
Dec 27, 2009
Sorry for the depressing title guys, but it's true. And please excuse the length of post.

Five months ago my life changed. I met this girl online and we decided to meet. I knew she was crazy, and the complete opposite of me. And SHE knew she was crazy, and the complete opposite of me. But we decided to meet anyway because she was a little nymphomaniac which I saw as sort of a turn-on. Now, of course the term 'crazy' is subjective but to give you an idea, she was obsessed with veganism and saw human beings as inferior to animals on many levels. However we got along pretty well (in a strange sort of way) though being as I was a meat-eater, I was the devil to her, as were all other carnivorous humans. She dedicated her life to animal rights causes and had delusions about changing the way people eat, and preserving life for all animals. Hell, I love animals too, but perhaps not to the extent that she did. Oh yea, did I mention she was 18? I was 25 at the time (yeah, yeah). She had had one sex partner, I had three at the time. At 18, she was reasonably smart for her age and looked a few years older, but I digress.

Anyway, we hung out only twice and had decent sex several times total. It was established that we were just going to be fuck buddies for awhile. Fast-forward several weeks and she's nowhere to be found (unsurprisingly). I tried contacting her a few times online and she was strangely distant toward me. No good reason that I could see. We eventually talked a bit (on AIM and Facebook) and she claimed she had been really busy with school yada yada. And, oh, she started sleeping with this other dude. Now, she seemed to enjoy the sex I had with her-- after the first time we hung out she was quick to want to 'hang out' again-- but we were just way too different, personality-wise. This I was willing to accept. After all, I hardly knew her and we weren't exactly in a relationship. Though I wasn't super keen with the fact that she just started randomly banging this other dude. I felt I had the right to question her on it, which I did. She got really, really defensive but the conversation remained somewhat civil. One thing led to another however, and after about twenty minutes it was a full blown war of words. Vicious insults were being tossed back and forth. Cheap shots dominated the argument, which had turned into a straight up verbal armageddon.

So, needless to say we were on the outs and things couldn't have gotten much worse. But they did, for me at least. As the insults turned sexual (which is, after all, how we knew each other the best) she said the fact that she would never sleep with me again would be "no biggie" and followed that up with a snarky "literally". When I shot back with a remark about her vaginal dimensions, which in my opinion was TRUE, contrary to her claim of only being with one guy, she countered with 'just becasue you have a small dick.. yada, yada, yada'. Upon hearing this, words cannot explain the desperation I felt: Was she serious? Had she been dissatisfied with our sex despite begging for more? Had my previous partners been dissatisfied?? Were they bullshitting me when they said I was one of the best they've ever had? Did they *secretly* think I was small even though we were sexually compatible for all intents and purposes? What will future partners think? Quite frankly, what do I do? I lost control. I lost my mind. And I still have yet to find it.

As stated above, it's been about five months since this incident. In that time I've become ridiculously obsessed with my penis and it's presumed lack of size, something which I'd never really given a ton of consideration before (I was fine with being average.. it worked well and it looked nice.. what else did I really need?). I've also become somewhat of a junior expert on Penis Enlargement but have yet to see any 'real' gains, save for some flaccid length and maybe a third of an inch or so in erect length.. which could very well be due to fluctuating EQ or simple mis-measurement. Of course my routine hasn't been very consistent.. but I have been Penis Enlargement'ing a LOT. Perhaps TOO much (I generally Penis Enlargement until my penis feels tired, but not every day). Either way, I'm become convinced that im just genetically predisposed to this 6" cock (5.9" on a bad day, 6.2" on a good day). My girth is 5".

Perhaps I just need a new routine. I joined MoS yesterday so I'm anxious to try something different. But as for now, my life is changed. I can hardly talk to girls.. I've convinced myself that 99% of them are secretly size queens, no matter how much reading I do to the contrary. My self-confidence has plunged and. I've developed a rather severe case of BDD which doesn't seem to be getting much better. I thought that five months ago I would be celebrating a new size right now, but no. [To me], it just looks like the same old boring penis.
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While you might have difficulty realizing it from hanging around penis-oriented sites such as this one, you are almost certainly somewhat above the average in size, according to the more reliable surveys. You certainly aren't small.

As for your girlfriend, I can understand why you feel hurt, but it doesn't sound as if you had any kind of a committed relationship. In such a case, a lot of girls that age are going to feel free to shop around. It sounds like she did, and found someone else, and didn't have the emotional maturity to come out and tell you in a more responsible manner, which is not suprising considering her age. So she became distant and let you figure it out for yourself.

