
Nov 10, 2003
Hi Red, and others. I'm experiencing something else from clamping that others may have had happen as well. When clamped and doing squeezes, the surface skin of my penis stings, like it's been burnt or scratched. It's not a structural pain, just the surface of the skin, presumably from the pressure of the squeezes. And even after my session is over, the surface skin is extremely sensitive, not in a good way either. Again, it stings and feels like it's been scratched or burned. Any of you have this happen? How do you alleviate it? I do hot wraps for several minutes before and after clamping, so I'm not sure what's gong on. Any advice? thanks much

:O Fillerup
I think you should adapt to clamping first, not do squeezes as an start.

And when you get used to it, you will not feel pain anymore.
GhosT_DoGG said:
I think you should adapt to clamping first, not do squeezes as an start.

And when you get used to it, you will not feel pain anymore.

I agree
Ghost Dogg and Red, thanks for your replies. But your advice is flawed in two respects.

1) I do not do squeezes as a start. In fact, I start by applying a hot cloth for several minutes. Then, I jelq mostly and do a couple of squeezes over a 15-20 minute period. After that, I apply the clamp. So I figure I'm thoroughly warmed by then, don't you think?

2) Most importantly, I've been doing clamp work 4-5 days a week now for almost 4 months . Just "how long" does it take to adjust to clamping?
This stinging or irritation I'm talking about just started this week. The only thing I can mention perhaps is that I took 4 days off on a recent trip. Even then, the first day back, all I did was jelq and did a few squeezes for 20-30 minutes. No clamp at all. The second day, after preliminary jelqing, I applied the clamp and the irritation was felt with the first squeeze. The skin is also very dark, purplish in a way. Looks like a big hickey on my dick. Perhaps I should apply vitamin E or something. Anyway, it's pissing me off, expecially since I finally achieved a bit of a gain, which I'm really happy about. So, now what? Lay off for a while? don't do the squeezes? I'm not sure what I should do. Don't want to stop when I'm finally making progress. Have neither of you ever experienced this? I can't believe I'm the only one.

Im not shure if i have gotten it right.

You do warm-up, jelq, squeezes. Then apply the clamp and do squeezes?

Well red is the master at clamping send him an PM message, and im shure he can help you.
GhosT_DoGG said:
Im not shure if i have gotten it right.

You do warm-up, jelq, squeezes. Then apply the clamp and do squeezes?

Well red is the master at clamping send him an PM message, and im shure he can help you.

That is correct. Warm-up, jelq/squeezes, then clamp. I'll try to PM Red, but the last time showed his inbox was full and couldn't take anymore messages. He may still respond to this one.
Okay, when does this #pain# start? when you squeeze? tell me.
Also DONT stop doing this now your seeing some gains, that is TEMP and needs cementing with more intense and consistant clamping, but first we need to sort your query out.
You warm-up which is fantastic, so also try warming down...if you can do some cold wraps after the hot ones, or before them ... your choice, it may help keep the discolouration away cos all that is, is pigmentation from the intense pressure the clamp work creates.
Anotherthing, maybe cut your time down from 15-20 mins to 10 mins, it could be that your penis hasnt fully adjusted to the times, I nearly had a BLACK dick once lol from clamping too long and not letting my dick if you will, condition itself for this; I however dont think the penis ever really adjusts itself fully to clamping, not entirely cos you can always shock it with clamping by applying MORE pressure and more blood in their equals more expansion and more stress on the penis.

So, in a nutshell.
Tell me when the pains starts and cut your times to 10 mins, maybe X2 per day if you were doing X1 15-20 mins session, also warm-down and if you want apply cold wraps.
Still go intense and keep doing the clamps.
Thanks Red, for your reply. I agree, I don't want to stop now, when I'm (finally) gaining. First I'll detail my routine

A) I apply a warm, wet cloth to my partially or fully erect penis. Replace and reheat every minute or so as the cloth cools. I do this for 3-5 minutes

B) Apply vaseline and Jelq for about 20 minutes with the occasional DLD bend and Isolated Compression Squeeze or ULI.

