Sep 19, 2005
guys I've been working at putting my own workout together I am now going to provide it for you. It consist of a 2 day cycle repeated over and over no days off.
Day 1: DLD's A Stretch for 30 seconds just to get my penis to a good flaccid hang. After that I put vimax extender on for 2 hours max tension. As soon as I take extender off I go to the bathroom if I have to and then I take my vaseline and slather up everything and I do Jelqing for 30 minutes. As soon as I finish I will do 3 sets of Pyronie's bend I am trying to correct my curve to the Right. I took some of the aspects of DLD's testicular health exercise and modified it. I first start off with I grab the lose skin and I pull out on it. I will do that for 60 seconds. I make sure to get a good stretch and can usually do it pretty hard. After that I grab the head of my penis and I push down with my palm on my testicles. I do 4 sets of 15 seconds switching for each one. After that I do the standard lig exercise where I pull penis down and I pull my balls up 2 sets of 30 seconds one set to left one to right. After that I take a 15 minute shower making sure to let hot water run over my penis for atleast 5 minutes. So Far I have gained .75" in length and 1/8" in girth. I slip in supra slammer's whenever and I think that has been the one reason why i've gained girth. My testicle hang is a lot bigger now. I don't have exact measurement but it was almost alwasy tight now I seem to be always hanging except for when it's freezing.
Day 2: A Stretch 30 seconds
Vimax extender 2 hours
I repeat this cycle and haven't taken a day off in 7 weeks now. Good luck if you choose to use it.

I would focus on one thing. The Vimax, Power Assist, BIB Hanger, etc. are all good products. But, I think you would see best results if you focused primarily on ONE of these products. Read: do ALL hanging or ALL manual exercises. I think if you try doing a little bit of everything you won't see the best results because it is difficult to maintain FOCUS. This is a very important aspect to Penis Enlargement.
well every exercise is for a different area. If I do just one exercise I won't be hitting everything i'm going to have to disagree with you.
[lumberg voice]ummm... yeah, im going to have to uhhhh, disagree with you there. yeeah.[/lumberg voice] :p
So your only stretches are a 30 sec A-Stretch plus the ones from testicle health?

At what level of erection do you jelq?
I do the a-stretch just to loosen my penis up just that tiny bit before I put it in the extender. Not really any a-stretches in the testicle health exercise. 80% I try to keep erection level.
[P]okey[B]ear said:
guys I've been working at putting my own workout together I am now going to provide it for you. It consist of a 2 day cycle repeated over and over no days off.
Day 1: DLD's A Stretch for 30 seconds just to get my penis to a good flaccid hang. After that I put vimax extender on for 2 hours max tension. As soon as I take extender off I go to the bathroom if I have to and then I take my vaseline and slather up everything and I do Jelqing for 30 minutes. As soon as I finish I will do 3 sets of Pyronie's bend I am trying to correct my curve to the Right. I took some of the aspects of DLD's testicular health exercise and modified it. I first start off with I grab the lose skin and I pull out on it. I will do that for 60 seconds. I make sure to get a good stretch and can usually do it pretty hard. After that I grab the head of my penis and I push down with my palm on my testicles. I do 4 sets of 15 seconds switching for each one. After that I do the standard lig exercise where I pull penis down and I pull my balls up 2 sets of 30 seconds one set to left one to right. After that I take a 15 minute shower making sure to let hot water run over my penis for atleast 5 minutes. So Far I have gained .75" in length and 1/8" in girth. I slip in supra slammer's whenever and I think that has been the one reason why i've gained girth. My testicle hang is a lot bigger now. I don't have exact measurement but it was almost alwasy tight now I seem to be always hanging except for when it's freezing.
Day 2: A Stretch 30 seconds
Vimax extender 2 hours
I repeat this cycle and haven't taken a day off in 7 weeks now. Good luck if you choose to use it.

Looks like a good routine. Try to keep separate data on all the exercises you are doing to be sure of the effectiveness, but it is a good starting point. Creating the perfect, individual routine is an ideal plan but in the creation bye willing to make slight adjustments to expedite things.

An example of this is when I was creating the NEWBIE workout. I new I wanted to keep things basic and easy to do and understand but I also wanted things to be effective and gain producing. This left room for additions and subtractions that produced the finished product, a routine everyone can do, understand and gain with.

In your case, it is more specific, more isolated more about you, your physiology and what mechanics will work most effectively with all of the events considered. You actually have a wonderful opportunity to take information and customize it to be more effective for you. WIth patients and tenacity I am sure you will speed up your gains.

Good luck and stay committed!

Mike (DLD)
thanks a lot mike your an inspiration man if I can get to 10.5 like you some day oh man I can't wait thnx for the encouragement though
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