Yo DLD!!! What is happening to you sounds like the result of focused, positive thought manifestation. Are you doing any kind of focused meditationlike thought and breathing exercises? I used to do something like that a longtime ago and the thoughts that I focused on while doing the exercises would happen in the same kind of weird, shockingly freaky occurance like what happened to you. I cannot find manual that had the exercises, but I remember the steps. I can let you or anyone else know how to do them if their interested? I know some guys are thinking "Total bullshit" and I did too until I tried it and the results shocked me after about a month of doing them. I do not know why I stopped(young and dumb I guess), but with Alpha Blade dropping soon, that BALL thing got me thinking about it because it had a Ball technique in it too and your results sound greatly similar to mine.
I have always believed that the only way a person could mentally diagnose another person is by being in the same mental state as the patient. Now, even if a doctor is a person suffering with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) [or any other mental illness] and treats a patient with the same diagnosis there is still a major flaw in determining diagnosis because an original diagnosis would have had to be made on the doctor before he could deem himself an obsessive compulsive and that diagnosis was from another doctor. The loop is endless in a game of <span style="font-weight:bold;">"who came first? the chicken or the egg?"<span style="font-style:italic;"></span></span> but this story comes with a lesson.

If all <span style="font-weight:bold;">definitive</span>, mental diagnosis come from a book called the <a href="http://www.depression-guide.com/dsm4.htm">DSM4 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)</a>, then who wrote the book? This may awaken some anger in those who truly believed their disorder was "real" but unfortunately it is perceived. Worse yet, READ MORE
You are a huge inspiration to me DLD. You have been on a tough yet incredible journey and I hope everything works out well for you.

I am really looking forward to AlphaBlade.. i need a big change in my life too at the moment.
Jennifer is a 35 year old woman who started the Alpha Blade Lifestyle&#174; 2 months ago. She started at a weight of 195. Her height is 5 foot 3 inches. She is currently unemployed and receives government assistance through SSDI. She is living with me in a small apartment. She has not had a normal period in more than a year and a half and suffers with excema during stressful moments. She was diagnosed mentally on 3 different occasions.

One diagnosis was Bipolar disorder or Manic Depressive. Bipolar means an affective disorder characterized by periods of <a href="http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/mania">mania</a> alternating with periods of depression, usually interspersed with relatively long intervals of normal mood. Mania, one part of Bipolar, is characterized by profuse and rapidly changing ideas, exaggerated sexuality, gaiety, or irritability, and decreased sleep. The other part of Bipolar is depression.

A second diagnosis was Schizophrenia being a long-term mental disorder involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

Her last diagnosis was Posttraumatic stress disorder. (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to one or more terrifying events in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened.

Janet feels as though she is closest to the latest diagnosis and I have to agree. Based on my view of psychology and it's inability to accurately diagnose a patient I believe the hell Janet has experienced over her life, since being first diagnosed, she has experience awful trauma. She was raised in a poor family by a single Mother. Her father left at a very early age and shot himself in the head so she has no father to speak of. She remained on welfare for most of her life. Her mother is a long-term alcholic. Her brother, 1 year younger than herself, is also an alcoholic and has spent much of his adult life in jail. Janet was abused sexually during her childhood by her mothers boyfriend. She also was raped at the age of 15 and was dragged through the court system for more than a year, essentially stealing her sweet 16, but how sweet could it have been? From that point Janet experienced many sexual accounts, more than 100 according to her. Many were ones she wishes never happened. Some were forced by other men or ones she herself forced. Janet also tells of sexual family abuse. Many of these negative events may lend to the reasons Janet has never completely pursued her true life goals of being a teacher through her art and communications skills. Janet has very good art skills and was featured in the Worcester Museum of Art. She also has communication skills with children that are unparalleled to any I have ever witnessed. She is able to tell a story from the level of the child and seamlessly educate the child's mind through her innocent words and extremely deep intellect. With full understanding of her motives to capture and amuse the mind she is able to teach valuable lessons in all subjects while making her stories colorful and fun.

Janet writes children's stories as if her name were Janet Suess. In essence, it may as well be. Lets face it, way back when Janet she was taught a lie that she was <span style="font-weight:bold;">Janet the Bipolar</span> and became that person attracting all things that belongs to that person. By the same methods, or similar to, she could>>>CLICK TO READ MORE
Excellent blog. Very inspiring. I have added it to my favourites.

After just breaking up with my fiance of 3 1/2 years and after having dealt with severe depression and anxiety for the past couple of years, alpha blade seems like something i need right about now.

How soon do you think it will be ready for us to buy and use? Do you need anyone for trials? I would gladly be a subject for your blog and site if you are willing to show me the way. I can provide photos, before, after, and update you on my progress every day. I would do anything to try your system.
Simply amazing progress Mike. You've gone from what I thought was a borderline nutcase to an amazing individual. Thanks for being there!
stillwantmore2;307624 said:
Simply amazing progress Mike. You've gone from what I thought was a borderline nutcase to an amazing individual. Thanks for being there!

