
Feb 3, 2004

Was Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry seen this weekend waving a gun which would have been banned if legislation he co-sponsored became law?

Kerry co-sponsored S. 1431 last year (“The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003) which would have banned a "semiautomatic shotgun that has a pistol grip.”

Opponents of the bill successfully argued how nearly all guns have "pistol grips," inluding millions of Browning Auto-5 shotguns produced since 1903.

Photos show Kerry's hand resting on the "pistol grip," as loosely defined in the bill. [Section SEC. 2; <3 (ii) and (beer)(42): "The term 'pistol grip' means a grip, a thumbhole stock, or any other characteristic that can function as a grip."]

Kerry was presented with the semiautomatic shotgun during a Labor Day stop in Racine, West Virginia.

"I thank you for the gift, but I can't take it to the debate with me," Kerry told a cheering crowd as he held up the device.

But Kerry's gun bill would have also banned any "gift" transaction!

Let the mud-slinging begin! :O
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Kerry has voted on the anti-gun side on every senate vote concerning guns or ammunition. He's more anti-gun than senator Kennedy! If you were worried that Gore would take away your guns, you can be assured that Kerry will if given the chance.
Before you believe everything you read, go look at the pics from that event. That wasn't a pistol-grip shotgun he was holding. Theres a huge difference.
Anybody who messes with my right to bear arms will loose my even SLIGHT consideration for even dog catcher. Sorry Game over
The assault weapons ban doesn't interfere with anybody's right to bear arms. It makes automatic assault rifles and other combat grade weapons illegal. Every police department in the country supports it. Sportsmen don't need those guns, and you don't need one to protect your property and family. Should grenade launchers be street legal? Hell no, and I think most would agree.

Gun Control does not equal a ban on all arms.
Swank said:
The assault weapons ban doesn't interfere with anybody's right to bear arms. It makes automatic assault rifles and other combat grade weapons illegal. Every police department in the country supports it. Sportsmen don't need those guns, and you don't need one to protect your property and family. Should grenade launchers be street legal? Hell no, and I think most would agree.

Gun Control does not equal a ban on all arms.
Swank, do you have any idea what you are talking about here?

Obviously any weapons ban affects your right to bear arms. Secondly, it doesn't apply to "automatic assault rifles and other combat grade weapons"-- those have been covered for 36 years now in the Gun Control Act of 1968, signed by President Johnson. This assault weapons ban seeks to reclassify practical civilian firearms as "assault weapons" (because uneducated people who think they are referring to "automatic assault rifles and other combat grade weapons" will blindly nod their heads up and down because assault weapons must be "bad"-- nevermind that the shotgun your grandfather left you when he died is now an illegal assault weapon). The statement that every police department in the country supports it is a flat out, bald-faced lie. Do some research and you will find that the vast majority of police depts DO NOT support this, as they are fully aware that crime goes up in direct correlation to restrictive gun laws. Brief example: Two of the highest crime-rated citied in the U.S.-- Washington D.C. and New York City-- are also two of the strictest gun law cities in the U.S. As for whether sportsmen "need" those guns-- who are you to say, and who cares anyway? It's our Constitutional right. Maybe you don't "need" the car you drive, a Yugo would get everyone where they need to go. Should grenade launchers be street legal? It doesn't matter what I think, they've been illegal for decades now; this legislation has not-a-fucking-thing to do with grenade launchers. You really need to check your facts. If this type of crap didn't mislead so many people into supporting the erosion of their Constitutional rights it would be laughable.
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Before you believe everything you read, go look at the pics from that event. That wasn't a pistol-grip shotgun he was holding. Theres a huge difference.

The weapon would fall under the category of having a pistol grip.

... "pistol grip," as loosely defined in the bill. [Section SEC. 2; <3 (ii) and (beer)(42): "The term 'pistol grip' means a grip, a thumbhole stock, or any other characteristic that can function as a grip."]
Texan said:
as they are fully aware that crime goes up in direct correlation to restrictive gun laws.

Not disagreeing with you at all...I agree 100%. This just made me think.

Of COURSE crime goes up. The more laws there are, the more laws get broken. :D
Hmm, the guy from Texas doesn't like gun control? What a shock!

First off, since this issue is obviously incindiary for you, let me get one of the funamental aruments of anti-gun control folk that you spouted off immediately: "Any infringement on the right to bear arms compromises our constiutional freedoms and is unAmerican!!!" What a crock. You're a law student man, you've been trained to put together a more cohesive argument than that.

