
Jul 19, 2006
What penis enlargment pills(supplements they say) would you recommend to be the best for me to buy? I saw a few on the net and am quite confused as to which would be best as I have no experience with them so am seeking some assistance. I had two in mind, Vp-RX and VigRX were the two that seem as the wisest choices exspecially VigRX. So gimme yaall opinions and suggestions. Also it has come to my understanding that enlargment pills dont do much without jelquing or somo form of streching and excercises, so I know i'll have to put in alot of work. Also any suggestions for excerises would be appreciated as I am mostly into gianing alot of girth.
vp rx did nothing for me other than harder erections. i experienced gains whilst on vig rx, but i put that down to the routine and not the pills...
Thanks for the advice guys. Other opinions would we greatly appreciated.:)
I don't think pills are going to do a damn thing by themselves. At best, they're a supplement to your hands on training. So, I say compare ingredients and go with what is cheap.

If you're not an MOS member, consider getting the deluxe package where I think you get a free bottle, then you could see if it works out and you'll have them on reorder if they work for you, and can cancel if they don't.
"There is no Such thing as a Miracle Pill you can take and wake up with a bigger Penis. Penis Enlargement Pills Do Not Work without Exercise, Period.
Thats why we created the MoS Titan Penis Assistant Pills.
The key ingredients in these pills were put together by DLD and one of Americas top Pill Companies to help aid in the most effective penis growth with exercise. The MoS Titan Pills will intensify your workout by 200%!"


TiTan Supplement Facts

L-Arginine HCL 350 mg
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Extract) 40 mg
Maca 200 mg
Ginkgo Biloba Extract 24/6 20 mg
Siberian Ginseng 35:1 (Root) 200 mg
Tribulus Terrestrius 40% Extract 50 mg
Yohimbe Extract (Bark) 2% 150 mg

all three super starter packages, and the maximum gains package come with the pills. they may also be purchased alone.
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