Very good start to your progress thread. It is always a good first post that includes gains and a very happy outlook. Congratulations on taking control of your life!
merovingian;485825 said:
Just finished morning stretch of 2 x 20 minutes + 1 10 minute super stretch.

I managed to add one of the 1cm rods, which was more than yesterday. So now, in addition to the rods on the base piece, I add 1x4cm, 1x2cm and 1x1cm. When all in this makes the unit a little over 7inches. Once I turn the rods to maximum distance through the stretch, I was able to get it out to just under 8inches!

This makes me wonder how much growth capacity we all have from day one. I don't think that I have "added" this length. My only conclusion is that it must have always been there, but I am not sure. Anyway...

2 Challenges
My biggest challenge is keeping the stretch on. My penis gets really sore and a deep purple colour, because it's so tight it's like a tourniquet. If I don't do that, it just falls out of the comfort strap. My penis will probably fall off if I am not careful.... lol.

I have looked through all the sections, and I think I need to get a VLC tugger or something like it.

The noose that came with the product is way too big for the holes in the head piece. I emailed SG and they responded quickly. However, the advice given was laughable - "dip the noose in warm water". This thing is giant, and would not work. I asked for a new noose... no joy yet. :/

Have you tried using a velcro strap? That is far better than the noose. The VLC is also a good choice, as you already stated.
merovingian;487043 said:
Oh and thanks DLD for the reply... I took you up on the advice! The velcro didnt work too well, so I am going for VLC.

Like a trooper! I am proud that you are so proactive in this solution, you deserve every gain you make!
merovingian;491569 said:
Here is a picture of me wearing the VLC tugger. I can't stress enough how comfortable this thing is.

View attachment 25570

I might need to get a size adjustment on the actual VLC as I went for too small a size just in case. In any case, it works great. My new problem is that I don't have enough bars in my Size Genetics to get a good enough stretch! In this picture, I had all the bars in, and it wasn't quite up to 8 bpfs... :(

I'll have to buy some more bars!

I am 6"1 200 lbs.... my fat pad is at least an inch (working on that!)

Damn, that guy is LOOOONNNNNGGGG! Awesome work and great picture, I think this will help a lot of guys who are wondering how it is used.
merovingian;491590 said:
Haha - really? Must be the camera angle or something - I never expected that reply. Thanks anyway though.

I am wearing the SG with VLC right now and it feels goooood. Finally got a good deep stretch of the ligaments without feeling like my head is going to drop off. Sick.

Ain't not camera angle, that shit just generally looks big! impressive.
great pic man, this just solidified my urge to get the vlc, i was on the fence with it but after seeing this post im going to try it out.
pUNKY;491614 said:
Ain't not camera angle, that shit just generally looks big! impressive.

Thats what I'm saying! LOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!
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