We can begin with ‘belief structure’ and ‘creating a new map’. How I propose individuals can do this – is to simply slide their existing maps to the side and ‘bring live’ a new map that includes the types of beliefs that will support them in the outcome that they are pursuing. Some individuals do not need new maps – their inner state is at peace and they are primed for growth. They should look to another quadrant for ideas.
We need a new map that is not tainted by culture, or existing belief patterns, or limited to assumptions. An example of how this is done is DLD taking the view that most guys with large cocks are large because they have used Penis Enlargement. This is contrary to the existing map of reality that most of us carry ‘He is blessed genetically and I am not’.
Consider that assumptions limit solutions. If my assumption (arising out of the map that I filter experience) is that guys who have big cocks are blessed – then logic will deduce as follows:
I don’t have a big cock – I must not be blessed –
Size = genetics
If size = genetics and I don’t have size –
I must not have genetics –
Therefore I cannot possibly make it longer because my genetics won’t permit. ASSUMPTIONS LIMIT SOLUTIONS
Back to DLD’s map briefly; DLD is not lying to himself, whether consciously or not – he made a decision that the existing beliefs and paradigms of penis enlargement and the penis topic in general would not be effective in supporting him in reaching his goal.
He created a new map –
When you read his philosophy of Penis Enlargement it is built on a few basic assumptions that he has created for himself – his own map – all he had to do was slide the other maps to the side and start living from this one. When I say ‘all he had to do’ I do not mean that it was easy. He admits that it was difficult. It is. But there are hundreds of great tools out there to affect this change.
The final answer to whether or not most guys have big cocks because of genetics, or Penis Enlargement, or luck, or a mixture of all is not really important to DLD. What is important is how powerfully his ideas or conclusions are empowering his actions or not. This idea that guys with big dicks use Penis Enlargement – supports his idea that Penis Enlargement works. It supports his worldview.
What I believe (which map I choose to view my reality through) will largely determine the results that I produce, so if I want to create different results, I am sometimes required to use a different map; if no maps exist that are comprehensive enough to aid me in my goal – then I am required to create a new one – that makes all of the existing models obsolete.
What is important to remember is that the conclusions that we make can severely limit the problems that we produce – and therefore the solutions (results-outcomes)
By saying that I want a bigger cock, I create the problem for myself of building a bigger cock. The answers that I give myself to questions such as ‘is it possible, how long will it take, can anyone do it, can I do it?’ will impact upon the action that I take – and as a consequence, my results.
Taking the ‘most guys have large cocks because of Penis Enlargement example’ further – if this is a view that I choose to espouse, what happens?
I start looking for evidence to support my conclusion – every time I see adult entertainment I think about how much Penis Enlargement the guys in the video did – when I hear about someone having a huge cock – I think he is a few months of Penis Enlargement ahead of me, when I reflect on my experience and the path that I am walking – I feel really good – the whole big dick community has been secretly benefiting from Penis Enlargement and now it is my turn to reap the benefits.
Compare that to the idea that ‘most guys have large cocks genetically, and Penis Enlargement only works for some people’.
Again I find evidence to support my conclusion – I start reading threads on the forum board about members who have not gained, I doubt whether Penis Enlargement is possible, I doubt my genetic capability.
My belief will aid me in creating my reality, for the better, and for the worse. The mind is responsible for leading the body. Thought – Action.
Further examples of why it is so important to touch this quadrant can be found on any Penis Enlargement forum. Example: Without proper belief structure you may give up – you may not be able to elevate your performance to the required level – you may not be able to produce the results, your doubt produces cortisol, your doubting thoughts limit your actions etc.
I encourage you to stop and take a think about some of the beliefs that you hold about Penis Enlargement, yourself, and the universe and how they may be limiting the solutions that you apply EG instead of ‘If I stretch too hard I might hurt myself’ try ‘If I stretch hard enough I will build a big powerful cock!’
Warning: Visualization alone will likely not give you the results that you desire. For most people it will take physical work (why some people are able to do less and gain more, will become clearer in the next section of this article that deals with levels, lines and states)
For now – consider it your responsibility to create the optimum internal conditions for growth.
Moving now the exterior of the individual
Science places mind as a function of the brain-, which is a part of the mind-body. The material sciences do not have place for ‘positive thinking’ and ‘beliefs create reality’. Through the eyes of science, material processes – not mental processes and states, create reality
Looking at Penis Enlargement through a scientific map (objective reality) exclusively would possibly lead you to conclude that it is not possible – which is one of the reasons why it is still not in the mainstream movement. I do not mean ‘not possible’ because others have said it is not – I mean not possible because it is not a muscle. It appears to lack scientific evidence but more importantly to the skeptics – it lacks credibility.
This quadrant encourages us to look simply at the material factors at play. Things we can see and touch. For example: our diets, our exercises, our intensity, how often we rest, the pressure we apply, how much protein we are consuming etc.
This is the realm of the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words], the hangers, and advanced Penis Enlargement exercises, the clamping & the ballooning. This is the quadrant that has received the most attention from practitioners. This is simply because the rational objective view of the world has been dominant for so long. We see matter and try to mould it like clay.
We forget that there are other quadrants to touch. We don’t consider which level, line, or state we are in. We rush ahead without thinking. We attempt to apply a universal remedy to the problem of ‘How can I build a bigger cock’. Not everyone will gain from a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. Just because he gained an inch from a routine – does not guarantee you an inch gain. Even if you follow everything that he did down the letter – you are not him – you have to find your own combination.
Hundreds of objective factors might be in the way –diet, water consumption, the form might be wrong.
Factors from any one of the other quadrants can also be in the way.
But lets forget that for a second.
This quadrant is vital. Getting the right objective bits moving around in the correct way is certainly one of the keys to tremendous gains. One small system upgrade to your exercise routine can break the growth barrier for you.