Are you allowed to walk into a crowded movie theatre and yell "fire!" Can you walk up to somebody and threaten to harm or kill them? Nope, you can't. But doesn't this violate our constitutional right to free speech? The constitution is a deliberately vague and interpretational document. The very fact that things like grenade launchers are illegal is already an infringement on your right to bear arms - we're just arguing over a matter of degree here. Do you think rocket launchers ought to be legal and available to teh public? No, you don't?! Why are you trying to trample on my rights!

Now, no gun control measure that I know of wants to restrict your ability to own sporting arms, such as your grandfather's shotgun (ah, the sentimentality). Gun control restricts access to fire arms, especially to young people and criminals. Is this really a bad idea? I'm a gun owner and sportsmen myself, and a firm advocate of gun control. Gun control isn't a liberal conspiracy to take away America's sporting and personal protection arms - it's controlled measures to prevent crime and the proliferation of dangerous and useless firearms. That being said, check out this link, which I have little doubt will piss many of you off to no end.

Go ahead, have a look. As they say, no your enemy.

By the way, suggesting that the crime rates in New York and Washington DC are directly related to tough gun laws is laughable, for such a battery of reasons I don't even need to explain it, thinking people can see through it without my help. Would you say those cities are better off with easier access to a greater cariety of deadly weapons? I'd be curious to know.
The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or personal protection. They are benefits that are a natural consequence of an armed society, but the purpose is to act as a deterrent against government tyranny. Ironically, those that scoff at such a need are the same ones that try and tell us we're living in a police state right now.

If you don't understand the Second Amendment, then you don't understand it. You would be wise to learn about it. There certainly are well-meaning people that are misinformed about the Second Amendment, our insurance policy guaranteeing all the other Amendments. However, if you're one of those people that lies about the intent of the Second Amendment, then you're an anti-American, neo-communist enemy combatant to our Constitution. I can't be anymore straight-forward about it. Those individuals are a greater danger to our society that al-Qaeda and they're further up on my personal enemy list.
I want to see some comments about that
It seems way too intense to be true.....From my 3rd person perspective.....

Do you guys really want

Back on your streets

I mean.... I like my guns and hunting, and I like my gangsta rap.....but to me there is absolutely no other reason to have those guns legal than to walk around with a couple of Mini-Uzis pretending Im a Big-time Crack dealer (unless you are one in which this would come in handy)......

Cuz those are the 5 cop killas right there.....Well, throw in a cheap Mausberg and your in....

Or is that just a bunch of bullshit, because its too wild to be true
Swank said:
First off, since this issue is obviously incindiary for you

Yeah, that Constitution thing is such a pain in the ass, huh?

"Any infringement on the right to bear arms compromises our constiutional freedoms and is unAmerican!!!" What a crock. You're a law student man, you've been trained to put together a more cohesive argument than that.

It may not be the most complex and extensive argument. It need not be. It you're opposed to something that is foundational to our're unAmerican. It doesn't mean you don't have the right to express the view, as I'll not suggest such a thing. The Constitution gives you rights to express many heinous ideas, just none more heinous than this.

Are you allowed to walk into a crowded movie theatre and yell "fire!" Can you walk up to somebody and threaten to harm or kill them? Nope, you can't.

No, and there were a small amount of restrictions on the Second Amendment that have been understood from around the beginning. Children don't have the right purchase arms, despite the flat-out lies on the website you cited. You don't have a right to take your gun with you on a tour of the White House or Capital Building. So, of course, it is not PURELY ABSOLUTE as none of our freedoms truly are. So your argument does not justify further restrictions.

The constitution is a deliberately vague and interpretational document.

The Constitution is a living document in the sense that it is to be interpreted as deemed appropriate for new technologies (an example is how the First Amendment relates to internet and other media not around during the writing of the the Constitution). The intent and purpose of an Amendment can be found using Congressional records and similar historical documentation. If you don't like the Second Amendment, then campaign to repeal it. But don't lie and say its purpose was to provide for a national guard. Those that lie about the purpose of the Constitution in order to strip fundamental rights are ENEMIES TO AMERICA far more dangerous than the worst of terrorists. I can't say it strongly enough.

