Jun 3, 2003
This is the original art for the PA2. The design will be slightly modified upon it's release. All copy-write and patent information is filed and will be available to view within a month.

The design is meant to embody e=mc2 in the sense that there is one hole that runs through the center vertically and one that runs through the PA horizontally. There are additional holes, which are there for various attachments that will be available on the PA2.

As more information is available I will let you know.

The PA2 is a direct result of the partnership between MOS and ALPHABLADE. The creation was made in the spirit of all science. My dream with the PA2 was to create a tool, a penis wrench essentially that would do multiple tasks extremely effectively. Since the design, in itself, is mathematically and geometrically correct. This combination of balance and hole placement makes this PA2 extremely strong and capable of every Penis Enlargement need you could ever want.

The various attachments will blow your mind. I hope to have more information soon:)


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Those of you who have a Power Assist 1 will be able to order attachments for your original PA with some simple modifications. The PA2 will not be available fore a while but the attachments will be ready fairly soon. If you are thinking of getting a Power Assist 1 but now you feel you want to wait for the PA2, don't hold your breath:D The PA2 will take months to complete but I hope to have attachments for the original Power Assist in the next few weeks.

If there are people who do not know what the original Power Assist is, or if you would like to order one CLICK HERE. It will be money well spent.
I was seriously considering a PA when i set aside some Penis Enlargement money as I do every couple months, but got a power jelquer on impulse (I'm kinda impulsive lol). I think i will hold out for this one, after i get my paysite membership (long overdue) after i assess the financial damage from Christmas...
I can already tell, by the picture, on the background, that you developed a sort of Uli thing, or two... one with a quick release or something?

Looks real good.
Chi said:
I can already tell, by the picture, on the background, that you developed a sort of Uli thing, or two... one with a quick release or something?

Looks real good.

Indeed I have, along with at least 10 additional attachments. The difference will be quality as we plan on using titanium for all attachments.
Titanium coating, alloy, or pure titanium? 'Cause with pierced ears I've a bit of expirence with the stuff (It's hypoalergenic, so it's ideal for piercings) and if a 2g bar costs me $20, what's something like a PA attachment going to run?

Also, you've piqued my curiosity: e=mc^2 is Einstein's theorum on the potential energy inherent in every atom in the univers. I believe (And I may be mistaken, it's been a while since I was in Chemistry/Physics) the equations works out to Energy=Mass x The Speed of Light x The Speed of Light (Alternativley Energy=Mass x [The Speed of light]^2) I don't quite see how the equation for calculating nuclear fission (Fusion?) is going to help us with our Penis Enlargement?

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harmonic169 said:
Titanium coating, alloy, or pure titanium? 'Cause with pierced ears I've a bit of expirence with the stuff (It's hypoalergenic, so it's ideal for piercings) and if a 2g bar costs me $20, what's something like a PA attachment going to run?

Pricing is not determined yet and process of metals is still being debated. I will have more information in time.

Also, you've piqued my curiosity: e=mc^2 is Einstein's theorum on the potential energy inherent in every atom in the univers. I believe (And I may be mistaken, it's been a while since I was in Chemistry/Physics) the equations works out to Energy=Mass x The Speed of Light x The Speed of Light (Alternativley Energy=Mass x [The Speed of light]^2) I don't quite see how the equation for calculating nuclear fission (Fusion?) is going to help us with our Penis Enlargement?


Good question and thank you for allowing me to explain.

E=MC2 inspired this design as I see the center of the PA2 ring as being the MC, I see the E as the force we are using and the squared portion denotes the design of the power assist as it is drilled at all sides of it's of its body.

Obviously the penis is in the center and the penis is made from mass and light, or so I like to think:)

Look at the picture below and you will see what I am trying to say. It is only inspiration, more of a figurative view of Einstein's equation. I also like to see the holes I drilled as a sort of Space Time Continuum:) as they are the fastest way from point A to Point B, in this case A LONGER DICK:D


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Hej Guys

I think that DLD have changed his Attitude the past year big time, i used to know DLD from Thundersplace he used to be much different person, what i mean is he used to help the Penis Enlargement guys for nothing now a days i feel that all he cares is to make money, the old days at thundersplace was much different attitude he had.
maybe i am wrong but this is just my feeling, i dont want any one to understand me wrong i am not attacking DLD but maybe he is not noticing himself that he changed so i thought that i will try to remind him how he used to be!!

zabraman said:
Hej Guys

I think that DLD have changed his Attitude the past year big time, i used to know DLD from Thundersplace he used to be much different person, what i mean is he used to help the Penis Enlargement guys for nothing now a days i feel that all he cares is to make money, the old days at thundersplace was much different attitude he had.
maybe i am wrong but this is just my feeling, i dont want any one to understand me wrong i am not attacking DLD but maybe he is not noticing himself that he changed so i thought that i will try to remind him how he used to be!!


"Past Year"??? Where have you been man? In this country, everyone has the opportunity to try and make a living doing something they LOVE. This is the case here. ANyone can look up tons of info on the net regarding getting in shape and what weight lifting exercises to do, yet the industry still makes a ton of money. Because people seek out EXPenis EnlargementRT advise. The same can be applied here. DLD has found a way to make a living doing what he has a passion for, plus what he has a very noticable gift to do. There is a ton of cost associated with developing and manufacturing of a product like the PA(Soon to be PA2). Do you think DLD should spring for all the cost associated with the R&D of such a product and then GIVE them away? He has posted on this site the directions to make your own PA, but as a PA owner/supporter myself, I doubt that anymore than 10% of the Penis Enlargement community actually have the skill/tools to make a PA as smooth and professional as the MOS PA.

Well there is always one. Zabraham, get a life. DLD is a business man because that is the way of the world. Look, he is a bloody genius. He creates these wild, wacky and amazing devices and exercises for us. This is his passion and I think that is easy to see.

You buy music. The artists make money from you. The music is sometimes amazing and passionfilled but you do not view the artists as crooks do you? Making money from something that you have passion for is a beautiful thing and I think if more people had that kind of passion for their work the world would be a better place.

In DLD's case it seems obvious to me that he is a Penis Enlargement practitioner and designer, etc first and a business man second. There are thousands of products in the world and very, very few are as good as what MOS offers. That is because they are made with passion, hard work and experience.

Great work Mike!
Might want to consider offering the attachments in stainless steel. Titanium cost mega bucks to both buy and machine.

If there are people out there who are willing to buy it in titanium, great, but what about us po' folk? lol
AWESOME design!! I just want to thank YOU DLD for working so hard. Making excersises, Devices, and all kinds of other helpful things.. and i wanted to appreciate you for that!!

Thank You again,
I remember Dld from the forums years ago. Its been interesting watching your desire and interest develop Mike. What started as a personal interest grew to this, huh, who 'da thunk :cheers:
Mike, you've made pe your life and you've helped and learned so many.
Your now reaping the rewards for your work, and you deserve to make cash from anything you do, your a genius and one who has and still can change mens lives for the better. Amen to you brother, I'm with you all the way.
Here is a couple pictures of DLD working in the Shop on the New Power Assist Design...


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