I don't see any reason to believe that she didn't enjoy having sex with you at the time. The sad fact is that some women will become rather hurtful to a guy when they have decided to end a relationship. It is quite possible that the guy she is with now is larger than you, and she may have taken the opportunity to use that as a weapon when things turned verbally nasty.

I don't think that most women are size queens. As a matter of fact, I think that most women really don't care that much about penis size as long as it isn't "too big" or "too small". I think that, while somewhat larger than average is quite popular with many ladies, average is just fine with the vast majority, and is actually prefered by a substantial percentage of women.
redbear52;369528 said:
I don't think that most women are size queens. As a matter of fact, I think that most women really don't care that much about penis size as long as it isn't "too big" or "too small". I think that, while somewhat larger than average is quite popular with many ladies, average is just fine with the vast majority, and is actually prefered by a substantial percentage of women.

In order for a woman to be a size queen she needs to experience size. With more than 90% of the men falling into average and the chances of a woman beig with a man larger than this there can't be too many size queens. If a woman cares that much about size and little about you kick her in the grill.
haha thanks DLD. i was curious to see your thoughts on this especially as it relates to BDD. i think you wrote an article or two on it which were pretty excellent. is it still something you struggle with?
For whatever my input might be worth, I'll give you a little advice that I've gleaned over the years. First, though, a quick observation; even though you post twenty-five years of age-(now don't get insulted)- you don't sound very "experienced". And here's where having a few miles under the belt comes in handy: Women will always, ALWAYS, go for the dick insult when it comes to you exposing something they themselves are sensitive or feeling guilty about. ALWAYS. You should give her comments as little credence as possible.
One thing you should actually find reassuring, as strange as it may sound, is the speed with which she went directly to the dick insult; this shows that she really had no other ammo whatsoever to sling at you.
My most sincere advice would be to just chalk her up to experience, recognize her remarks as the juvenile (18, after all, ain't nearly grown) desperation move they were and happily move on. The only substance her insults now have is the substance YOU give them. Soon she'll just be an amusing memory. Good Luck.
I was hanging out with a few women friends a few weeks ago. We got onto the subject of breakups and the shit people say about each other after the break. One of the women turned to me and said, "You do know that after a breakup the guy always gets smaller and smaller..." I laughed my ass off. So they slam us in that department.

Listen man, this is one girl. In the heat of an argument I have found that women will out-vicious a man any day. A friend of mine told me - "While you're asleep, that bitch is laying over there trying to figure out the best way to fuck you up." You coulda had a 10' dick with 7" girth and she still would have called you Tiny Tim...It's what they do best - kick you right in the balls.

I know you're young and want that nice feeling of having a warm body to cuddle up to, but I am sure you saw many warning signs about staying away from her. Damn, I once left a woman's apartment and said, "That woman is crazy" (literally). Did I listen to myself? Hell no. I married her. Now we're getting divorced. Believe me, that's a mistake I'm not making again.

Keep working at it, read and read and read here. These guys at this forum are awesome and always willing to help out.

Forget that chick. She's with a new victim now.
jetsetter439;369693 said:
haha thanks DLD. i was curious to see your thoughts on this especially as it relates to BDD. i think you wrote an article or two on it which were pretty excellent. is it still something you struggle with?

Eventually I started taking my own advice and I conquered these issues. Today I think very little about my size or others size...I realize it makes very little difference in my life. I like keeping Penis Enlargement in it's place and not allowing it to rule my life. I keep everything in the moment and keep a good state of mind. Eventually I realized that anything over 6.5" is huge and since I am beyond that I am happy. If a woman ever put so much importance on my size that it became an issue I would cut her loose.
dude of coarse she is going to say that in an argument, they know that men are naturally insecure about that part of there bodies, so in an argument the most effective weapon any bitch girl will have will be that. If you were huge she would say you suck in bed and cant use it, if ur average then ur small. Im the exact same size as you pretty much and every girl i have been with i have been the best they have been with and i know that for a fact, one time i got blown by some bitch and her friend made a joke incinuating i was small, it kinda mind fucked me for a few days but then i got over it. just think of hte past girls, and PS that girl wanted to bang me and was just jelous i wouldnt give her the time of day so there was some ammunition for that. Your perfect, and if you feel bad go google micro penis and see waht you find ;)

