I ask myself why we measure bone pressed, in some adult entertainment videos I really don't see it a lot and I kind of feel like I'm cheating myself by doing so. I think I was reading an article someone posted on Lex Steele last week and was reading that when he measured he didn't push the ruler all the way in and he made a comment about doing so. Anyone care to inform us on why we measure bone pressed as far as are actually size vs non pressed mainly a base measurement.
So while you're gaining you know exactly how much you've gained.

You could measure both I guess?

I dno but you're bone is never really gonna move so its just accurate
Guys measure Bone Pressed because it gives accurate guides to progress each and every time because your going against the pubic bone, so any decrease or increase in size has actually occurred. Its often used for tracking progress or if the guy has a good to average body fat ratio its used as it the difference would be 1/4 with fat pad but from various positions in sex the whole bp length nearly can be used negligible of fat pad. NBPenis EnlargementL is whats showing with no pushing back, its no more accurate then BPenis EnlargementL and in fact very inaccurate if your tracking progress as it will fluctuate at times, especially if you exercise and lose weight it will decrease and alas you seem to have grown, when in fact you have not.
I see he has almost a half inch of fat pad there. Pretty significant. Mine is under a quarter inch, maybe approaching an eighth, but I am very thin too. I second the idea that bone-pressed is the best to actually know true progress. Your skeletal structure is not going to change much over time :D Body fat composition can vary greatly, not to mention water retention and other factors which fluctuate regularly.

I see non-bone pressed as a "vanity" measurement. Not that it makes you vain, because the measurements are smaller, but rather it only is concerned with what "shows" not with actual structure of the penis.
Haha, maybe we should include beyond pubic hair measurements, ie. bphfl = beyond pubic hair flaccid length. I would be like under 1" before I shaved. LOL
Thanks guys this actually makes a lot of sense. So if I'm asked what is my size do I say from bone pressed or basically from the base.
Lol I guess NBPenis EnlargementL for sex in case she actual wants to measure :P you don't wanna say "oh i measure by ramming the ruler into my pubic bone :)
pressed or non-pressed are what they are. For me, my fat pad is under a quarter of an inch anyway. So there really is no difference for me...so the ladies can measure what I report...even though it is tiny...for now :D
I see BPenis EnlargementL as being more accurate than NBPenis EnlargementL because your fat pad changes at short intervals while your bone will more or less stay the same your entire life.
I think it only comes an issue if your, lets not beat about the bushes here > overweight otherwise it really doesnt matter and guys make such as big deal over it claiiming BPenis EnlargementL is fake blah blah blah and yet most if not all medical studies with dicks mesured use BPenis EnlargementL or BPFSL as the core method. Yes the ruler needs to hit the PUBIC BONE and that can be from the side (either) or the top but usually guys do it from the top but in my experience if you hit the BONE correctly from either angle it comes to the same BPenis EnlargementL and yet many feel the side shot is fake because guys have used it in the past not knowing how to measure I guess, pushing the ruler into the actual fatty musculer tissue of the lower abdomen which then becomes not accurate.

I'll actually say this. The most accurate best way to always track your length gains is to use BPFSL - Bone pressed flaccid stretched length - and do this always in the same positon into the pubic bone and not the side oneday, the top the following month. Always do it the same way as before, so if you stood up then always adopt that same position otherwise if you sit nextime the chance is the measurement can change. Sitting and standing measurements do vary.

This method also is great because you need no arousal to become erect, just grip underneath the glans either pull the foreskin back and grip or with the skin covering and pull as hard as you can. Hold for 10-30 seconds and relax, maybe do some kegels and reverse kegels. Then take the measurement. You can even do it for your own diary pulling the cock up 12 O'Clock, down 6 O'Clock and to the 9 & 3 O'clock positions which in time can aid you in homming in on certain areas or just for curiosity sake. Really, Penis Enlargement measurements can be very complex if you want to make them just like bodybuilders measuring body parts can do it cold, after workout and flexed etc etc you decide on how much detail you need but for the same of the mass'ess the stat always usaully noted for erect length is BPenis EnlargementL but BPFSL is an indicator of future length.
Second the bpfsl...it is the only medically (from urologists standpoints and studies) accepted correlation to actual erect length potential.