basically, think of sumthing dull at the minute you are going to cum... this way you can last longer, right?
I'm getting back towards pissing cum again. The workouts are working as I'm up to 7.75 bpel. Last week I shot 12 big wadsin a row followed by dribbling. More intense as well.

More to cum....
basically, think of sumthing dull at the minute you are going to cum... this way you can last longer, right?


The more excited you are the more your mind is focused on your genitals and instead of losing yourself to this feeling you consciously step back mentally.

It's like I wrote. I'm sorry not to be able to explain myself better.
It's not that you shall distrect yourself from the excitement, it's to mentally draw back from it.

I'm going to search for this article I read, were it's probably better explained.
Citizen? said:

It's like I wrote. I'm sorry not to be able to explain myself better.
It's not that you shall distrect yourself from the excitement, it's to mentally draw back from it.

I'm going to search for this article I read, were it's probably better explained.

ya man, gonna read it, if you tell me it works.
I thought this a strange topic until an experience I had last night. I came and when it happened it was pure liquid, like water, not copious in quantity. Very strange but to add to the experience today my urine has appeared milky. I am somewhat lost but I thought I would relate this. I plan to do some serious research into my own experience and I will update everyone interested as this happens.
Pandora said:
I allways thought it was bad when this happens watery sperm.

Not sure, I will be soon.
doublelongdaddy said:
I thought this a strange topic until an experience I had last night. I came and when it happened it was pure liquid, like water, not copious in quantity. Very strange but to add to the experience today my urine has appeared milky. I am somewhat lost but I thought I would relate this. I plan to do some serious research into my own experience and I will update everyone interested as this happens.
Your sperm may have backed up into your bladder, explaining why your semen was watery and your urine was milky. This is called retrograde ejaculation, and is what happenes when you KEGEL off an ejaculation. It might have happened to you on purpose, or maybe inadvertantly. It is not harmful, so don't be worried, but I think what you are looking at is retrograde ejaculation.

I know diabetes can cause it also, as can some anti-depressant drugs. What type of meds are you on? That may be helpful to know.
I tried to so this yesterday, it seems like all it would take is a deeper relaxation and/or a very strong REVERSE kegel. If you can train your PC in the reverse kegel to be strong enough so that you can reverse kegel just as you orgasm (and hold the reverse kegel) you can get this to work.
ggogeta said:
happens to me from times to times. So ur not the only one there :)
Take a week off from coming. One day while you are at the urinal don't be surprised what "comes" out. I think this can happen to any male.
I recently wrote about a technique to protract ejaculation. Here it is:

My Method

by Frank Senne

Whether the description "Method" is justified or not may be left at your discretion. I am not aware of (consciously) practicing any muscle or mental training or for that matter any other technique, as described in the majority of books on this subject. Maybe it is a disposition of some kind, if such a thing is possible, or I am just not aware of applying a method.

My own multi orgasmic experience has existed with nearly no interruption since the onset of puberty, was somewhat reduced at the age of 28 and returned and stayed to this day.

During puberty I had my first experience of it happening (puberty induced masturbation contests) and I soon found out that my sexual capacity was sufficient for up to 15 ejaculations a day without being reduced on the day after. Later, during my first sexual partner experiences, I too was able to achieve an almost unlimited number of ejaculations.

At the age of 28 I experienced the refractory phase and another coitus had to wait for about 20 minutes. This situation remained stable for a period of about one or two years, disappearing without my conscious involvement.

My current orgasmic optimum is about 4-6 orgasms (within about 90-120 minutes). Of these, 3-5 are without ejaculation, with a final ejaculation that, depending on the number and intensity of the previous orgasms, is more or less forceful. The strength of this ejaculation varies from a slow "spilling", to a gently pulsating ejaculation, up to powerful expulsions. This is inverse proportional to the number and strength of previous orgasms.

Physiological Cause: Unknown. But I did find out that my ability to reach a high number of orgasms without ejaculation is again inverse proportional to the intensity of the stimulation (i.e. the tighter the vaginas mucous tissue fit, the longer the coitus and the higher my orgasmic count until the final ejaculation. Another significant influence seems to be the amount of vaginal lubrication present inside the vagina. The more, the shorter the coitus. I suspect a reduced receptivity due to hypersensitivity).

Psychological Cause: Unknown.

Here now is a short description of what happens.
After receiving several emails, especially from women, regarding the statements above and further below, I would like to make clear that these are purely personal experiences, which may NOT be applicable to you. This holds especially true for the remarks on the amount of female lubrication, as well as tightness of the vaginal mucous tissue and their connection to the overall coital duration. Thank you for the hints.

* With continued stimulation (manual, oral, prostate, coital or a combination thereof) the first orgasm usually sets in after approx. 10 minutes (this is where Hartman/Fithian with their erotic "Richter Scale" come in very handy. I have varied it to suit my requirements by giving marks for the intensity of the orgasm (1-10) and marks for judging the level of arousal (1-10). From 9.5 the highest level is reached and 9.9 being the point-of-no-return. This first orgasm I would rate at a 6 for intensity.
* Intermediate stage, no refraction, full erection, at an arousal level varying from 9.5 to 9.9 (point-of-no-return).
* Second orgasm, timing variable, mark 7 (increasing orgasmic intensity).
* Intermediate stage, no refraction, full erection, at an arousal level varying from 9.5 to 9.9 (point-of-no-return).
* Third orgasm, timing variable, mark 8 (increasing orgasmic intensity).
* And so on until intensity level 10 is reached.
* Final orgasm, timing variable, mark 8 (decreasing orgasmic intensity), followed by a concluding ejaculation)

And now you ask yourself: What does that guy do to make "it" happen. I simply turn off the feeling of physical stimulation in my head. What is left is a sensation I would describe as similar to "the shaking of hands". All I feel of the stimulation is a completely "neutral" touch lacking any arousing effect (which has no impact on the orgasmic experience whatsoever). This too is part of the background to the questionnaire. I have no "technique" or help to offer, as I myself am at a loss for a rational or other explanation. I guess I must have studied (nearly) all available literature on the subject ever published, just to find out which "method" I practice. So far: Nothing. Positive effect of all that reading was that I was able to learn everything about the PC muscles functions, something I use as a prophylactic for possible later ailments (incontinence, prostate problems, erectile dysfunction, etc.).

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