yehyou said:
all i gotta say is im on the same track u r. I believe that an huor and a half of cardio is tooo much. ur gunna burn all the muscle u have. Cut down on cardio a lil bit. I do agree with seperate sessions of wieght lifting and cardio. i believe u shuodl do cardio at least 5 to 6 times a week but only half hour., then may b at night uc an weight lift. BUt if u want tone remember resistance training helps a grip. I ould suggest swimming and jump rope to really tone the body. Always more reps than weight when u want to tone. Also diet plays a critical part in how you want your body to look, so i also suggest 4- 6 small meals a day. there you go.

Oh man. Where to begin? I'm not sure what you mean by "resistance training helps a grip," but you should read what AC wrote. Muscle tone is a myth. Muscles get bigger or smaller, or weaker or stronger. Swimming and jumping rope are good cardio, but they won't do much for your muscles. More reps than weight? Are you serious? High reps with low weight won't do anything but make you tired and make your muscles burn. It's called lactic acid, and it's the same stuff that makes corpses so stiff. Not good, if you ask me. Where did you get all this wonderful information? And where did you learn your impeccable grammar and spelling?

Ok, so that was a cheap shot. :D
ok here it is. To get muscle tone is very different from bulding muscles. U can build your muscles all you want but it doesnt mean u r gunna get toned. its just like with the abs if u want to tone them u dont do crunches everyday thats stupid and ineffective. What works is burning the fat around the muscle u already have. Y do u think people say abs r made in the kitchen and not in the gym? its because muscle toning comes from diet and resistence training. The more reps u do of medium weight the harder it becomes, therefore the more sweat u prdouce. More reps equal calorie burn. Therefore burning the fat u have to actually tone the muscle. There are many different views on how to tone up the muscles, this is just my view. The more fat u burn the more ur muscles show. makes sense doesn't it.
on another note i like to add, muscle toning is not a myth. I see people sclupt and tone their body the way they want. Each body is different so much like Penis Enlargement u have to find out a routine thats right for u, and when u reach a plateau u have to change things around.
So what you're referring to has nothing to do with muscles and everything to do with body composition. My position remains: you can't tone your muscles. Yes, you can lose fat, but that only "makes them show more" as you said. And my position remains on high reps and low weight. It's pointless. You want to sweat more from lifting weights? Try 8 sets of 3 squats at your 5 rep max. THAT will make you sweat. Or you can always do the sensible thing and do your cardio separately from weights, so your weight sessions will be more effective. The only reason not to work hard and heavy with weights is laziness.
to "tone" muscles is all based on the perspective that you have. losing fat makes ur muscles a ppear and therefore makes u look more toned and lean. so its all based on the way u look at whut to "tone" means. another thing when u use heavy weights u r breaking down ur muscle. why do u do this? easy because during the period of rest ur muscle rebuilds its self stronger and bigger. u can bench press and squat and do all that good stuff with heavy weights but if u don't the fat ur are not gunna appear toned ur just going to bulk up. why do u think people bulk up then cut? so they can build muscle then lose fat during the cutting phase so all that muscle can appear. now thats all fine and dandy , but the hard part when "toning" is keeping ur muscle that u already have and losing fat u have. thats when diet comes in and moderate weight training , and i completely agree with u when it comes to keeping weight training and cardio seperate, but lifting heavey weights may not give u the body u want. i know in my case i dont want to get bigger i just want to tone certain areas, and thats done throughlosing fat cuz i alreayd have the muscle behind the fat.
Pick up the men's health hard body plan from your local book store, it's about $20. I've been in the gym since late march and I've gained 10-15lbs, I'm 5'7" and weigh 172lbs now, put 2" on my Bi's/tri's, about 3/4" on my forearms, 3/4" on my calves, 1-1/4" on my chest, and about an inch on my upper legs. I only workout out 3x a week, no more than 35 minute's, I do 2 sets of about 5-8 reps on each excercise, about 5-8 per day. I also drink a protein shake after every workout, but only after my workout or if I don't have time for a meal. I've started watching my protein intake and eat a lot more grilled chicken and turkey.

I started in march with 13-1/4" biceps...flexed, I'm now at 15-1/4". My goal is 16" then I will lower my carb intake and start doing cardio to cut up, if I feel like I want more size after 3 months I will go back, I will only maintain a high repetition maintenance lifting routine while I'm cutting.
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