bigdex28;511899 said:
I agree 100%. Before I got clean and sober I blamed everyone and anything for my problems, but that didn't get me anywhere. It wasn't until I released that I had to take charge of my own destiny that I got better.
I have a problem with my weight. I have been putting off eating right and exercising using the excuse that I don't have time. I've been thinking about joining the local gym but it's mostly all buff bodybuilders that go there. I want to do more of a powerlifter type routine and lose a shit load of weight. I don't care about having big biceps. What's been stopping me is the fear I have of interacting with these kinds of people and how they will view me. But I know that if I push myself to go it will not be as bad as I have built it up to be in my mind.
To an introvert a gym like setting or even some social clubs, book clubs, church groups or the like, if adopted as a habit, the social aspect will fall in to place out of necessity. My point is, I can make my schedule contain nothing, I do not have to leave my house for anything. To an introvert, this is a Heavily arrangement. I can easily fall into agoraphobic states due to the freedom I have in whether or not I chose to make plans. Now, for me, creating appointments, responsibilities, anything that gets me out of the house is important. Once I make a commitment to something I am solid and will get it done. So through the exercise of being accountable to other people through a schedule filled with appointments, I force myself into the necessity of being social.
If it is a room full of men, that is easy, I will be the leader very quickly, mix in women and my confidence wains from egotistic to apprehensive, on guard...this is not so much an unconfident state more than a protective mechanism that puts up walls that have served to protect me in the past. Are my walls rational? At best they are highly outdated, and rationale that was attached to the original meaning. At this point I can't remember why I created the walls, but I do know 2 things they offer
safety but
hold me back from achieving true social grace through the establisHydromaxent of a relationships with women. My entire life I have felt abandoned by the women I put trust in...this is more delusional than rational but none the less, I fear women.
The one woman that has never abandoned me is my Son's Mother, but our relationship is platonic. I think her commitment to me is one of the most incredible things I have in my life. No matter what, jail, psyche wards, riches, poor, ghetto fabulous or eating out of a dumpster, she has been there. We have a beautiful 18 year old son who is about to have a Son in a month. I would do anything for them and they would return the commitment. I think it is obvious by the forums here that I am all about commitment to my family of brothers here, not too unlike my Son and my Wife.
What do I value most? I think it obvious, loyalty. What is most important to me? Honesty. I have found these two traits among many men here at
Matters of Size. I think my own upbringing and quest for loyalty, trust and honesty is strongly reflected in our Brotherhood. I know that
MOS has made me a better man, regardless of my penis, it has taught me lessons that I would have never learned without the Brotherhood. This is an incredible thing but in the real world it does not translate well, in the real world those traits are rarely seen.
Finding the perfect woman for DLD borders on impossible....If the Lord sees fit to bring a woman into my experience I will embrace it...up till now I have not experienced this but I may have been blind to it due to the walls that really need a few windows and doors put in
I will be in Florida very soon and I will be a social as I get as I am with my best friend who I trust very much. These rare times that I get to be social without the fear is a blessed time!