First week after my break and I managed to get in five sessions.
Things are going great and yesterday I had a new record in the [words= ]BM[/words] again stretching almost half an inch longer than my BPEL.
I've also started with clamping this week. Bought some cable clamps a few months ago but didnt try it until now. Clamping 5-10 minutes, never holding for more than 3-4 minutes at a time, after each session and have to say it looks like it will help with continued progress.
With the clamping there are more temp gains and they last longer. With the clamp on I could close my hand around my MEG, even between the thumb and the long finger I couldnt reach by half an inch, and thats the first time I've experienced that.
Looking for the last 0.05" (to measure 18.0 cm BPEL) until end of june and I feel it's within reach