I've been checking the forum a few times a day, just hoping for this update. The suspense is killing me!
I know I'm being a pain in the ass.
It's just not fair to build something up like this and then not follow through.
All the news from DLD has been length-related lately, then you come along advertising a revolutionary way to increase girth and width. Given your history, I was interested before even reading your first post in this thread. I've been checking in a few times a day since your original announcement, and still nothing.

Is it still on the way, or have you decided to cancel it? Is there some kind of problem? If it's still on the way, any idea of how long it will take?
Cant wait for this to drop too! Im working my width heavy these days, although I am much deeper than wide, I'm easily at 2" width now, aiming for 2.5" at least..

What is the most width anyone has permanently gained?
Girth and Width have been MAJOR uphill struggles for me during my over 3 years of Penis Enlargement. I am just over 5.25" in mid-shaft girth and about 5.75" base.....but my width needs help, so I can't wait to see what this latest exercise is. It may just add that much needed width. My wife and I would both love it.
I will be here soon. Got other things to also do and keep forgetting about this but it shall be here soon. Saturday at the latest.
Illustrations are done and all I need to do is type it up and post, which will be today ... wait nearly over. Also has a name now.
The guys that said they couldnt wait I'm waiting for your reply in the main thread!
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