Learning what I had to learn did bring me to places of insanity but each one was necessary to get to where I am. I think that I needed to visit the brink of sanity to realize what I needed to know. Many will never take that step but it is the only step that will truly bring self realization. You have been with me for almost 8 years and we have seen each other grow. We have argued, agreed, shared food and punches, but all and all it was vital to the very moment we have created. It is invaluable that we still have the strong friendship we do. Remember Ben, there has always been a method to my madness, just like your own.:)
Day 30 on The Alpha+Blade Program

When I interviewed Jen about her hopes and goals using the Alpha Blade Methods she first came out with very mediocre ideas of what seemed to be a very limited version of her true goals. This is notable because when I ask the question "Who do you want to be?" most will filter their true goals through shortcomings of the past. In fact, the actual desire is skewed and the true goal is not completely clear. One must first wipe away the fog that surrounds their hopes before actually "asking" for it. It is vital that we KNOW what we want before we ask as what you ask for will manifest itself and it is to be certain that the outcome is as close to the dream as possible. Essentially pre-eliminate negative versions of the outcome before the journey is ensued. It is important to recognize yourself as an empty canvas of no past or future when asking for the paint of your desired creation. The only way to come to a true mathematic axiom is by eliminating every other negative outcome to prove a definitive axiom. I am also saying that each seeming mistake along the path to the axiom is a perfect and equal part of the axiom. Thomas Edison said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." but keep in mind that he also said "Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits." You either MAKE the desired outcome happen or you learn to see things being as >>>>CONTINUE
<div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large;">Video of Jen as of Today, July 17</span>
</span></div><div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: large;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-style: italic;">Day 31 on The Alpha+Blade Program</span></span></span>
Today I have a special treat for the viewers. This is one of Janets stories from her collection she has been working on over the past few weeks. There is a video, a picture of the story and the painting she created the story by. I have also included the text for those who would like to copy it. Enjoy and keep us in your prayers. I will have more on the progress of Janet tomorrow. I also will be introducing two new writers who will be using the Alpha Blade program.


<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp2.blogger.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/SH_vYBKldTI/AAAAAAAAAHA/sDC_g5nJlF8/s1600-h/Alpha&#37;2BBlade-Janet.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp2.blogger.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/SH_vYBKldTI/AAAAAAAAAHA/sDC_g5nJlF8/s400/Alpha%2BBlade-Janet.jpg" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5224157288681796914" /></a>

Sorry for the lack of activity. Been working on paper for the past few days. I will update in the next day.

Hi Mike,
Seems there are alot of us that can use AlphaBlade. Foxconn (in a post above) mentions the breakup with his fiance. My "Jen" is my ex-wife, and it has been 6 years. If she went away, it might have been easier, but we have a son (he's 10) and we see each other nearly every day.

Let me know how I can get started with this...I don't think its BS or anything. I truly believe that we all have this ability to be who or what we want. It's the implementation that screws most of us up....

Keep us posted...I've been waiting since before 1/1/06, when you first announced it...
KingD;307287 said:
Yo DLD!!! What is happening to you sounds like the result of focused, positive thought manifestation. Are you doing any kind of focused meditationlike thought and breathing exercises? I used to do something like that a longtime ago and the thoughts that I focused on while doing the exercises would happen in the same kind of weird, shockingly freaky occurance like what happened to you. I cannot find manual that had the exercises, but I remember the steps. I can let you or anyone else know how to do them if their interested? I know some guys are thinking "Total bullshit" and I did too until I tried it and the results shocked me after about a month of doing them. I do not know why I stopped(young and dumb I guess), but with Alpha Blade dropping soon, that BALL thing got me thinking about it because it had a Ball technique in it too and your results sound greatly similar to mine.

Hey King D...let me know what I can do to get this going. I really need this to take control and give me something to totally focus on. reply or PM me.

<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp1.blogger.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/SIv4xeyDFzI/AAAAAAAAA0g/Q-gucDI6pv8/s1600-h/School.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp1.blogger.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/SIv4xeyDFzI/AAAAAAAAA0g/Q-gucDI6pv8/s320/School.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5227545321453852466" /></a>
A picture of the future in the moment

When is something accomplished? Is it in the event of physical manifestation or the moment of thought? What prevents us from truly seeing what we want and believing we already have it, even before it physically occurs? These questions are easily answered with one word, <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold;">EDUCATION</span>. Since our early childhood we have been reprogrammed from an infinite knowledge of imagination to a limited understanding via education.

