
Feb 7, 2006
I've been doing the newbie routine for 1.5 months and have made a few gains. I've posted previously about a vein from the front left hand base of that extends somewhat up the fronttop which is worrying me. The replies suggested it is just my penis becoming more vascular.

I notice that when I stretch that the vein is stretched visibly too and I am wondering if this is a contributing factor for it becoming more prominent (flacid and erect). I also have noticed that my penis has a slight ache occasionally.

Because of the above I am thinking about taking a break for pe for a week or so and then reassessing my situation then.

What do you guys think? I don't want to stop doing Penis Enlargement (will I lose my gains? some search results suggest I won't).

I look forward to your replies.
wonder1 said:
I've been doing the newbie routine for 1.5 months and have made a few gains. I've posted previously about a vein from the front left hand base of that extends somewhat up the fronttop which is worrying me. The replies suggested it is just my penis becoming more vascular.

I notice that when I stretch that the vein is stretched visibly too and I am wondering if this is a contributing factor for it becoming more prominent (flacid and erect). I also have noticed that my penis has a slight ache occasionally.

Because of the above I am thinking about taking a break for pe for a week or so and then reassessing my situation then.

What do you guys think? I don't want to stop doing Penis Enlargement (will I lose my gains? some search results suggest I won't).

I look forward to your replies.

This all sounds normal. Veins will change, become more prominent as you are introducing better blood flow, it is a normal process in penis enlargement. Veins also move while stretching and again this is normal. Veins are built this way as they are meant to move for if they were not we would constantly be ripping them. As for the aching, this is usually a sign of growth as long as it does not come on as sharp, shooting pain or numbness. Press on solider!
wonder1 said:
I've been doing the newbie routine for 1.5 months and have made a few gains. I've posted previously about a vein from the front left hand base of that extends somewhat up the fronttop which is worrying me. The replies suggested it is just my penis becoming more vascular.

I notice that when I stretch that the vein is stretched visibly too and I am wondering if this is a contributing factor for it becoming more prominent (flacid and erect). I also have noticed that my penis has a slight ache occasionally.

Because of the above I am thinking about taking a break for pe for a week or so and then reassessing my situation then.

What do you guys think? I don't want to stop doing Penis Enlargement (will I lose my gains? some search results suggest I won't).

I look forward to your replies.

Bigger penis = bigger ammount of blood, bigger veins ? ;)
Cheers - So I should press on though this vein is quite prominent even when flaccid? and even though it looks pretty stessed whilst I am stretching? I just don't want to cause any problems (vein snapping! or thrombosis) As size increases, do these veins stretch or grow...?

Thanks for the super quick replies DLD and ggogeta, this forum and you guys are a real help.
wonder1 said:
Cheers - So I should press on though this vein is quite prominent even when flaccid? and even though it looks pretty stessed whilst I am stretching? I just don't want to cause any problems (vein snapping! or thrombosis) As size increases, do these veins stretch or grow...?

Thanks for the super quick replies DLD and ggogeta, this forum and you guys are a real help.

Is the actual vein painful in anyway? The prominence of the vein while flaccid, is it dense?
It's not painful...

When flaccid there is a density to it, though I did do a workout a few hours ago so it may not have been the best time to check it. Upon close inspection it seems there are two veins, one thicker than the other.
Just wondering, if you do have to take a week off because of injury or other problem, how badly will it affect your gains? Say you've been doing Penis Enlargement 6-8 weeks and you have to take a week off - do those last 6-8 weeks go straight down the toilet?
Rude_God said:
Just wondering, if you do have to take a week off because of injury or other problem, how badly will it affect your gains? Say you've been doing Penis Enlargement 6-8 weeks and you have to take a week off - do those last 6-8 weeks go straight down the toilet?

hell no! the Penis Enlargement journey as long... keep at it over a number of years and you can't go wrong, it's not a race! good luck...
Cool_as_fcuk said:
hell no! the Penis Enlargement journey as long... keep at it over a number of years and you can't go wrong, it's not a race! good luck...

Yup, it is a journey and those looking for a quick stop and gain will soon be disappointed. For most guys the results they see over the first 8 weeks is enough to make it a long term project. I have been at it for 6 years.
Thanks for the replies all.

Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not looking to stop unless I need to.

Apart from going to the doc to have my mind put at ease (and there's no way I could do that) I need you guys to advise. Having not done a workout since Saturday, I can notice that the vein in question has started to decrease.

However, a question still remains - If a newbie does take a break for a week or so, do we lose any gains we've made in the first say 2 months?

wonder1 said:
However, a question still remains - If a newbie does take a break for a week or so, do we lose any gains we've made in the first say 2 months?


No, this will be fine.
Stop thinking about loosing gains, if you really plan to be at this for the long term, then this shouldn't matter really because you'd just gain them right back.

I've stopped and lost ( tiny ) gains before, but then I restarted and gained it back within a week or 2. I've never lost ALL my gains though. and I've had "rest periods" of 3+ months. several times...oh how I wish I hadn't...
That's good, cos I think I'm gonna have to take a break. A tiny bit of blood came out of my peehole again - it was a tiny amount, there's no pain and no blood in my urine. All the same, since this has now happened twice I'm gonna take a break and consult a doctor.
Rude_God said:
That's good, cos I think I'm gonna have to take a break. A tiny bit of blood came out of my peehole again - it was a tiny amount, there's no pain and no blood in my urine. All the same, since this has now happened twice I'm gonna take a break and consult a doctor.

This is usually a small rip in the urethra, I have done this before. I took a week off and started again but the blood returned. I am not sure how long I went before it repaired itself but I worked through it and eventually it stopped.
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