
Apr 14, 2012
does smoking weed or cigarettes have any effect on penis growth if you are trying to increase your penis length/girth using sizegenetics or Bathmate or w.e. does smoking have ANY good or bad effect on penis growth
Id assume that it hinders your ability to get out of it completely what you should ,but I do both and I have gained like crazy!!!
I heard DLD is a stoner lol.

when I smoke weed I have agreat feel for my dick and how the blood fills. The sessions are very pumped..
My penis has lost some of it's short term memory but that is the only side effect I have experienced.
^^LOL! Honestly, I bet weed is good for growth, because it increases blood flow, but cigarettes are probably bad because they do just the opposite! Constrict your blood vessels, less blood flow, less oxygen coming in your system, etc. I guess if you do both maybe they'd cancel each other out!!
They simply go together
LOL good to know i guess they won't be interfering with the gaining. however its hard for me to not smoke cigarettes so would that really be bad for penis growth if i do?
Im a pack a day if not more smoker and I thinks theres science backing that it wont help you but like I said before Ive made some astronomocal gains in a short period of time!!!! I just put forth that much more intensity and effort into my workouts just to make for damn sure if the cigarettes are hindering me im making up for it in excessive and overpowering manipulation.... Hey DLD if I make that girth gain I might have to deliver the bud myself to smoke out that bad boy!!!:blush:
and I typically dont smoke cock but in this rare occasion I think I could make an acception.... ha ha ha
I'd hazard a guess in saying it will hamper efforts with growth to some degree because the penis is 'fueled' if you like with its erections entirely by blood. The whole enlargement process via things such as Jelqs are using the circulation system and so if a drug is being used that can hamper with that the gains may be tampered and Nicotine interferes with the circulatory system giving a poorer overall circulation around the body.
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