The first thing I would recommend, before thinking about a routine, is perfecting your technique. There's no point in a weight lifter coming up with a killer chest routine if he doesn't know how to bench press properly. Same principle applies to PE.
Figure out how to get an iron grip to the point where grip is no longer your limiting factor. This might take the use of some sort of grip aide such as baby powder or a piece of theraband (what I use).
Learn whether you prefer overhand or underhand,and exactly where you need to grab in order to feel the best pull.
Learn how to use your second hand to tighten the grip of the first.
Learn how to utilize different muscles and objects to decrease fatigue, so you can hold the stretch longer.
Once you figure this out, you'll be stretching your dick like it's a warm tootsie roll. That analogy works even better for black guys