get on a good routine, purchase a LengthMaster , an ADS or w/e and slap on an inch in 6 months and be 7.2 inches which is a monster good luck my friend
Jetsetter you came to the right place bro. You'll be surprised to find that many of the guys here have similar stories and are insecure about their unit size. MOS is a family and everyone here will bend over backwards to help you. Just do yourself a favor and forget about that girl, her comments, and the thoughts of being small. Let it be your fuel. But don't let it consume you. Where your mind is so your body will be also. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to gain. Good luck to you bro.
MAXAMEYES;369754 said:
For whatever my input might be worth, I'll give you a little advice that I've gleaned over the years. First, though, a quick observation; even though you post twenty-five years of age-(now don't get insulted)- you don't sound very "experienced". And here's where having a few miles under the belt comes in handy: Women will always, ALWAYS, go for the dick insult when it comes to you exposing something they themselves are sensitive or feeling guilty about. ALWAYS. You should give her comments as little credence as possible.
One thing you should actually find reassuring, as strange as it may sound, is the speed with which she went directly to the dick insult; this shows that she really had no other ammo whatsoever to sling at you.
My most sincere advice would be to just chalk her up to experience, recognize her remarks as the juvenile (18, after all, ain't nearly grown) desperation move they were and happily move on. The only substance her insults now have is the substance YOU give them. Soon she'll just be an amusing memory. Good Luck.

Great advice here. Always good to hear from the more maturer guys.
REDZULU2003;369915 said:
Great advice here. Always good to hear from the more maturer guys.

I agree, excellent addition.
MAXAMEYES;369754 said:
For whatever my input might be worth, I'll give you a little advice that I've gleaned over the years. First, though, a quick observation; even though you post twenty-five years of age-(now don't get insulted)- you don't sound very "experienced". And here's where having a few miles under the belt comes in handy: Women will always, ALWAYS, go for the dick insult when it comes to you exposing something they themselves are sensitive or feeling guilty about. ALWAYS. You should give her comments as little credence as possible.
One thing you should actually find reassuring, as strange as it may sound, is the speed with which she went directly to the dick insult; this shows that she really had no other ammo whatsoever to sling at you.
My most sincere advice would be to just chalk her up to experience, recognize her remarks as the juvenile (18, after all, ain't nearly grown) desperation move they were and happily move on. The only substance her insults now have is the substance YOU give them. Soon she'll just be an amusing memory. Good Luck.

You can't talk shit about a woman's vagina first and expect her not to mention something about your penis being a smaller size. Now if a woman slings the size thing first than, game on. You could tell her "Hell, a Boeing 747 looks small flying through the Grand Canyon."
Hellface;369973 said:
You can't talk shit about a woman's vagina first and expect her not to mention something about your penis being a smaller size. Now if a woman slings the size thing first than, game on. You could tell her "Hell, a Boeing 747 looks small flying through the Grand Canyon."

Or he could create a monster cock and go back and teach her a lesson:)
Hellface;369973 said:
You can't talk shit about a woman's vagina first and expect her not to mention something about your penis being a smaller size. Now if a woman slings the size thing first than, game on. You could tell her "Hell, a Boeing 747 looks small flying through the Grand Canyon."
yes, she flung the size comment first, to which i responded with a few vagina insults that were not only warranted but true..

i enjoy the boeing line haha. i think its a tom arnold quote believe it or not.

@DLD: you hit the nail on the head!
Yeah baby...I like DLD's idea the best. When you grow that monster, just walk up to her and whip that shit out and start jerking
Thank you so much for the very helpful replies everyone.

It is really more about me changing my thought processes regarding my penis and it's ability to please a woman. I've had only two longterm partners and both of them have complimented me regularly in bed. But with my natural tendency to disqualify the positive and give credence to the negative, it becomes difficult to put things into perspective.

Basically, any and all concerns I've had about myself sexually came crashing down on me. I thought back to the partners I had and what those experiences were like. They were generally positive, however I still obsessed over the details looking for something, anything, that could confirm I had a small penis. For example, I spent more time than is necessary analyzing whether or not the sometimes lack of sensation when inside a very wet vagina could mean that I'm small. I attributed hardly anything to natural vaginal lubrication during sex and almost everything to my alleged small penis. In fact, I still think about this and other things which may lend themselves to the idea that I'm small. Even though I know in my heart of hearts that I am in all likelihood perfectly fine, it's the irrational depressive side that is often stronger. Occasionally I worry how strong it is, and what it's capable of, but I keep trudging knowing that irrational thoughts and depressive states are simply not part of the human destiny.
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MAXAMEYES;370348 said:
Quite often, the distance between madness and sanity is one small decision.

My Decisional distance usually falls under insanity but I would have it no other way.
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