The very fact that things like grenade launchers are illegal is already an infringement on your right to bear arms - we're just arguing over a matter of degree here. Do you think rocket launchers ought to be legal and available to teh public? No, you don't?! Why are you trying to trample on my rights!

That actually IS a good Constitutional argument.

I get tired of morons that argue that founding fathers wrote the Second Amendment back in the days of muskets and never envisioned semi-autos. The problem with that is back then the police, state, and foreign governments had nothing more than muskets too, aside from cannons and artilery. I personally believe that Second Amendment gives citizens the rights to weapons used against personnel, but not against heavy weapons. No one would argue I such be able to buy an Apache helicopter, but a legal case could be made for a grenade launcher. Would I buy one if it were deemed legal for civilians? Yes. Am I going to campaign for this change? No, I choose not to.

Now, no gun control measure that I know of wants to restrict your ability to own sporting arms, such as your grandfather's shotgun (ah, the sentimentality).

Yes, a bill John Kerry voted for would have banned semi-automatic shotguns. My buddy's dad has used one for many years to hunt small game. It is a lie to say that gun control does not effect hunting, let alone to consider the purpose of the Second Amendment. There was a bill proposed years ago that would have banned all military cartridges. What was listed on it? The 30-06 among other things, only the most popular deer rifle in America. The 30-06 originated as a military cartridge. There was a proposal years ago for some massive tax on primers, used for reloading cartridges. I don't even know how to do this. Reloading is a science and the only people that reload their own shells are serious hunters and competitive shooters. The congressman and senators are smart enough to know the crack dealer does not have a reloading press in his basement. No one seriously thinks that criminals reload shells, as the difference between store-purchased ammo and the match grade results from hand reloading mean nothing at close range, where criminals use their weapons. Bills such as these have no other purpose than to strip away the Constitution.

John Kerry, having supported legislation like this for his entire career, is unfit for command. There is nothing he can possibly do to earn my vote. The fear of him forces me to vote for Bush, far too much of a leftist for me. If John Kerry announced he would abolish the income tax, I would still vote for Bush. There is nothing more important than the most fundamental elements of our Constitutional rights.

Gun control restricts access to fire arms, especially to young people and criminals. Is this really a bad idea?

Felons cannot own firearms. You must be 18 to purchase a long gun and 21 to purchase a hangun. Are more restrictions a bad idea? YES!

I'm a gun owner and sportsmen myself, and a firm advocate of gun control.

I'm stunned. I hardly know what to say. I guess "yay" to the former and "nay" to the latter. Are you honestly a sportsman or are you just making this up like John Kerry?

Remember when he talked about crawling through the brush to stalk deer with his double-barreled shotgun? That's funny. I don't know anyone that crawls and stalks deer, nor anyone that uses a double-barrel to hunt deer, nor many states where such a gun would be legal for deer regulations. Hunter my ass! I'll vote for John Kerry if he can show me how to gut a deer.

Gun control isn't a liberal conspiracy to take away America's sporting and personal protection arms - it's controlled measures to prevent crime and the proliferation of dangerous and useless firearms.

It IS a conspiracy to take away our rights. Why didn't we have far worse problems 40 years ago? Before 1964, you could buy handguns sent to your home through mail-order catalogs. Surely, that act of gun control that banned handgun sales through mail was devastating to the street gangs of the time, right?

That being said, check out this link, which I have little doubt will piss many of you off to no end.

First, some obvious lies in their information. Second, their not my enemy, but America's enemy.

By the way, suggesting that the crime rates in New York and Washington DC are directly related to tough gun laws is laughable, for such a battery of reasons I don't even need to explain it, thinking people can see through it without my help. Would you say those cities are better off with easier access to a greater cariety of deadly weapons?

Well, explain it. We're probably not as smart as you, so don't assume anything. :s

Would D.C. be better off with greater access to weapons? Yes. Right now, you can only own rifles and shotguns, which must be locked in a case AND disassembled. Would a D.C. resident be better off being able to get to his gun and actually be able to use it in the event of a criminal act? Yes.
Excellent work penguinsfan! :)