I was talking with Janet the other day about what her dream job would be and she told me that she would love to open a school for children that was her very own. I asked her what was preventing her from having that goal and she quickly replied money and that it would take too much time. When I further looked at the reasons I learned that there were many other "blocks" that prevented her from having her dream school. She felt as though she was not ready for something so big, that they gave her a feeling of guilt and a sense of not deserving. When I explained to her what was happening it was easy to see that there was much more than money and time standing in the way. The very things that stood in the way were blocks she put up. The blocks that shadowed the school from her reach were actually blended with many other shadows that disguised the reason as monetary or time value. The school and it's value are really only symptoms of the journey. The journey to the school is the experience she would need to create the money to acquire the school.

In the creation process many people will limit their goal by measurements. They make an association between their dream and it costing too much or taking too long to accomplish therefore they never make the journey. The thing that is rarely looked at is the actual journey from A to B that gives B so much value. People will see money, numbers, time, distance measurements, etc. as an actual block when it is the very experience of the self educated road to the goal that builds it's infinite worth.

This highly illogical way of seeing positive change is common in all people. When I am feeling blocked from what I desire it is usually because I am caught in a matrix of measurements that prevent me from starting the journey. I can tell you this much, all the mental energy that is put into the reasons we give ourselves for WHY we can't have what we want is far greater than the actual energy it takes to actually get the things we desire. What is the point of measuring something you want when you have no real belief in acquiring the reality of the very thing you desire? It is simply JUST OUT OF YOUR RATIONAL REACH.

<embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=7989670309556357326&hl=en&fs=true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>

This is an interesting post. I have posted it as a slide show, which you should watch to see the entire process. It is a creative process I used to illustrate symmetry in art and mathematics. I thought it would be an interesting view on how I use the ALPHA BLADE system to get a project complete. During the process I had a lot of fun and learned a lot on the way. I have also put it up as a gallery and finally a video. The video is more a representation of what I wanted to complete.

Check out the movie and slide show>>>CLICK
<a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp0.blogger.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/SIvw7tYV6dI/AAAAAAAAAzE/MnGx7ZV8xQk/s1600-h/JanetandGiraffe.jpg"><img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="http://bp0.blogger.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/SIvw7tYV6dI/AAAAAAAAAzE/MnGx7ZV8xQk/s320/JanetandGiraffe.jpg" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5227536701078235602" /></a>

It's hard to say just how fat Janet has come since she has started the Alpha Blade program. Thus far she has dropped almost 40 pounds, created more than 12 children's stories which she is hoping to get published, planned her her future and how she hopes to accomplish her pre-school and brought herself to a place in her life that far exceeds anything she has ever hoped to be.

doublelongdaddy;306717 said:
I have launched a new blog, as promised, to help you guys follow what is going on with Alpha Blade and I will update it daily. So you know, the book is complete and ready to be sent to the publishers. I finished the final work today and all graphics for the book have been completed. This evening I will be finishing all graphic titles and any other details necessary for publishing. The temporary address for now is : http://alphablade-theball.blogspot.com/ . Please visit when you can and I will publish, answer and update daily.

Thanks for your support

Wow I've been waiting for this for years it seems like Mike, this is sweet I cant wait to read this blog!

I thought you dropped this idea, but now I see this has been your lifes work for the last few years you are the man Mike!
DLD, how can we become apart of this program? I know reading your blog is part of it, but I would really like to get completely involved in this. Your MoS program has treated me very well and I would really like to get working on AlphaBlade. I really need something like this at this point in my life(gone through depression, loss of jobs, loss of fiance, weight gain, etc, etc).

Please let me know!
DLD Im sure youve answered this somewhere, and I apologize if you have since Im new, but is there any way to reach your email or PM you?

I tried on here and it said your inbox was too full.

Would like to discuss something with you.

crazyed27;308681 said:
I thought you dropped this idea, but now I see this has been your lifes work for the last few years you are the man Mike!

Never dropped it, just needed to prove to myself that the methods could get me some of my biggest dreams...now that it has happened (ing) I am ready to drop it:)

foxconn;308692 said:
DLD, how can we become apart of this program? I know reading your blog is part of it, but I would really like to get completely involved in this. Your MoS program has treated me very well and I would really like to get working on AlphaBlade. I really need something like this at this point in my life(gone through depression, loss of jobs, loss of fiance, weight gain, etc, etc).

Please let me know!

At this point, as I promised, I am doing the BLOG work as a free service. Anyone who wants to get involved with the ALPHA BLADE process should become a subscriber to the BLOG and post their interests there. I will work with as many profiles as I can. As far as a product is concerned the book, DVD and Audio Book will be ready within 2 months.

CCRusHydromaxore;308697 said:
DLD Im sure youve answered this somewhere, and I apologize if you have since Im new, but is there any way to reach your email or PM you?

I tried on here and it said your inbox was too full.

Would like to discuss something with you.


My PM's are real messed up and I have not had a chance to correct this issue. I have been working on this project over time and some things have slipped by me. I hope to get myself back in shape within the next few days.
I will have an update of Janets progress in the next couple of days. I am working with a few different people now so the BLOG will begin to have additional profiles.
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