Ok, I have heard that is how. I just need to spend more time practicing to isolate the muscles, without peeing and without flexing my abs while i do it. How long was your guys learning curve on this.. seems kinda tricky to me.
It has nothing to do with your abs. You should be able to be able to control one without the other getting involved.

Anyone have a link to something explaining the benefits/uses of reverse kegeling? I can do it, and I know it's useful for stretching, but I haven't ever learned any reason why it's worth training a lot. I've just been focusing on the regular ones for now since my PC was so weak to begin with.
The lower abdominal muscle are part of the entire pelvic floor muscles group. This goes from the bottom of your abs to the base of your anus. So, yes, the abs sometimes take part of the stress from kegels and reverse kegels. Some also may feel it in their anus.
Can someone explain to me what a reverse Kegel is? From what I am reading, it seems as though they are better then regular kegels and aid in harder erections. Can anyone give me the skinny on this. Thanks
push blood into penis with your inner body by pressing outwards-(dont shit your pants-)
Push the flow of urine: Reverse Kegel
Stop the flow of urine: Kegel
Both, but normally the focus is on regular kegels so concentrate on them. Incorporate the reverses when you do ligament stretches.
Imagine it ... perhaps not but a scuffle to the nearest toilet or plant pot would be in order.
hepcat;456919 said:
Shitting yourself in public: Priceless:s

lol, I guess I left myself open for that:)
When I first heard of kegels and the importance of doing them as there are many benefits, I didn't take me long to figure out how to do a proper kegel. You first learn how to do a kegel properly by going to the bathroom and squeezing so that it stops the urine flow and that is how you know if you did a kegel properly.

So after reading through the forums many members will testify to kegel as much as you can during the day, while your driving, at work, bathroom etc.... Now many members are saying to kegel while doing Penis Enlargement manual exercises as well as kegel while using devices like SG and Bathmate. So I started implementing kegels while using the SG, Bathmate and manual exercises.

Now for the reverse kegel. As the word states it's the opposite of the kegel. Wasn't too sure how to do a proper reverse kegel but one of the members on these forums stated that go to the washroom do a kegel to stop the urine flow, then push out so the urine starts again and this is what a reverse kegel is.

As DLD states reverse kegels are a big part of Penis Enlargement and exercises like the DLD Blasters.

My question would it also be wise to do reverse kegels throughout the day while driving, at work and also while doing maual penis exercises, using devices like SG, LengthMaster and Bathmate?

P.S. If you have to go for a dump, I highly recommed not doing a reverse kegel as they are pretty intense lol
Hi All,

I've been a member of MoS for a few years but just kinda looked around. I started giving Penis Enlargement daily practice 4 weeks ago. I can't seem to figure out reverse kegels. I've read through various descriptions but I still don't know when I'm the flexing the PC or BC. I've tried to pay attention and experiment when urinating, to feel myself stopping or pushing the flow. Honestly it feels like the same contraction both ways. Help? Thanks.
I am not a doctor **warning** LOL

From what I have been reading. "Kegels" flex all of the muscles of the pelvic floor simultaneously to one degree or another. (The PC,BC, and IC) You may hear varying arguments on what it feels like to "isolate" one from the other, and there may be ways to "stress" or contract on of the three main muscle groups in varying intensities, depending on position, technique, or focus, but apparently from what I have read from doctors, the nerves which cause contraction in the pelvic floor, contract the PC,BC, and IC at the same time.

Furthermore, I can find no evidence or description of any muscles which work in the opposite direction of the pelvic floor muscles. In simple terms, there are no other muscles in the pelvic floor area which will stretch, the opposite of contraction, the PC,BC, or IC. Muscles do not have a "stretching" or "elongation" function. For example, the biceps can not stretch itself, an opposing muscle, in this case the triceps, must contract to stretch the relaxed biceps. Since there are no "triceps" analogous muscles in the pelvic floor area, to stretch them, (at least by using other muscle contractions and not by external force on the penis for example) another group of muscles outside of the pelvic muscles outside of the pelvic area must me used.