The left is so into gun control and putting forth this image of being more caring and gentle. Then I see these movies put out by whom, staunch members of the left. Movies filled to the brim with gun violence. Physical assault, sexual assault...every type of vulgar act imaginable. Its the left in this country that has no respect for life. They only offer double speak and accusations of ignorance, sexual incompetence, bias, many real problems do they solve? I have never seen a leftist stick around and get a job done. Ive known tons of them. Those people are malignant narcissist, hell bent on destruction and spreading misery, not happiness.
They worship humiliation and ridicule honor and fidelity. After getting to know a typical leftist you will often find them to be un-informed and devoid of real passion. To add insult to injury they make me and people like myself have to play the heavy. We fucking hate playing the heavy! >:(
The second amendment is there to protect the U.S. citizens from its government. If this sounds absurd why dont you look at pre-Nazi Germany or Russia before communism took hold, one of the first things those governments did was ban firearms. Our guns are the last thing keeping us free. The left especially would like to see a communist U.S. I also think it is necessary to keep these high powered assault rifles legal, because if shit ever does hit the fan, and the American people do need to rise up against our government, the government wouldnt hesitate to turn our military against us, and I got news I wouldnt want to have to fire shotguns at M1A1's, and because a Marine will follow his orders and will fire upon a U.S. civillian, its happened before. No offense to any Marines, you guys do ROCK!
copper_handshak said:
Excellent work penguinsfan! :)

The left is so into gun control and putting forth this image of being more caring and gentle. Then I see these movies put out by whom, staunch members of the left. Movies filled to the brim with gun violence. Physical assault, sexual assault...every type of vulgar act imaginable.

And I'm not going to argue against their right to do so, but I do find it funny how many of those celebrity elitists that would love to see the Second Amendment scrapped promote such violence through their art. They would be horrified at the very idea of restricting their First Amendment rights, as would I, but they have no problem putting effort and money behind taking aways my freedoms.

Hell, my NRA membership disgusts me. What kind of country do I live in when I have to pay $35 per year to an organization, because I have real fears that one of the most fundamental rights we have as Americans is under constant attack from our internal enemies.
Penguinsfan, you've always seemed like a nice fellow, but I have to say you're pretty far into the extremist twilight zone with some of your comments.

I know it feels good for us to sit around with this "god and country" talk about guns being our fundamental American birth right, but I basically see that as clinging to outdated and illogical rhetoric. It's a different world now, and the citizens of America being able to arm themselves and usurp our government isn't really a possibility, or a good thing if you think about it. The last time it happened was perhaps the most brutal period of our national history. Do you really think a bunch of middle aged white men with ill-sighted Savage brand rifles and some bare profieciency with handguns could overthrow the United States military? Get real.

It's not unAmerican or communist to disagree with those who think there shouldn't be any gun control. I bet you don't think �naked people movies� ought to be broadcast over network television, do you? Well Goddammit! The constitution says we have freedom of speech! It doesn't say what kind of speech and I say �naked people movies� is good speech! You're unAmerican for trying to tear down the constiution! You see the double standard at work here? The founding father's understood how the constiution was supposed to work, and they wanted it to be altered and amended as needed. And we have, quite a few times. I think we should do it some more, particularly on the 2nd ammendment. Let's get some specifics in there at long last, or least include a clause to set some legal precident for outlining them. Pretty much everything in the bill of rights has limitations and restrictions within reason. Are you ready to indict your government over the constiutional violations made by the patriot act? George Bush signed off on some constiutional violations, is he a communist traitor (you're stuck in a cold war world my friend . . .)? Once more, get real.

Now, that's wonderful that we have yet another father/son (of grandad) scenario to warm our hearts presented. A semi-auto shotgun might make your duck hunting a bit higher percentage if you're a lousy shot, but I don't see much need for them to be legal. Frankly I don't like the idea that the things are floating around. A person could saw off the barrel, walk into a crowd and mow down 30 people in a few heartbeats. A gun gives a person power over life and death. It's some serious shit, as they say. I'm all for making it quite an ordeal to purchase and own guns. Part of the tradition in my own family is to treat guns as a dangerous tool, that are to be used with unfailing caution. Like I said, I'm all for more gun control and keeping combat style and certainly automatic weapons off the street. I'm glad that you would likely purchase a grenade launcher if you could, but I must ask, why?

People that want to remove access to dangerous and unecessary weapons as well as try to curve the rampant gun violence in our society by legally enforcing proper ownership and care of weapons are not enemies of America. That's just typical and childish conservative BS. And yes, I am a Sportsman, lifelong. I've traveled to Alaska, New Zealand, Chile, and many other places in the world to hunt and fish. Most of the friends and family I participate with feel the same way on gun control.

