
Apr 4, 2012
Ive used Bathmate for roughly 4 years on and off and in my case it has caused some very severe permenant discoloration and I mean severe! My daughters mom left me 3 years ago because it was that bad... I became overly obsessed with how bad the discoloration and scars that P Eing had left behind and searched for any and everything I could do to reverse the effects... From going to speak with plastic seurgeons, researching the effects LED infrared exposure over the course of time, creams like amlactin and such... all of these have yielded nothing up to that point and I tried to kill myself 3-4 times do to how badly it had fucked up my life and not being able to deal with looking at it on a day to day basis... I became so desperate I actually started getting it tattoo'd over just so I wouldnt have to see the damage anymore. Im telling you I didnt have a choice, I was so overwhelmed by it and couldnt even normally function I didnt want to awake everytime I went to sleep... I couldnt even pull it together for my little girl that I love more than anything in this world! The tattoing was like well this has to work I have to get better for my little girl she cant see her daddy going through this. Either way the ink color chosen didnt match my skin color and in a lot of places didnt even take... So now I had a discolorerd, scarred to fuck, and tattoo'd dick that was and still do this day fucking hidious! I just came to the place I had become numb to it, I didnt fucking care anymore about anything... The suicide attempts somehow failed I'll say by the grace of god and my entire life went spinning out of control and even now isnt even life! I guess now I figured that if I have all this damage to my manhood im atleast going to make him fucking massive like the original idea and it better fucking work or im going climbing a clock tower sniper rifle in hand postal if you catch my drift!!!! But all in all I need help, not mentally its been 3 years since this shit happened and well it is what it is I did it to myself and lost everything that meant anything to me in the process!!!
Your family left you because of discoloration or your obsession over the discoloration? We can really make something bad into something much worse when we become obsessed. If you are in a relationship where the penis matters so much it is better to let go and find someone who is not so surface. If you are the one making it so big I would relax a bit and let yourself explore some of the ideas to correct this issue. Can we get a photo of the issue? This will help us direct you.
Im not all wrapped up over it anymore just to get that clear! There was so many other things that happened in the same time frame that were very traggic and lets say I just had to much on my plate and nobody to help me get through what I was going through. I had no family or friends close to me that would even lift a finger let alone a phone to help me fight through my grieving process. They all figured that either it was going to work itself out or I was just gonna kick the bucket. Some support system huh? Either way like I said im not nearlly as consumed by it as I once was... Nothing like fucking a few high class beautiful hookers and strippers couldnt take care of! I came to find that I was so fixated on it that my mind couldnt process a single moment without thinking about it and having to look at it to rebreak my heart 200 times a day. Now im I wouldnt say over it but accustom to it.. Maybe my eye sight is just so good I could see what nobody else could? But thats not the case its defenitely fucked ,but nothing to end your life over! I'll see what I can do to work up a picture for you... whats funny is my best friend has Vitilago all over his dick so I decided I was going to show him exactly what the fuck had happened and he had the hardest time looking at my shit because he felt inferior because my dick was bigger and he was jealous of that regardless the discoloration. Ive been reading up about this creation for discoloration you have in the works and very interested but not waiting on pins and needles as 3 years ago I allready had my heart broke being told there was absolutely nothing that could be done by physicians and plastic seurgeons. I didnt even bother going to a skin specialist at that point I just wanted death. But its been a few a years since that and ive got a career in the works that only a select few can even suceed in that im absolutely one of the most gifted at and love just as much as I love my daughter
suprizingly I dont think it looks nearly as bad on camera then it does in person but I i'll leave that for you to desyper for yourself
nevermind the picture file size is to big to put on the website and I dont know how to make it smaller unless someone wants to help me?
Every PC has "paint" installed on it. Open your picture there and choose "resize". Then you can upload afterwards.

You can also do it here: http://www.shrinkpictures.com/

I am starting to get some discoloration myself, but I really dont care. As long as it becomes a real monster sizewise, it could be a monster colorwise too for my sake:) The girl Im with now does not care at all, as long as I can still satisfy her..

But I understand it is a problem for you. Upload a pic and maybe we can help.
View attachment 25210Ill take some close ups tomorrow so you can see more of what im seeing.. Heres the pic and thanks for the help finding something to downsize my pic RED.


