or are you waiting until your goals are acheived before you begin going out and getting pussy? I know I have always been goal-oriented and I have always allowed my goals, whether it be financial, PE, lifting etc. to prohibit me from going out and really letting loose. I've been in the mindset for 20 years ... not that I haven't gone out here and there and gotten laid and had girlfriends but it's always been very subdued compared to what it could've been if I just scrapped the" goals first mindset".

Just wondering if anyone else is holding off on going out until thier PE goals are accomplished or if others who were once in this mindset were able to break out of it as it is a powerful mindset and habit that is very difficult to break.

I had to go after mature ladies for now because they will give so much privacy to do PE. I can meet them at least twice a week which is perfect for me. I'm not looking for commitment at this time.

I think from 9th of January 2025 that's when I will look for a serious relationship.
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