By the way being able to field dress an animal doesn't make you any more or less intelligent of better informed on gun issues. A person who has never touched a firearm has the same qualification to have an opinion on them, how ridiculous to suggest otherwise. By the way I think you're forgetting John Kerry has been to war where he personally killed some 20 enemy combatants. You might have taken down a few bucks, but you've never taken multiple lives for your country while placing yourself in extreme danger, so don't suggest a bit of hunting somehow makes you more qualified to comment. To expect that anybody who enjoys hunting and owns firearms would necessarily share the extremist views of the NRA is a bit crass. In modern America a gun is a tool, not a birth right. Here's a bit of information from an email going about in the "crazy commuist terrorist loving gun-control circles."

Today police officers from all around the country are in Washington, D.C., demanding that President Bush stop blocking the Assault Weapons Ban. They are holding a press conference and then going to Capitol Hill to meet with Republican leaders to ask them to stop being obstructionists and let the Assault Weapons Ban be renewed.

When he first ran for the White House, President Bush pledged to support the Assault Weapons Ban, saying "It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society." Now that he is President he is breaking his promise and blocking the bill.

Police know better than anyone that dangerous assault weapons like Uzis and AK-47s don't belong on America's streets. That's why every major law enforcement group strongly supports renewing the ban. Nearly 80 percent of Americans want it renewed.

Loving guns and refusing any attempt to limit your access to them doesn't make you a good American. Wanting a less violent and safer country for everybody makes you a good American. Nobody is ever going to try and strip your ability to hunt with firearms or keep them in your home for personal protection, although in the near future non-fatal pellet guns and stun gun style weapons will be plenty effecient for home defense. There's no other reason to own a gun. Unless you're planning on overthrowing our government in the near future - which would actually make you traitors and terrorists. Judging by the comments I'm reading over in the taxation thread some of you aren't too far away from taking a shot at uncle sam . . .

By the way, if the founding fathers could be reanimated and whisked forward in time, do you really believe that these intelligent men would take a look at the country and say . . .

"well yes by golly, a bunch of overweight middle Americans with rifles and pistols could realistically overthrow the most powerful military on earth if need be, and there's a real danger America will turn into a tyrannical nightmare in the near future, so they should definately be allowed to own uselessly dangerous weapons with little regulation. Yes by god, that makes plenty of sense."

You all could just admit that you really get off on owning deadly weapons and it makes you feel good, and you'll fight any attempts to make it tougher or more expensive for you to get ahold of them. I must admit, I do like my guns as well. But like I said, it doesn't make you a 'real American,' it means you like guns.
Swank, I thought you were more intelligent than to believe everything the Left spoon feeds you without doing your home work. Don't be duped, man. Most of the crap you are linking to is BS, and if that is what you base your political ideologies on you are going to be severly misled.

I am curious Swank, and I mean this sencerely, do you know what is included in the assault weapons ban? I don't mean the "flashy" public sentiment items like Uzis and shit that is already illegal, I mean down to the bottom line, do you know what all is covered?

Secondly, you (and your sources) keep mentioning grenade launchers and such. Do you personally know any domestic civilian who has been assaulted by a grenade launcher? Not on the news or from Feinstein's BS speaker, but personally know. I am not trying to be a smartass; I just want you to think about the things you are saying. I can tell you, I live in Texas (and everybody thinks Texas is gun happy, right?) and I honestly don't know anybody assaulted by ANY of the weapons you mentioned. Yes, over the last decade (mostly ALL during the anti-gun Clinton days) there have been a handful of CNN-glorified shootings, but have you ever stopped to think that the reason these things get so much press is because they are EXTREMELY rare-- like plane crashes. Why don't you hear on CNN about all the people killed in car wrecks everyday? Because that happens everyday it's not 'newsworthy.'

Try to step back and look at the big picture and you will see that the liberal left bends the truth on the gun issue (that's putting it very nicely) in order to manipulate people into voting for them. So many people accept things as true without educating themselves. Don't be one of those who blindly follows the carrot. If you want to try to repeal the Second Amendment because you know the facts and you just don't believe guns are necessary in our society, then I can respect (but not support) that, but you're basing your arguments on the left's filtered view of the facts and are allowing yourself to be used.
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Bravo Tex! What angers me most is the mis-information out there.

Bush has agreed to sign the assault weapons ban if it makes it to his desk

If it makes it to his desk is the piece of that sentence everyone needs to acknowledge.
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