Jun 3, 2003
This stuff is literally twice as potent as prescription strength VIAGRA. You have to try it to understand. That "high" feeling you get when you take VIAGRA is twice as potent with this GENERIC VIAGRA. The erection is so freaking hard and it takes nothing to maintain it and get it back up after orgasm. The cost on this pill is considerably lower than real VIAGRA. The effects of this generic CRUSH real VIAGRA. I wonder why? Have any of you guys ordered from them and experienced similar effects in comparison to real VIAGRA?

If you can afford it, grab some of these, they are insane...YOU HAVE TO TRY!

I purchased the generic V and Cialis along with some Clomid from this supplier back about a year ago or whenever you first posted the link. I've never tried legit Viagra from Pfizer. I do know this generic V works well. First time I tried it, I took a whole tab after loading up on EPO, salmon oil, arginine and Korean Red Ginseng. I have never had a worse headache in my life. Gave a 1/4 tab to my girlfriend and she ended up puking. I ain't brave enough to take a whole tab again. Now I just take 1/3 or 1/2 tab at a time.
sasquatch;326132 said:
I purchased the generic V and Cialis along with some Clomid from this supplier back about a year ago or whenever you first posted the link. I've never tried legit Viagra from Pfizer. I do know this generic V works well. First time I tried it, I took a whole tab after loading up on EPO, salmon oil, arginine and Korean Red Ginseng. I have never had a worse headache in my life. Gave a 1/4 tab to my girlfriend and she ended up puking. I ain't brave enough to take a whole tab again. Now I just take 1/3 or 1/2 tab at a time.

there must be different laws on purity in other countries. these pills are just so much stronger than viagra.
Not to sound like an ass who's overstepping his boundaries but,
shouldn't you not need viagra since your exercises and such are supposed fix those problems?

Again I am just looking in to this stuff as much as possible because I am trying to understand everything before I decide whether or not to do Penis Enlargement.
Criagy;326157 said:
Not to sound like an ass who's overstepping his boundaries but,
shouldn't you not need viagra since your exercises and such are supposed fix those problems?

Again I am just looking in to this stuff as much as possible because I am trying to understand everything before I decide whether or not to do Penis Enlargement.

if you look into Penis Enlargement some more you will see where people use viagra etc. to help with girth excersises and more. alo some people especial extreme Penis Enlargement er like myself hang and to fatiguing excersises anf there can be a pint jsut like lifting weight that your penis get fatigued adn you may want and extra push of blood. also lenthing and expanding dicks need more blood to fil penis. it can train you penis to pump and handle more blood. nobody is convincing you to Penis Enlargement there are many people including myself who have reached and surpassed goal so wheather you believe or not mine and many olther are big or getting bigger.
I just ordered some. Curious to see if it can keep me hard for a long time. I find that, when having sex with my girlfriend, I'm able to go like 6 minutes before the initial urge to cum. I have to stop myself because I can't go again right away, and if I don't stop in time, I think I have a dry orgasm, where my dick twitches but nothing comes out. Then we can keep having sex but the dry orgasm kind of tires me and makes me lose the erection. Then the stress of trying to stay hard bothers me and I mentally can't get hard. I've been taking Titan Pills though and some Yohimbe and that seems to be working. Oh well, hopefully this generic Viagra and/or the other pills will get me to a place where I feel more confident and don't need them. A kickstart of sorts.
I do believe in Penis Enlargement. I definitely believe everyone when they say they are getting bigger. As of right now its the injuries Im afraid of. The ones that come with stretching ligaments and what not. The fact that we really no so little about the injuries as well. I will continue to research as much as I can though (yep, I have a small penis, lol).
Supplements are WAAAYYY better than Viagra. But anyway, good luck with that synthetic crap. Hope you don't end up with heart or vision problems.
TheStick;326204 said:
Supplements are WAAAYYY better than Viagra. But anyway, good luck with that synthetic crap. Hope you don't end up with heart or vision problems.

explain yourself
I should be receiving this shortly. It's okay to cut the pill in half? That won't ruin it? I want to try a whole one at first to see the feeling. DLD, what did you do with it?

And is there anything I cannot take when using this? I'm assuming when using this, don't use Titan Pills, Yohimbe, etc, as this would replace that.
AfroMan10;326213 said:
explain yourself

got to say that he is right. hate to say it cause im a born hater.lolol viagra and cialis etc. really fucks wit your eyes. not sure if its the over all pressure of blood pumped but its does and IS bad for your heart if taking without caution. problem is people take recreationaly. i do ave experience with the whole eye thing. i currently have 20/14 in both eyes which is great vision but when i take a cialis my depth precetpiton is off and or equilibrium. in myline of work i need my vision so i have to be careful. there is stuff called blue steele that to me is just as good go to local �naked people movies� store..
Criagy;326157 said:
Not to sound like an ass who's overstepping his boundaries but,
shouldn't you not need viagra since your exercises and such are supposed fix those problems?

Again I am just looking in to this stuff as much as possible because I am trying to understand everything before I decide whether or not to do Penis Enlargement.

yes pe does fix these problems it cured my ed and weak erections. i now have the strongest healthiest penis that i ever had in my lifetime. i to wonder why dld needs viagra for an erection, so its a good question.
Sometimes its hard to maintain a full erection by yourself for a girth workout and viagra just makes it a lazy way to bust out that girth routine. Its easy as hell to stay hard with a woman, but by yourself, sometimes it is difficult. It is just a supplement to help in your girth work.....IMO.
If you do decide to take Viagra, you need take only a quarter to a half of a 100 mg pill--that is 25 mg. That should be enough, especially on an empty stomach. The full dose is what can produce a headache and a change in your vision. I have fewer side effects from Cialis.

A good jelqing session will produce the same results, by the way.
Korean red ginseng is proven to be MORE effective than Viagra and Cialis in clinical studies. Throw in a little L-arginine for NO2 and you're golden. Viagra and Cialis can also cause a permanent blue tint to your vision and in some cases blindness.

Sorry, people just listen to too much propaganda about pharmaceuticals these days when there are usually natural substances that produce the same effects with a greater degree of safety. Besides most drugs are based on natural substances but altered in a lab so they can be patented. You can't patent something natural.
pepepe;326282 said:
yes pe does fix these problems it cured my ed and weak erections. i now have the strongest healthiest penis that i ever had in my lifetime. i to wonder why dld needs viagra for an erection, so its a good question.

I don't need it, I like it. Nothing like an erection that lasts 6 hours, not even the best Penis Enlargement'er can do this.
TheStick, could you please supply a link which shows what study has proven Korean Red Ginseng to be more effective than Viagra or Cialis. I am against most pharmaceuticals as well but I've used dang near every herbal or natural substance and have not found anything with great results.
how fast do they ship? I know I ordered someting once and it took over a month to ship.
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