C) Next I achieve a full erection, wrap at the base and apply the clamp, but not too tight. I then achieve the fullest erection I can, Kegel, and clamp tight. Then, it's just a combination of squeezes, bends and "edging". But I noticed when I do an intense squeeze, this is when it stings. Understandably I guess because this is when the most pressure is applied not just to the inner tissue but the surface skin as well. I do a 20 minute session usually, remove the clamp and light jelq for a few minutes, then reapply after everything is nice and pink again (The discolored area does not become pink though.) I think this stinging sensation is probably, in my opinion, from tiny tears in the skin from the pressure. And, since I took off 4 days, maybe I just hit it too hard and should have allowed several easy days before a major clamping onslaught.

D) After I finish a total of 30-40 minutes clamped, I remove the clamp and reapply hot compresses for a few minutes, then apply a rubber cock ring I have that's snug enough to keep a partial engorgement for a good half hour before I start to feel a little numbness, at which point I remove the ring and I'm done for the day.

The area that stings is the same area that is discolored, and I mean REALLY discolored! I don't dare strip down in front of someone as their first words would be "What the hell happened to you!", It's that dark, almost purple. So, that's about the jist of it I guess. I surely don't want to stop now. Maybe I just need to slow down a bit and gradually, very gradually, work up to 30 minute clamp sessions. Hope I've detailed my routine sufficiently for you, and I welcome any suggestions you may have.

Okay, well you dont want such bad discolouration, simple thing to do is AVOID doing the clamped squeezes which cause pain.
DO NOT do anymore of them.
I'm not RED but it sounds like this pain sinsation from clamping isn't really from clamping but a effect from you forcing the skin to stretch. If you have been doing this awhile I would bet if your girl did some careful examination she might see some small stretch marks in the skin where it's been painful. The wonderful part about skin is it does stretch but sometimes it takes time. You may want to apply a aloe lotion or something to soften the skin when not clamping or Penis Enlargement'ing. and maybe even go a step further and instead of just a hot cloth to warm up maybe even a nice soak in the tub or hot shower. Again just my opinion maybe RED or DLD or someone with more expierence can help ya.
loco said:
I'm not RED but it sounds like this pain sinsation from clamping isn't really from clamping but a effect from you forcing the skin to stretch. If you have been doing this awhile I would bet if your girl did some careful examination she might see some small stretch marks in the skin where it's been painful. The wonderful part about skin is it does stretch but sometimes it takes time. You may want to apply a aloe lotion or something to soften the skin when not clamping or Penis Enlargement'ing. and maybe even go a step further and instead of just a hot cloth to warm up maybe even a nice soak in the tub or hot shower. Again just my opinion maybe RED or DLD or someone with more expierence can help ya.

Loco, I'm sure you're right. As I explained, the "pain" is not structural. That is, I don't have pain in the internal structures of my penis. It is only on the surface skin. And yes, it must be from the pressure exerted. I'm going to try a lotion of some kind, perhaps vitamin E or "udder Cream", which I've heard good things about. As for the discoloration? Well, I think it's an "occupational hazard" so to speak. As Red said, I'm sure it will fade if I lay off for a while. But that is a problem isnt' it? Who wants to lay off when they're making progress. And guys, I've been at this game for a long, long time. I bought my first vacuum pump 27 years ago, and have played with every Penis Enlargement contraption, course, program, etc you can imagine. I'm a slow gainer, and clamping has produced some gains, more so than any other girth work I'm done, so Red's advice to "stop" is not acceptable. Surrender is not an option. So, I'll work with a lotion to keep the skin supple, and maybe lesson the amount of pressure I exert, gradually building up. I would like to know if others have this discoloration. I think anybody clamping properly and expanding their penile tissues to the max will have discoloration. Maybe I'll do a posting to see how others have dealt with this problem. Anyway, thanks for your input guys. I'll make this work. :idea:

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