LMFAO he was not a juicer dude. You can tell by the way he worked out. Roids help recovery time specifically. If he did juice he would do those 4 set per body part with lots of that "more is better" philosophy. It would be a waste and you would see much less results doing the philosophy he has written up.

Sorry, but you are one of those guys that sees someone huge and labels him a juicer. Look at his site, look at his philosophy, everything he wrote was anti-roid, all natural, and his whole workout was based on all natural. It would be a waste of time, money, and health for him to use roids based on the routine he had and was known to use his whole career.
Steroids specifically increase nitrogen retention,its been debated that you need up to 2g of test a week to see increased recovery time,do you seriously believe a man can make it to the mr olympia stage natural? i suppose you believe lee priest only uses 200mg test a week like he claims.

First MM did NOT build his physique using HIT he used a standard high volume approach,he changed over to HIT at the back end of his career.

also like arnie says in pumping iron steroid use back then was not illegal and it was no big deal.

Dorian yates trained with MM and followed a HIT style workouts,casey viator under jones followed HIT,both of these men admitted to drug use.

Remember MM at the end of his career made a living training ordinary people,do you think people would be as likely to follow his routines if he admitted drug use.
Well all I can say is I will leave you to your opinions, but I can say roids do NOT aid you when it comes to HIT, much if at all.

All I can say is I am taking the all natural HD/HIT route and I have known people with although not as superior in genetics and thus physique, pretty damn close, who took this approach.
Not just my opinion mate,just search on the net and you will find plenty off proof of what i say.

I used hit myself for a while when i was natural,natural for 11 years and yes it does work but so do a lot of other training styles i have experimented with.

If you want a good routine try randell strossen's 20 rep squat routine.

All the best with your training hope you make the progress your after.
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