Jun 3, 2003
The physical part of Penis Enlargement works, we know this or we would not be here. What I want to talk about (yes I do this every 6 months) is what is going on in your mind before, during and after your Penis Enlargement session. I know for myself if I am not mentally prepared for a session I feel bored through the exercise and unaccomplished after. In a perfect world, for myself at least, I am prepared and focused before my session. I exercise to my max potential and when I am through I KNOW I have made gains. How do I do this? Well once again I want to share this.

Envision your final goal. Watch a video, look at a picture, meditate on your final goal. What do you want your penis to look like? Picture the girth, picture the length...get into a deep meditation on the exact final goal you want. For me this has changed as I have gotten too and past each of my "final" goals. If I am feeling like I do not want to train I picture who ever is my idol penis at the time and think about what it would be like to have that cock. This usually strikes up enough motivation to get me in the right frame of mind.

Another thing I do is I have a piece of wood that sits in front of me throughout the day. It is 13" long and 7.5" around. It is right on top of my computer so I have to see it. Whenever I glance at it I think "damn that would be the shit to have a penis that big". I can pick it up, feel it, imagine it, which makes the goal so much more exciting.

When I feel that awesome determined feeling I go into the bathroom and start my routine. I do not look at my penis when I am training, I try to keep my eyes closed and envision that dream penis I want. With every stroke I imagine myself getting closer and closer to this goal. I picture myself being there, having it, using it. I like to put myself in my idols shoes and imagine he went through the same thing. Lets say your idol is __________. What I will do is imagine he at one time was average size and he went through these steps to get to the size he is. I try to imagine I am him and I am reaching that magnificent goal. This makes the goal so much more attainable when you imagine someone else did this before you.

When I am stretching I make each exercise as important as the next. If I am stretching upward I will envision touch my chin with my penis. With each second I hold the stretch I imagine getting closer and closer to my chin. If I am stretching downward I imagine that I am trying to touch the ground. With each passing second I am stretching downward I imagine getting closer and closer to the ground. I do not rush the stretch, I become one with it and use this frame of mind to get me closer and closer to my goal. If I feel myself getting weak I put that out of my mind and increase the stretch more.

When I am finished with my session I do not look at my penis in hopes I have made gains. I put my business away and KNOW I made gains. I feel complete and accomplished. I pat myself on the back and get on with my day knowing I did all I could for today and I am that much closer to my goal.

During the off hours of Penis Enlargement it becomes easy to get anxious. Maybe I get a pop-up of a huge penis in my window. Maybe I think of my final goal and get discouraged. Maybe I see a members picture that I think looks better than mine. Anxiety can come from so many sources as you most likely know. This anxiety can spark a discouragement that is sometime hard to get around. When I am having a day like to practice this line of thinking. I think to myself that Penis Enlargement works and I know this. I have gained as others have. Perhaps I am not at my goal size but I Know I will be. If I continue to put the time and effort into this I will get to my goal.. I have already done this many times and I will do it again. Do not feel jealousy but feel encouragement that you will someday be there.
I was bored last night so I decided I'd go check the forum over at Pride Penis. I saw that Red said he did 1000 jelqs everyday. Having nothing better to do I went ahead and did 1000 jelqs. I supersetted them with a DLD bends every 100 jelqs. My girth went from 4.75" to 5.25". That's a 1/2" gain. Ofcourse this morning it was a little over 4.75" more like 4.875".

I haven't been Penis Enlargement much lately other than a blaster session here and there. I'm definately adding this to my routine!
Originally posted by Gardenier90
I was bored last night so I decided I'd go check the forum over at Pride Penis. I saw that Red said he did 1000 jelqs everyday. Having nothing better to do I went ahead and did 1000 jelqs. I supersetted them with a DLD bends every 100 jelqs. My girth went from 4.75" to 5.25". That's a 1/2" gain. Ofcourse this morning it was a little over 4.75" more like 4.875".

I haven't been Penis Enlargement much lately other than a blaster session here and there. I'm definately adding this to my routine!

A small spark of inspiration does wonders for your own attitude toward training. I bet you felt so good after your workout. I bet you have a new outlook on training now.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
A small spark of inspiration does wonders for your own attitude toward training. I bet you felt so good after your workout. I bet you have a new outlook on training now.

Hell yea! One great workout session can really improve one's morale/motivation towards Penis Enlargement.
You was bored so ya went to PP.........we aint a 2nd class site man.
I am glad my advise has helped you like many others.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
You was bored so ya went to PP.........we aint a 2nd class site man.
I am glad my advise has helped you like many others.

I didn't mean it that way bro :p
I won't count the steroid use, but Arnold Schwarzenegger did the same thing with visualization, and you've obviously seen his body at it's peak. You don't become Mr. Olympia 8 times with the mindset of a loser. Don't even mention the bodybuilders of today, 'cause they don't exist to me.
You do 1000 a day???? Whoa!!! I dont hit other sites. Is that your whole routine???
Hey guys - my first post here at MOS. Many of you already know me from �other PE site�; now I have one more place to waste my time while working on my Masters. :) LOL.

As far as visualization goes, I've found just the thing. Since I recently started pumping, I have a cylinder that's 9.25" long (that's the length with the nozzle; the cylinder itself only allows 9" in length to actually go in) and 2.25" diameter. The thing is that while the circumference of the cylinder is very large, the width of the cylinder is only about that of my 7" wrist (due to the fact that the wrist is wider side to side than it is front to back).

Obviously when I'm in the cylinder, the cylinder itself is pressed against my pubic bone, giving me a 9.25 BP cylinder on my pubic region.

This is a great way for me to visualize my goal size of 9.25BP x 7. As I pump with this cylinder around my penis, I imagine what it would be like to really have a cylinder that large attached to my pubic region. As I see myself getting larger in the cylinder, I imagine growing and growing until I'm as long and as wide as the cylinder itself. It's a great visualization tool, and I can see that I'm already addicted to pumping (in my second week, no less!).
nice post DLD and welcome ED.

Another thing I do is I have a piece of wood that sits in front of me throughout the day. It is 13" long and 7.5" around. It is right on top of my computer so I have to see it. Whenever I glance at it I think "damn that would be the shit to have a penis that big". I can pick it up, feel it, imagine it, which makes the goal so much more exciting
psoted by DLD

Thats a great idea, well im off to find some wood or something around my size.
You do 1000 a day???? Whoa!!! I dont hit other sites. Is that your whole routine???


Get ya self over to the progress section you'll find I do more and have done so in the past.
The picture section has my latest picture, proof I know what am doing.
Originally posted by Godsize
I won't count the steroid use, but Arnold Schwarzenegger did the same thing with visualization, and you've obviously seen his body at it's peak. You don't become Mr. Olympia 8 times with the mindset of a loser. Don't even mention the bodybuilders of today, 'cause they don't exist to me.

Nor without a lot of D-bol.
some great posts, guys
I'm more fired up in a just a few minutes of reading these
This is why I stick with MOS over all the Penis Enlargement sites on the net. This post right here...
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