
Feb 9, 2007
hey, dld(or anyone else for that matter), got any exercises you can do while erect?
Any exercises done while erect need to be done very carefully. AND, they should not be done until your penis is in good shape to take a beating. Not masterbation either!LMAO

Erect twists are very good for girth; erect Jelqs are good and will increase your glans size. Just be careful. GS
I have tried something where I get about 95% erect and loosely clamp around the base, and attempt to "root" my penis, by using the base of the CC's to pull the penis sideways over my thighs. I definitely feel it in the ligs when I do this, more so than say a straight down flaccid stretch.
I agree with GS that you need to be very careful when doing erect exercises. These are advanced techniques and not for newbies. Listen to what your penis is telling you. If you feel pain, stop!

One of the exercises that I like to do is erect push downs. These are especially useful to do with morning wood. This exercise targets both length and girth by stretching the ligs and producing intense pressure in the CC. Here are the steps:

  1. While laying down on your back or side, bend your legs with your feet together and your knees about 12" apart.
  2. With a 100% erection, kegal while pushing your penis down between your legs. You may need to bring your knees toward your chest to do this.
  3. Close your knees together so that you penis is trapped beneath your thighs.
  4. If necessary, pull your scrotum skin down so that your balls are hanging loose.
  5. Slowly extend your legs so that your penis is pushed downward pointing toward your feet. Stop if you feel any pain.
  6. Hold this position for a few minutes, or as long as it feels OK. A little discomfort is normal, but it should not be painful.
  7. Open your legs to release your penis and allow circulation.
  8. Repeat as desired.
If done correctly, each successive set will build upon the intensity of the previous one. You should eventually feel a burning sensation in the CC as the tunica is expanded beyond its normal capacity.

When you first start doing this exercise, you might not be able to extend your legs fully straight before feeling pain. But that's OK. Over time your ligs will stretch and it will become easier. Once you are able to fully extend your legs, try arching your body for even more intense stretching.

Disclamer: Do this exercise at you own risk. I will take no responsibilty if you are injured.
Erect exercises do need to be done with care but please understand this. When the penis is say at 50% erect and you are trying to get good girth expansion and lets say your girth session produces a 40% increase...VERY RARE, your penis expansion is 10% below what your full potential is. When the penis is trained at 100% and you get equal expansion, well you can do the math.
Here is another variation of the erect push downs that produces an even more intense pressure and stretch in the CC and ligs. After your penis is tucked under your thighs and your legs are fully extended, try doing several sets of abdominal crunches during Step 6. Even faux crunches (where you just contract your abs) are very effective. Do 5 sets of 50 reps, and your penis will be begging for forgiveness. The fatigue is incredible as you become hyperengorged. As a bonus, you might also get those washboard abs that you've always wanted. ;)
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