According to a couple of articles from doctor's that I have read, the only way to "stretch" or elongate the pelvic floor area by using muscular contraction is by contracting the abdominals. I am guessing that this contraction of the abdominals simply squeezes enough of the organs and intestines to place a "downward" force upon all of the muscles in the pelvic floor area. Like squeezing a tube of tooth paste :D

Anyway, a legend around here, recently casually stated that a reverse kegel may be like taking a crap. And that probably is the best and most simple explanation after all. Forcefully pushing out an imaginary large turd (or trying to pee very hard) may be the best description of a true "reverse kegel". But this muscular action certainly is not done by the PC, BC, or IC.

Hope that helps. I am sure someone else will chime in to say that I am a moron :D

4amber;471209 said:
Hi All,
I can't seem to figure out reverse kegels. I've read through various descriptions but I still don't know when I'm the flexing the PC or BC. I've tried to pay attention and experiment when urinating, to feel myself stopping or pushing the flow. Honestly it feels like the same contraction both ways.

If you are flexing the PC, BC, OR the IC, (actually contracting), you are contracting PC,BC, AND, the IC. They work together because of they all respond to the same impulse. Contracting these muscles is a kegel.

A "reverse kegel" has nothing to do with these muscles. Fibrous muscles ONLY contract, they cannot "expand or elongate" by impulse. They can either contract through impulse or relax back to their normal state when not stimulated.

Pay particular attention to your lower abs when doing the pee thing. When you stop the flow, you will probably at least feel a tightening of the anus and lifting/tightening sensation between your anus and scrotum. That is the kegel. (dealing with the PC, BC, and IC) When you forcefully pee hard you will, or should feel some tightening of the lower abs (over and across you lower intestines) and a slight downward pressure from your anus to your scrotum. That would be what I think is a reverse kegel. Does that make sense? When you do a kegel, you will notice, that there is no contraction of the lower abs. If you focus on only the pelvic floor, it will be hard to discern, what is doing what, because there is some movement in that area either way, one of the pelvic floor rising (in a kegel) and one of the pelvic floor lowering (in a reverse kegel). But the focusing on the lower abs should be able to show you which is which, because they play no role in the kegel, and play the primary role in the reverse kegel.

4amber;471209 said:
Hi All,

I've been a member of MoS for a few years but just kinda looked around. I started giving Penis Enlargement daily practice 4 weeks ago. I can't seem to figure out reverse kegels. I've read through various descriptions but I still don't know when I'm the flexing the PC or BC. I've tried to pay attention and experiment when urinating, to feel myself stopping or pushing the flow. Honestly it feels like the same contraction both ways. Help? Thanks.

To make this simple. A kegel is when you hold a piss, that is a kegel essentially.

You can do these whenever you like, as many times as you like throughout the day and does not need to be when you urinate but that is a good example of how it works.

Reverse kegel is when you shit or fart. It is odd to practice it on feeling obviously, you may fear shitting or farting yourself but with practice it is easy and nothing bad occurs. Its done often when you have sex and it removes the sensation from the penis so you last longer, very powerful.

What Irspow is talking about is the inner workings to the two movements but it sounds more complex then it needs to. I think the reverse kegel is different set of muscles to what works the typical kegel, with the RK being more linked in with the anal area of muscle groups.

Somehow it must act in reverse to when the other pelvic floor muscles are activated.
True that Red! You are the "legend" mentioned earlier. :D

If you don't want to cum on her yet, crap on her for a while :D (Is that simple enough? LOL)
You see though it doesn't work like that. Once you have worked the RK so much like I have, when you do it you don't just start farting and shitting everywhere. Its hard to describe the way it works or the feeling but it works!! Also you dont hold the contraction long, I do them for 3-5 seconds at the most then rest a few and repeat. Its not like a kegel where you can push for like a minute.
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