May 30, 2004
HEY GUYS I WAS JUST WOUNDERING.......the other day i was watching CSI Miami....and it showed this case in which a guy cant have sex with real women because he had become too use to �naked people movies�.......can this really happen...they used a medical term for it but i dont remember it.......

just wanted to know what u guys thought about this...can it be girl and i broke up like 2months back and since i have been watching alot of �naked people movies� on the net.......
I'm sure it could happen, but only to people with severe mental and emotional problems to begin with.

"my girl and i broke up like 2months back and since i have been watching alot of �naked people movies� on the net......."

You need to be single to watch a lot of �naked people movies�?? Don't worry, man... you're a dude... you'll always be obssessed with �naked people movies�. :)
I'm not talking about people who prefer using �naked people movies� to get in the mood for sex, I'm talking about the people who need �naked people movies� in order to fuck, or people who'd rather watch �naked people movies� than fuck. That's kinda weird. If that's you, I'm sorry man.
I dunno..

I would rather watch �naked people movies� with some hot chicks than to hump an ugly one...
I think too much �naked people movies� can reduce your sex drive. At the very least, you are not going to pursue real women as much, because you're getting off on a machine, and the urge is not as strong. Cut yourself back to once or twice a week, and try to get some real world poonanny!
I watch �naked people movies� everytime i Penis Enlargement to get a good erection. Hopefully something like this doesnt happen to me.
Nah, if you're watching �naked people movies� for Penis Enlargement purposes, I think it's helps in the bedroom. It's sorta like "teaching" your cock to get hard when you want it to. But I guess it could always de-sensitize you a little. All in all that may give you more control over yourself when you're with a real naked woman.

I mean c'mon... for those of us that know what sex feels like... it feels way better than jerking off to �naked people movies�. Then again, you can always turn �naked people movies� OFF when you're done. That's a plus (insert rimshot here). :)
You wouldn't need �naked people movies� to get hard if you restored your foreskin and regained the sensitivity in your penis. I can get hard just by lightly stroking my glans with a fingertip or pulling my new skin up and down over the head for a minute. It feels that good! Try keeping your glans covered for a couple weeks and see. Even if you don't want to be restored, it can be fun to do it from time to time and have some jollies with a super sensitive weenie!
I must admit that after a few months of wishing I had been 'cut' I am actually glad that I have foreskin!
Nah, I dont have a problem with �naked people movies�. But I do prefer it because its what is available to me.
Where are my MODS? Is this a Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT thread?

DMXVSDMC, Who is the fine piece in your signature?
doublelongdaddy said:
Where are my MODS? Is this a Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT thread?

DMXVSDMC, Who is the fine piece in your signature?

sorry about posting in the wrong bad....

the girls name is Mercedes.....u can get some vids of her on kazaa
If I ever get a chance with "real women", I'll let you know.....
I'm a mega �naked people movies� addict.
Ulcaster, you're a bad boy. Wash your hands and go meet some real girls!
Not to get too serious but here are a few facts about �naked people movies�.

Despite its defenders �naked people movies� can have negative effects. According to one report from the National Foundation for Family Research and Education-"the rape myth ( the beleif that woman cause and enjoy rape, and that the rapists are normal) is very widespread among male user's of �naked people movies�"

Dr Victor Cline, a specialist in treating sex addiction has noted a recurring progression in the use of �naked people movies�. If left unchecked, casual viewing can lead to an escalation to more hard core, aberant material. He also claims that this can lead to deviant sexual acts. Dr Cline claims that any sexual deviation can be acquired this way...and that it can't be eliminated even by massive feelings of guilt. Eventually the viewer may try to act out their �naked people movies� based fantasies, often with devastating results. The worst part is that the problem may be so gradual that it escapes detection. Dr Cline states-"Like cancer, it keeps growing and spreading. It rarely ever reverses itself, and it is also very difficult to treat and heal. Denial on the part of the male addict and refusal to confront the problem are typical and predictable, and this almost always leads to marital or couple disharmony, sometimes divorce, and sometimes the breaking up of other intimate relationships."

Finally, �naked people movies� can destroy trust and openess. Because it is primarily viewed in secret it often leads to lying and deception. Mates feel betrayed. They do not understand why their marriage partner no longer finds them desirable.

Finally for those that are single. �naked people movies� may be to some their primary means of sex education. This has disturbing ramifications. Teen pregnancy, physical injuries and STD's are completely nonexistent in �naked people movies�, giving a false beleif that there are no adverse consequences to behaviors depicted in �naked people movies�.

Some researchers claim that "Health based neurological observations about the instinctual brain-imprinted response to �naked people movies� material is a biologically significant event ... it compromises their grasp of reality.

Finally many claim that �naked people movies� sets a person up for unrealistic expectations leading to damaged relationships.

ON A MORE Penis EnlargementRSONAL NOTE:
These are just some of the quotes from the medical and psycological experts who work in the field of human sexuality. My advice would be to treat it like fire. Don't view it too much if at all. But ultimately it's a personal choice so choose wisely.
Ehhh...I guess it can be a problem if you let it. I view �naked people movies� maybe once or twice a week, briefly, if I am not getting any from the wife.

I really think it is a double standard. Women read all those romance books, which are actually pretty graphic in their descriptions and give women a very unrealistic expectation of how men are supposed to act and shit. I understand that their primary means of erotic gratification is imaginative. However, men are motivated visually, so why is our erotica -- video and pictures -- somehow evil? Why are we supposed to feel guilty about looking at something naughty, even though that is how our brains are hardwired? It's just another example of how men are oppressed in our society, not women. Why is Harlequin romance okay and Playboy evil? They both exist to make us horny, but our society says that female gratification is okay while male gratification is harmful.

What is the difference between a picture like the one in DMX's sig above and a literary passage that goes a little something like this: "He pulled her roughly to him. She could feel his heart pounding beneath his hairy, muscular chest. His manhood was a hot, molten rod of iron pressing into her stomach. It was so big! The size of it, pulsing against her, made her dizzy with lust." It's the same difference, gentlemen.

As far as all the studies...well, a gun is completely harmless until you place it in the hands of a fool or a maniac.
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