
Aug 26, 2005
Well I had written a long post but then decided to try and use the search function to see if there was any thread related to my topic already on here. To no avail >:(

So I'm going to write the short version of that lost post.

Basically, I've suffered trauma ( dry skin ) on the upper part of my shaft. So I've been doing a wet jelq only routine for a couple of weeks now and will continue to do so for a while, maybe 6 months so that I can use lotion with vitamin E at the same time to heal the skin. But I'm already trying to plan out my next routine. So that's why I'd like to know if indeed girth exercises like isolated compressions and bends could give length gains, since I imaging girth exercises work the tunica to some degree.

Anybody have any info on this?
Wet jelqs alone (not at low erection%) gave me my sole gain of 1". I don't know the reasoning behind it. I was not pulling that hard thus doesn't seem lig-gains to me. Maybe cell expansion or micro-tears in the tunica producing new cells...
When the penis expands due to girth gains it has no choice but to get longer as the penis volume becomes greater and some of the the volume is pushed upward. Jelqing too, due to the stroke, will also increase length. It is not the fastest way to gain length but it will work.
well when i first started pe, i thought that jelqs were purely for length. just because you are pulling your penis away from you. i personally get a pretty good stretch and get A good bpfsl afterwards.
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