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oh yeah if your wondering about the the tip its from stretching extreme with modified vac head and does go away with time
I don't get it. I was expecting it to look like it had been mangled by a rabbid dog or something. It doesn't look nearly as bad as you made it out to be. I would imagine most women wouldn't even mention it cause it's not a big deal.
I don't get it. I was expecting it to look like it had been mangled by a rabbid dog or something. It doesn't look nearly as bad as you made it out to be. I would imagine most women wouldn't even mention it cause it's not a big deal.
At least from the picture you sent us ... Well, I say looks OK as well! Sure, you're cut, it's weird for me, haha, but really.

OK, those bursts on your head need some treatment, but serious discolouring? Looks like a healthy penis to me, even better when you can fix those bursts. (And you can. Heck, I accidentally burned my head with infrared lamp! And now it's cured, thanks to various oils, lotions and so on.)

Being yourself, of course your own penis looks different to your eye than to someone else looking at it.
Chill out dude!
yeah I know... I think that when nothing but traggic shit is going on in your life around you and then it attacks your body in any manner that you would deem unsuitable to have to live with forever when you want no parts of it you can very easily blow it out of proportion and make it out to be a 100 times worse than it really is just do to obsession. I know it isnt nearly as bad as it could be ,but still you know I dont want my dick to have scars all over and discoloration that cant be reversed. I havent had any women say anything thus far which tells the entire story in itself! but I had the fear of just that one women noticing and trying to explain what the hell happened! And then all of a sudden it transformed into no women would put up with it, its absolutely hidious, something has gotta be done or im finished with life, and finally nothing can be done I am finished with life and this is unacceptable for me to have to live with. Im not that way anymore though, I just refuse to let something physical emotionally bring me down. Its absolutely petty compared to some of the shit that happens to people! Take for instance a soldier coming back from war missing limbs, someone surviving a shark attack, the list go's on and on and my problem was pretty pathetic compared to what other people have to live with that im sure they didnt want any parts of but are dealing with it! The best saying I can come up with for this is " to each his own" what may seem like the end of the world to me could barely scratch the surface for you and vice versa. Its all about perception and the pedastol we put certain things on which give these things the power to dictate our emotions and day to day life. To be completely honest with you if you watch quite a bit of �naked people movies� youll notice that some guys discoloration are fucking radiculous and their doing �naked people movies�. You dont hear any stories about how their dick got that way and their whipping that bad boy out for the world to see! To me the discoloration and scarring would be nothing but a symbol of how hard I worked if my dick was 10 inches erect. All a women would notice is how fucking big the dick about to be crammed into her pussy is she'd most certainly see the forest for the trees and would be blown away! But thats just a theory I have seeing as how my dick isnt 10 inches erect. But I have to know if my theory is right because if your just looking at something average just like everybody else its human nature to nit pick things apart and see the wrong in it. All in all just have to get that double digit shaft or im not ever going to let it go, my world doesnt revolve around it but it plays a role in my emotions everyday in life because, I know! Take for instance the same reason your even on this site your not doing it for anybody else but you, its something that your unhappy with and wish to change permenantly so it can boost your self esteem. Am I right? wait a minute I now im right you can say you do it for your wife or your girlfriend yadda yadda yadda get real its for you, what man doesnt want to push double digits when measuring? I dont know about you but the words its so fucking big coming out of a females mouth can do numbers for a mans ego in my book! ive only heard it once in high school and let me tell you woah buddy I was king shit and did she everso recieve her present for muttering out the exact words for me to be turned on like no other. Anyways the point of this post wasnt so anybody would look and say thats no big deal it was more so like a retorical question asked to proove a point about perception and how big of a role it plays in our emotions...
just out of curiosity does anybody else whos freaking out about their discoloration look close to or even exactly like this?
Dude, your penis is totally okay. I was expecting that it's full of scars and stuff like that, but it seems very fine to me.
well thanx but believe you me I could take pictures that would show you damage and scars if you really wanted? just kept it from a perspective most women would initially see it..
im also really suprized nobodys asked what it felt like tattooing the shaft!
Chill out and become more at ease with this because you'll see much more pronounced 'scars' with penis enlargement as its part and parcel of it all. If this scares you sili then you'll have a breakdown later on. That dick doesn't look at all bad and sure I understand where you come from if a women sees it like that but in time this will not be such a big deal with only the odd scar now and again as I said which does dissapear the more experienced you become with this.

Is it not possible the lady you have would kiss it better? some women may be obliged to give you some TLC :)
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