Another variation I did allot years ago, and recently started doing it again is one that may help those new to figuring the feeling, sensation, of a reverse kegel.
All you need to do, is find privacy. A bathroom is ideal, if you prefer to do this half naked from the waist down, or someplace else if that is not desired. Everyone is different. I used to do this with the lower half naked in the bathroom, then do stretches in this position.
Okay, you simply get into the bottom part of a SQUAT. In this position, I have found it much easier to execute the RK, and perform routines for it.
In this position, you do a normal kegel, and hold it on full contraction, as though you want to hold a wee in.
Okay, no preferential time for this hold, it can be short, because its just getting the pelvic muscles contracted, so when the reverse comes in, you can feel it more.
So, after a few seconds, execute the reverse kegel. It needn't be hard, or forced, just a gentle push as though you were going for a pee.
You should notice the sensation in the area known as the perineum, between the testicles, and anus as this transition from contraction, to flex, takes place. It can help, if you slightly tilt, angle your lower abs in towards the body, no contracting them, just tilt that lower part of the body, as you execute the reverse kegel.
Hold it for 5 seconds, and release. Perform another normal kegel hold, and go back to the reverse kegel.
Keep going back and fourth, so you start to know, and feel the exact way it feels to you. It is surprising, that you do not need much force to perform a reverse kegel! it seems at first, that we do ... this is due to us not being accustomed to the bodily sensation when its activated, hence why this exercise can be a big help.
Please give it an honest try, and see what you think.
Questions, comments, tips welcomed.