Heya RED buddy, I just started clamping and I love it! I'm just getting back into Penis Enlargement and I was thinking of doing your lazy bastard routine or do you think that it's too advanced? Should I maybe start with 2 min sets and work my way up to 5? What about days on and off? In your constrictor guide you say to clamp 1 on 1 off but I feel like doing it everyday lol!
crazyed27 said:
Yeah I was thinking about getting a fuckin bazooka myself to protect my family!

Under Kerrys vote you can still own your deer hunting rifles, and such but are the assault weapons really necessary???? For real. What a 44.cab is not good enough to protect the wife and kids???

Well, that's an easy one to answer. I have a .357 that holds five shots I sometimes carry. Five shots isn't much. I think many anti-gunners have a Hollywoodized imagine of a gunfight in their mind. You know, five shots means I pick-off five villains, undoubtedly 50 yards away. It's nothing like that in the real world. First, most gunfights happen so fast you really don't have time to aim with the sights, but rely on instinctive shooting from the hip or side. Second, in the heat of the moment, it's hard as hell to hit moving, attacking targets. It would not be unheard of for someone with a five-shot cylinder to miss two or three times. Now throw in the possibility of multiple perpetrators and the fact that one or two hits might not supress an assailant to the point of not being able to fire back. So your .44 can hold six shots instead of my five? And if you know anything about reloading revolvers, you know it's not much of an option in most combat defense scenarios. So, if the above comments reflect your feelings on this matter, I'm glad I'm not your wife or kids.
crazyed27 said:
I got a 357 for 100 bucks off the street, but it did have a few bodys on it!!!

Dude, I hope you're joking about this. If you're not, then you've contributed to crime by knowingly buying a stolen firearm. If that is the case, then you're part of the problem and I don't care to hear you comment about how my gun rights should be curtailed if your actions may promote gun violence.
Casey said:
Yeah man all guns should be legal. It should be required by law to own a gun! And why is the Liberal Government trying to take them away?? It says "right to bear arms" plain and simple! In fact, citizens should be allowed to own anything that protects them from their tyrannical government. We should be allowed to nuclear weapons, anthrax, mustard gas, chemical and biological weapons, rocket launchers, .50 calibur-machine guns. Oh yeah and tanks too. We got the Hummers, now I need a tank.

Casey, I thought crazyed27's comments were a little off, but what you said here makes you should like a lunatic. All guns should be legal, in my opinion. However, there is no Constitutional precedent for any of the other weapons you mentioned being legal for civilian possession. What you're trying to do is equate firearms with heavy military equipment and weapons of mass destruction and it's obvious that such things have nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Very lame.
Casey said:
i was joking. i was trying to point out how dumb your logic is.

And how is my logic dumb? Please elaborate. My logic was based on the Constitution and the will of our founding fathers. How is that dumb? I don't doubt that you may have great contempt for such men and the historical document they left us, because it hits people from your general ideology with some painful realities. There is an clear right to bear arms. There is no right to free college education. There is no right to government health care.

Oh, I know, they're supposed to be there. I suppose Halliburton is hiding the real Constitution and we're been sold a fraudulant lie.
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