I can feel your pain iwant8, it's very frustrating that with the heart.
That torret-syndrome doesnt seem like a childs play, cant be fun to deal with.
Was those panic attacks and such because of you needed to feel safe, calm and relaxed?

DLD we are all behind you to 110% keep your head up, no-mather what anybody say you are the greatest!
It had to do I think with a fear of going to a particular place such as school. Not a lot of good experiences the first two years of high school to say the least. I just couldn't get myself in a right state of mind. It was like everything was just happening too fast and my breathing was not right at all. Like I said it was like I was going mad for about 4 years.
Another very funny thread.
Since I have been reading so much about OCD lately I thought this would make a few of you guys laugh who have not read it yet:)
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