There is a danger with over glorifying this quadrant. Some individuals with horrible interiors (thoughts, emotions), wander why they don’t gain when they simply keep jumping from one routine to the next in search of the perfect objective exercise set. Guys! This is not everything! If you’ve been working your ass off doing all the right things for a long time, and you have got nowhere. Step back and look at the other quadrants.
Moving down to using a systems theory map of the world- we are required to look outside of ourselves and see the connections – patterns- and links – that weave our pursuit together.
Who will be involved? How will I get them involved?
Who can I share my experience with? How often?
Who can I learn from? How can I make time for this learning?
How do the elements of my system fit together to make a cohesive whole – rather then a heap?
How do I keep my eye on the overall picture – and remain aware of the elements that exercise the most control – and use them to my advantage?
How does my training fit around my friends and family? Will they be away when I work out?
How does my building a bigger dick affect the woman in my life? Will it physically fit?
Systems theory encourages us to explore ecology – the consequences on the wider system. By asking the question ‘What else happens when I take up this pursuit and activity?’
I argue that some people are not growing because they have not taken full responsibility for this quadrant.
They stop exercising when people come to visit. When they are going on holiday they don’t make plans, when they are required to put in extra time with helping the kids with their homework or whatever it is.
Somewhere along the line, the self/other objective balance has not been achieved. If Penis Enlargement is a high enough value on someone’s list to be taken seriously and pursued with commitment – external pressures cannot be allowed to prevent workouts and impair growth.
Fitting this system in place can be as simple as saying to your partner
‘Between 6-7 every morning I am going to do this, I need the computer, some privacy and quite’ OR changing your working hours around etc.
This quadrant is vital for long term Penis Enlargement success. What happens when you get a new partner that doesn’t know about your Penis Enlargement? If you don’t learn how to understand this quadrant and think about its implications in your life – you miss out on important advantages that you could potentially stack in your favour.
Neglect of this quadrant can also destroy relationships - cause Penis Enlargement to negatively impact on work, health and other values in your life.
Collective: Interior
When we look at culture – it is important to acknowledge its powerful function – without being defined by its conclusions to date. The majority of our culture has touted penis surgery as the only effective means of Penis Enlargement, and denied that exercise, pills, patches etc work.
The market for Penis Enlargement products is definitely saturated and it is difficult to know whom to trust. The culture is one of mistrust – men have been scammed before. The problem is that the culture we live in prizes the rational scientific – what we can see – the giant thick cock.
The cock as a symbol of masculinity and power – for a lot of woman the interior-individual is reduced to a function of how big the cock is – if the cock is good – the man is good. Esteem is measured by penis size and the ability to fuck like a stud. adult entertainment does not help the situation as most men in porno have objectively large dicks. Men grow up watching this adult entertainment – and even at a conscious level they grasp that the dicks in porno are huge – the subconscious mind compares and lesions slowly form over time.
Culture has placed a large burden of shame on the man who has a small penis. A small penis is almost viewed as a birth defect – a disease of sorts. I would argue that creating a bigger penis is so difficult – largely as a result of cultural context.
Culture has taught us that ‘be happy with your size = you can’t change it’ ‘exercise doesn’t work’ ‘the only way out if surgery – but that will only get you an inch, cost you thousands, and might impair your penile function for life’. On top of all this we are told ‘having a small dick is not ok’ ‘woman don’t like small dicks’ ‘a big dick is the sign of a powerful man’ ‘a big dick can satisfy a woman properly’ etc etc… is it any wonder that guys who look down at there dicks and aren’t clearly over the 6 inch mark think they are small???? Is it any wander that guys with 8 inch dicks start Penis Enlargement!!!!???
I would argue not. In the worldview that the majority of the western world espouses size is more important that quality.
The bigger the better – big guns, big tits, big lips, big bums, big rims and tires, big stereos, big mac’s UPSIZED, big balls, big mouth, big house, big boat, big fridge - GASP – long tongue, long fingers, long hours, long days etc etc… Is the west’s fascination with size becoming more apparent now? It is only natural – that the symbol of masculine power be sized up as well. Instead of blaming culture – lets work with.
In summary = our assumptions limit our solutions.
If we assume that Penis Enlargement cannot be done – then our solution is to tell our children to be happy with their size
If we assume that girls prefer guys with big dicks, we are small, and can’t change our size = our solution is nothing; except for shame, guilt, feeling small and like a coward – basically punishing ourselves because we are ‘not good’ – having a small penis by itself cannot give you insecurities – although if you are raised in a culture that glorifies the large penis and laughs at the small one – and places such a large emphasis and value on a large thick cock – and also offers you no solutions to the problem of having a small one –
The conclusion that you will make is that ‘you are not lucky, you are not good enough, or big enough?’ If you here this often enough and internalize it, it is part of you, and until you break the cycle, you are trapped.
How can we reverse the functions of culture?
By creating a new map. At Matter of Size there is a team concept where a group of individuals all committed to the aim of increased penis size post their goals and lean on each other for support and motivation.
By seeing that there are 5 other people just as hungry as you, working just as powerfully as you, believing in the same thing that you do – you yourself are inspired. You tap into the power of collective reality.
This is a very simple example, but it serves the purpose.
We have touched the four quadrants and seen how the neglect of any can be detrimental to gains. We have explored some tools that are available to practitioners for each of the quadrants. We have journeyed together in pursuit of better tools. If you are not growing simply ask yourself ‘which quadrant have I not been acknowledging?’ then take corrective action.
Self-diagnosis will become simpler when I introduce levels/lines & states. For now, keep in mind that there are four distinct sides that you may need to touch before your growth takes off.
Happy Penis Enlargement!