merovingian;492455 said:
Some guys claim to wear it for hours at a time while working. They must be in the clown industry, because that's the only set of pants I can imagine wearing that would cover the SG. When I am wearing mine it is over halfway down my thigh...

I have 3 young kids, and a demanding job, which means that I have to get a good session when I can. This usually means I may get an hour or so in the evening, plus a couple of 30 minute sessions throughout the day. All in all about 1-2 hours a day.

It's really comfortable, and I don't get the problems that other guys seem to talk about - blisters etc. It's a really great mod, and I find that I get a fantastic lig stretch.

Hope that answers your question!

You are making it work and that is admirable. With 3 kids and a hectic schedule you do what you can and it looks like you are. I wish you the best of gains!
merovingian;492668 said:
Awesome clamping session last night, combined with a good lig stretch. I should have taken pictures but I got so distracted with the results, I completely forgot! Will post tonight!

I can't wait! Everyone has been posting pictures lately, it shows such dedication!
Be careful! That thing looks like it is about to type something!
merovingian;493428 said:
Why do you say that?

I wish I had no fat pad! I would have 7.25-7.5 NBP if that were the case. My fat pad is 0.5-0.75 inches...

That is a thin fat pad. Most men have 1" or more. In my worst shape I had 2.5" of fat pad.
merovingian;493428 said:
Why do you say that?

I wish I had no fat pad! I would have 7.25-7.5 NBP if that were the case. My fat pad is 0.5-0.75 inches...

Because that looks like the length of my penis in the extender but I am 8.6" BPFSL. I assumed my extra .6" was fat pad.
I don't really think having no fat pad would make your dick bigger anyways becuase look at where the balls sit. My balls start well after my fat pad ends. So even if I shed the weight, my balls are still in the way, acting like a fat pad of their own when I thrust. This is only when I sit down as well, do I have much of a fat pad. I think even with a .5" fat pad, when you're thrusting away at a girl, you can still get most of that .5" of dick into her that is buried in the fat pad. Just my theory. I still want to lose fat as I have a bit of a gut from bodybuilding and want to look leaner. When I started Penis Enlargement I had like no fat pad so it's kinda hard to measure length now and compare to when I started.

My cat just took a nasty shit in the litter box and it smells awful.
MikeShlort;493519 said:
My cat just took a nasty shit in the litter box and it smells awful.

That is just fucking beautiful!
merovingian;503280 said:
Progress pick... still have managed to include it with a ruler (haters be hating)... I always lose erection too fast

View attachment 25859

Looking good my friend! I'd say it looks a bit bigger than you are saying:)
merovingian;492455 said:
Some guys claim to wear it for hours at a time while working. They must be in the clown industry, because that's the only set of pants I can imagine wearing that would cover the SG. When I am wearing mine it is over halfway down my thigh...

I have 3 young kids, and a demanding job, which means that I have to get a good session when I can. This usually means I may get an hour or so in the evening, plus a couple of 30 minute sessions throughout the day. All in all about 1-2 hours a day.

It's really comfortable, and I don't get the problems that other guys seem to talk about - blisters etc. It's a really great mod, and I find that I get a fantastic lig stretch.

Hope that answers your question!

You must have a huge cock then if it's halfway down your thigh. Or short legs :D

I wear mine at work and I work a physical job. Plenty of bending down and such, although it is a rather easy physical job, there are many jobs where I would not be able to wear it.

As for the pants, I wear baggy pants and it's concealed fairly well. Then again, I really don't care what anyone thinks so that's a plus.
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