cladre60;726984 said:
That's also how most men measure lol.

I have no problem calling the bluff of a loud mouth to prove they're 7, 8, 8.5... whatever fantasy size they want to spout off. I've even told a few guys to take a ruler into the bathroom right now, get hard, and take a picture. "And I don't wanna see any of that measuring from behind your nutsack either. I need to be able to see the entire ruler."

No one has ever proved it when I've done that. There's always some excuse lol. Of course I've picked those battles wisely because you can tell when they're lying their asses off.

I like it, too, when dudes start "don't be gay" stuff as a way to not show evidence of his "�naked people movies� star dick" No, I am no turned on by sucking your dick. I simply want to know how you size up. Don't be playin' no "gay card." I would measure my buddy's hard-on without question if he allowed me. I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to know that I am not going to want to end up sucking his dick. LOL. It's sad how we boys can't be naked around each other in a more intimate way without injecting same-sex attraction. Pathetic culture.

Ron Jeremy is one man who sizes other dicks up with no sili homophobia. He gets away with it, but....

We're all boys, and thus we have all cocks and balls. I see one every day and so does every other male. What gives?
It never ceases to amaze me that there are many who believe that you 'all of a sudden' can become homosexual, like a light-switch to be turned on and off. Also believing that it's some sort of 'choice' you honestly think, if given the option, that someone would choose being gay and all the ridicule and hate that it brings?
Anyway, back to the topic...I've only seen 8+ inch d!cks in �naked people movies�, and now that we have a thread exposing all the tricks, I'm having to rethink all that I believed. There are a few members here that would qualify and I'm working my a$$-off to get there myself, but unilaterally stating that anything above eight inches is a waste, clearly misses some very important points. Symmetry is certainly my main objective and standing at 6'1" and 220#, being average would look tiny on me...heck, 7 7/8 barely looks 'normal'. So if I'm undressing infront of a girl for the first time, being physically balanced plays a huge role in attraction and visual pleasure. To another posters point, once a woman is fully aroused, she could probably squeeze a toaster in there given enough patience and lube, so 8", 8 1/2", 9" are definitely within the 'doable' category for almost all women. Another advantage is the ability to reach the ever-elusive cul-de-sac that's up and beyond the cervix. This utopia of bundled nerve endings can make an otherwise demure MILF into a squirting, screaming banshee...and there's no greater reward for all of our hard work than to be 'flooded' by a gorgeous female that is looking up at you with those 'what the fuck just happened?' eyes. That's why (mic-drop)
Iceman338;726986 said:
I like it, too, when dudes start "don't be gay" stuff as a way to not show evidence of his "�naked people movies� star dick" No, I am no turned on by sucking your dick. I simply want to know how you size up. Don't be playin' no "gay card." I would measure my buddy's hard-on without question if he allowed me. I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to know that I am not going to want to end up sucking his dick. LOL. It's sad how we boys can't be naked around each other in a more intimate way without injecting same-sex attraction. Pathetic culture.

Ron Jeremy is one man who sizes other dicks up with no sili homophobia. He gets away with it, but....

We're all boys, and thus we have all cocks and balls. I see one every day and so does every other male. What gives?

American culture, homophobia, and the stereotype of what is "manly" and what isn't.

After 4 years in the Marine Corps a lot of that was gone for many of us. Guys walking in on each other jerking off and politely excusing themselves so you could finish in peace, pretty much everyone saw each other naked at one point or another and there were always funny comments (like "gee I didn't think it was cold in here but I guess you are"), some of us trying to one up the next with nudity or hilarious displays of cocks and balls....

You'd have some people who condemned the behavior and said we were all gay but it was a bunch of straight guys constantly fucking with each other. None of us ever had sex with each other although there were times you were side by side in a bed with your buddy and each of you had a different woman underneath you. One of my friends and I agreed that if we found the right chick we'd have no problem double teaming her (we never found one slutty enough for our liking).

A bunch of guys constantly training to kill that were totally cool with dicks swinging around for comedy. We were a special kind of crazy.
There's no doubt about the vagina's ability to take really large objects, there's video evidence of this feat posted all over the internet lol. So I full agree that someone who is 8+ inches are "doable"; however, I won't go as far as saying this is a feat almost all women are capable of, but a certain subset would be more adept to the task. Of course time and practice can help anyone be capable, but I don't see many women working to be able to do that if they don't have a significant other that's 8+ or if they aren't an actual size queen. Some women just aren't comfortable with their cervix (or area in the near vicinity) being prodded, be it pain or just discomfort, but for those that enjoy deep penetration and fornix stimulation those 8+ peens would be euphoric for them.

