Girth Hammer;383824 said:. I got some more info if you want to hear it.
Girth Hammer;383934 said:It may be a blessing and a curse. This tissue is made to hold us together so stretching it is a time worthy, tough task(say that 3 times fast .)
But look on the bright side. If it was easy to stretch this we all would end up with dicks like shorty mac!
Girth Hammer;383824 said:Should you warm up?
YES! The penis is wrapped in a thin but tightly wrap layer of tissue(Tunica-Its really Fascia but thats another story.) For the penis to enlarge this fibrous connective surrounding of the cells must be stretched to a larger diameter.
Hot wrap help this slow process stay on a steady pace of becoming slighty more elastic.
The science behind this concept of making this tissue more elastic disagrees with the "Cold Wrap" theory that is floating around here.
All my info was provided to me by a doctor explaining how penis enlargement is possible. What I'm saying is about 1/4 of the info. I got some more info if you want to hear it.
cig08;386623 said:You mentioned that warming up is a must, is doing another warm wrap at the end of a length or girth workout essential too?