Everybody's body is different so when speaking of something well above average, its not something most women will encounter or have a good experience with. Something that size would take work on both sides, she can't be a dead fish just laying there and he can't be a jack hammer ready to break ground, at least initially lol. That's not to say 8+ is useless, just that it comes with an entirely different set of responsibilities compared to the average penis.
Big Schwanz Acht;726989 said:
do you honestly think, if given the option, that someone would choose being gay and all the ridicule and hate that it brings?
Well, actually I would definitely choose (if I could) being gay! Sex life is wayyyy better if you are gay, instead of being virgin until I was 25, and then have sex once in a life time and hate myself and the entire world because of it, I could have sex right when I'm ready to and have it available whenever I just want. That's fucking awesome, no mess with women's stupid mind. And I don't care about the ridicule and all that stuff, I get this anyway every time I open my mouth so I'm used to it.
IAmSpartacus71;726997 said:
Well, actually I would definitely choose (if I could) being gay! Sex life is wayyyy better if you are gay, instead of being virgin until I was 25, and then have sex once in a life time and hate myself and the entire world because of it, I could have sex right when I'm ready to and have it available whenever I just want. That's fucking awesome, no mess with women's stupid mind. And I don't care about the ridicule and all that stuff, I get this anyway every time I open my mouth so I'm used to it.

Exactly my don't have a choice. Well done 'IAmSpartacus' for utilizing your 'personal prism' and providing a completely different (and probably more valid) perspective. Refreshing would be an understatement.

Based on this post alone, I know for 100% certainty that you're going to do just fine in the world. The ability to merge humility with honesty is a rare commodity/attribute, so be yourself and go out there and K-I-L-L I-T!!
I have a big dick fascination/oobsession. I am not ashamed to admit it. I don't care about all the labels society wants to put on me. What does society really know?
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Big Schwanz Acht;726989 said:
It never ceases to amaze me that there are many who believe that you 'all of a sudden' can become homosexual, like a light-switch to be turned on and off. Also believing that it's some sort of 'choice' you honestly think, if given the option, that someone would choose being gay and all the ridicule and hate that it brings?
Anyway, back to the topic...I've only seen 8+ inch d!cks in �naked people movies�, and now that we have a thread exposing all the tricks, I'm having to rethink all that I believed. There are a few members here that would qualify and I'm working my a$$-off to get there myself, but unilaterally stating that anything above eight inches is a waste, clearly misses some very important points. Symmetry is certainly my main objective and standing at 6'1" and 220#, being average would look tiny on me...heck, 7 7/8 barely looks 'normal'. So if I'm undressing infront of a girl for the first time, being physically balanced plays a huge role in attraction and visual pleasure. To another posters point, once a woman is fully aroused, she could probably squeeze a toaster in there given enough patience and lube, so 8", 8 1/2", 9" are definitely within the 'doable' category for almost all women. Another advantage is the ability to reach the ever-elusive cul-de-sac that's up and beyond the cervix. This utopia of bundled nerve endings can make an otherwise demure MILF into a squirting, screaming banshee...and there's no greater reward for all of our hard work than to be 'flooded' by a gorgeous female that is looking up at you with those 'what the fuck just happened?' eyes. That's why (mic-drop)

I can see what you're saying about the symmetry thing. It's like looking at Shaq's wife. Standing next to an average size man she's just a little short but next to him she looks like a midget.

As far as hitting new depths in a woman it's possible to do with an average size penis because, well positioning is extremely important. I've rubbed on cervix and hit the elusive cul de sac with an average penis. One of the classes I took in college was Human Sexuality. Typically it's easier to do if they've already had 1-2 orgasms and are still extremely turned on and you get into the right position. Side note - the vagina does some really cool stuff automatically at different times during sex. That class taught me some really useful stuff.

Would it be easier to hit with a longer penis? ABSOLUTELY! Does every woman want her cervix drilled? No. If they've had a child they're more likely to enjoy it. I've experienced this personally. I've been told to back off a little because I was hitting cervix in a non-mother and I've seen the look of "I will be your eternal slave if you keep that up" in mothers. Still, even if they've had a child or two you can't go straight to the bottom. Again positioning would be key here if you're really long.

Things are easier if you're longer, no doubt, but not impossible if you're average. Just be careful not to hurt yourself or her if you are Mr. Longfellow.
Iceman338;727048 said:
And so do a lot of other adults males. They're too embarrassed to admit it.>:(

This sounds so true to me. It never fails that everybody likes to give attention to big dicks but its so taboo that they won't admit to it. That's why its such a good thing that communities like this exist. It makes me think about how you can see the curiosity on someone's face when penis size is brought up but they refrain from commenting.
I was wondered why my buddies watched big-dick �naked people movies�, and gazed strongly at big dildos? LOL. They were wishing their dicks were the size of those giant dildos.

Life is so much easier when you admit and "let go." Boys, you all want a super big dick between your legs! Why lie, when all your bros feel the same way? Keeping up appearances....
IAmSpartacus71;726997 said:
Well, actually I would definitely choose (if I could) being gay! Sex life is wayyyy better if you are gay, instead of being virgin until I was 25, and then have sex once in a life time and hate myself and the entire world because of it, I could have sex right when I'm ready to and have it available whenever I just want. That's fucking awesome, no mess with women's stupid mind. And I don't care about the ridicule and all that stuff, I get this anyway every time I open my mouth so I'm used to it. need social skills and a better understanding of male/female dynamics, not homosexuality.
seven_wants_ten;727091 said: need social skills and a better understanding of male/female dynamics, not homosexuality.

I'm confident he will find his way
Big Schwanz Acht;726998 said:
Exactly my don't have a choice. Well done 'IAmSpartacus' for utilizing your 'personal prism' and providing a completely different (and probably more valid) perspective. Refreshing would be an understatement.

Based on this post alone, I know for 100% certainty that you're going to do just fine in the world. The ability to merge humility with honesty is a rare commodity/attribute, so be yourself and go out there and K-I-L-L I-T!!
Thank you for your nice words, you really made me feel better. I like this brotherhood.
seven_wants_ten;727091 said: need social skills and a better understanding of male/female dynamics, not homosexuality. What I really need (and all of us) is a saner society where women don't get brain washed to think it's a bad thing to have sex with plenty of guys, or they should be ashamed of their sexuality, or they should not initiate sex/dates. No wonder so many men and women are so lonely and depressed and addicted to internet �naked people movies�.
For years I was sad because I thought there is something wrong with me, until I realized that the problem is not me, it's the fucking society. Thank you for making me sad again.
Big Schwanz Acht;727097 said:
I'm confident he will find his way
I don't know what future will bring... But for now I think the best idea for me is to save enough money to get a sex doll or a sex robot, so I could have sex whenever I want and be more satisfied and happy.
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Iceman338;727080 said:
I was wondered why my buddies watched big-dick �naked people movies�, and gazed strongly at big dildos? LOL. They were wishing their dicks were the size of those giant dildos. Life is so much easier when you admit and "let go." Boys, you all want a super big dick between your legs! Why lie, when all your bros feel the same way? Keeping up appearances....
I don't like watching �naked people movies� where the guys have monster dicks. It ruins the fantasy of pretending it's MY dick I'm watching getting sucked or pounding a tight little hole. I try to find �naked people movies� with reasonable size dicks that actually look decent and similar to my own in shape. I can appreciate a good looking penis, one that's got a good shape to it. I have been complimented, even by a gay friend and his boyfriend, for having a very nicely shaped penis, no odd curves or a head that's too big/small. Yes I want to measure at least 7" erect length. If I wasn't one of those guys who wanted a large dick I wouldn't be here. Yes I'm jealous of guys who naturally are above average and those who have made themselves above average. I put maximum effort into sex because in my mind I need to in order to make up for not being huge even though no one has ever complained about my size yet have complimented my performance. I turned that insecurity into stellar sexual performances, made something good out of something bad. It also goes along with my personality of trying to be extremely giving to others without thinking about myself. If I can hit my goal of breaking 7" I doubt my approach to sex will change because that's just how I am. But yeah, I still want a monster cock. I've always wanted that power between my legs.
Watching �naked people movies� where guys have "reasonable penis sizes" is a common thing among the guys here.JMO Maybe im wrong but i do watch �naked people movies� and yeah i do those comparisons.

Jealousy ruins our own self steem, because there are some other guys out there whit bigger cocks,One of the reasons we are here is because we want to get bigger and satisfy our desire of getting thicker and bigger...

Is hard to take that those guys are well endowed naturally,But if we can change our size whit PE we should..

Once that we are bigger than 5.5x4,75 we can say that we are above average.....

I agree wanting that power between our legs is a quite satisfying feeling..Hard work pays off..

I think some womenmay want a man whit a penis above average that is ok..but penis size is not everything..
cladre60;727104 said:
I don't like watching �naked people movies� where the guys have monster dicks. It ruins the fantasy of pretending it's MY dick I'm watching getting sucked or pounding a tight little hole. I try to find �naked people movies� with reasonable size dicks that actually look decent and similar to my own in shape. I can appreciate a good looking penis, one that's got a good shape to it. I have been complimented, even by a gay friend and his boyfriend, for having a very nicely shaped penis, no odd curves or a head that's too big/small. Yes I want to measure at least 7" erect length. If I wasn't one of those guys who wanted a large dick I wouldn't be here. Yes I'm jealous of guys who naturally are above average and those who have made themselves above average. I put maximum effort into sex because in my mind I need to in order to make up for not being huge even though no one has ever complained about my size yet have complimented my performance. I turned that insecurity into stellar sexual performances, made something good out of something bad. It also goes along with my personality of trying to be extremely giving to others without thinking about myself. If I can hit my goal of breaking 7" I doubt my approach to sex will change because that's just how I am. But yeah, I still want a monster cock. I've always wanted that power between my legs.

I prefer lesbian �naked people movies� between girls who are really into it.

The only time I really like boy-girl �naked people movies� is if the dude is "outdicking" another dude ("big stud" joins in, etc: not many �naked people movies� scenes made like that LOL). Otherwise, I get bored.

It's bizarre how my mind works.
quite primitive view dont you think, lol when the alpha male lion shows up and everybody moves away:).
Iceman338;727001 said:
I have a big dick fascination/oobsession. I am not ashamed to admit it. I don't care about all the labels society wants to put on me. What does society really know?

Obsession can be an unhealthy thing but yeah i do want to be massive...:cool:
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