Why is it that women, in terms of sexual satisfaction clearly prefer girth over length? I could see an argument being made for length.
From my understanding, girth would be more desirable because with more girth you'd be stimulating more total area inside the vagina. Also, the sense of being stretched out is extremely arousing to many women, as well as it is visually stimulating for them to look at a thick penis.

There's probably more reasons that I wasn't able to come up with, so I'll leave those to some of the other members.
Plus as we all know...women dont really like blow jobs....so, the thicker the dick, the easier it is to play the "ouch, my jaw hurts" bull....or to say "gaw, theres no way I'll get that in my mouth!". LOL. ?? Yea what papercut said.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
Why is it that women, in terms of sexual satisfaction clearly prefer girth over length? I could see an argument being made for length.
Because (in my wifes case anyway) if you bang her cervix it hurts them(or maybe it's just her:s )
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Plus as we all know...women dont really like blow jobs....so, the thicker the dick, the easier it is to play the "ouch, my jaw hurts" bull....or to say "gaw, theres no way I'll get that in my mouth!".

rofl SWM has truly figured it out!
take a moment to feel it (shut up) would you rather have a long skinny dick jabbing you, or a fat one "filling you up"

yea I'll leave now
Originally posted by fallen_one23
take a moment to feel it (shut up) would you rather have a long skinny dick jabbing you, or a fat one "filling you up"

yea I'll leave now

lol...you make a very good point.
They want girth simply because it's so friggin' hard to gain.

however too much girth = blood :O I made a few bleed at times rofl silly whores they didnt know what had hit them, were like '''O MY GOD MY PUSSY IS BLEEDING'' :blahblah:
I've met plenty, friends and lovers, that said length is equally important to them, and more than a few that said even a guy has a gigantic girth, if he isn't long enough to really stroke during sex it's not that great. They often sight the need to "feel something deep" during sex. Many women don't like the sensation of being totally ripped, especially for vigorous or longer sex sessions. I think that the girth always beats length thing came about kind of retroactively to all the emphasis on length. a good length and decent girth is preferable to a disproportionate dick on either side of the spectrum.
My original argument for length is that the longer penis will give more area rubbing against the G-spot and nerve endings with each thrust. The analogy may not be perfect, but think about sanding a piece of wood. Get a 2" piece of sand paper and then get an 8" piece. Sand a board and see which seems to be creating more heat and friction. I remember reading this one time on some Penis Enlargement site, book, or something and it made some sense.
Originally posted by fallen_one23
take a moment to feel it (shut up) would you rather have a long skinny dick jabbing you, or a fat one "filling you up"

yea I'll leave now

Well, I wasn't talking about spaghetti dick. Obviously, being very deficient in either length or girth is going to take away pleasure. I think everyone here is set on obtaining a decent amount of both length and girth.
Swank hit the nail on the head. If you're 5x5.5, the girl probably won't enjoy it too much, lol. Women just love big ones in general. There was an old joke about there being two kinds of dicks. That old sex expert talked about it on conan. She said there are long, skinny ones and short, fat ones. Women love the long ones because they "love to be penetrated" and "women don't like to have some short, fat penis rolling around the top satisfying only itself".

Who cares, get to stretching and get to squeezing. lol
Here's a thought. Do you think part of it could be psychological? I mean, let's imagine to cases where one guy is 5.5"x4.5" and the other guy is 8"x6.5". Suppose the smaller guy is even much more experienced and better at techniques. Perhaps even the sight of the larger cock and feel during foreplay gets her that much more excited, thereby increasing her chances for satisfaction.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
Here's a thought. Do you think part of it could be psychological? I mean, let's imagine to cases where one guy is 5.5"x4.5" and the other guy is 8"x6.5". Suppose the smaller guy is even much more experienced and better at techniques. Perhaps even the sight of the larger cock and feel during foreplay gets her that much more excited, thereby increasing her chances for satisfaction.

It is psychological too, but I really don`t see how a guy with a 5" dick could be more experienced than a guy with a 8" dick because the one with 8" is certainly more attractive and had sex more times than the one with the smaller dick and I don`t see how you can please [I mean for real, not struggle for 10h to make her come once] a woman with a 5" dick because it`s just not meant to happen..
We don`t have to worry about this anyway, cuz we have Penis Enlargement. You need an 8incher or maybe more. This is why you Penis Enlargement
Originally posted by 9cyclops9
They want girth simply because it's so friggin' hard to gain.


well remember gaining 1 inch of girth gives you a lot more dick than 1" of length, check it out on the vollume calculator
think about the psychological effect though . . .

anoher 1/4 inch of girth, of a full inch of NBP length . . . i suspect most of us might like the length despite our feeling on girth, unless you were already like 8X4.5 and then things might start to look a bit odd . . .

plus, if i ever meet any girl that is familiar with the concept of total penis volume, well frankly i'm not apt to want a girl that has put that much thought into dicks!

on that note, i've also been thinking that the stuff about total volume is slightly overrated. women care a good deal about shape, overall appearence, hardness, vascularity, ect. another 2 inches of cubic volume might mean a slightly bigger dick, but it's not going to make or break you in bed. you have to have the right dick that hits the right spots on a certain girl.

that being said, i'd also say theres not really any such thing as a universally perfect penis. there might be some variations that have the highest distribution of favorable reactions, but across the board there's no perfect size, shape, ect. . . . so just make yours what you want it to be. if you want the girth, go for it. if you want to be a long guy go for that, do both, whatever. just don't assume that theres a way to make your dick a skeleton key to every vagina on earth.
Originally posted by Omul_Paianjen
the one with 8" is certainly more attractive and had sex more times than the one with the smaller dick

Hmm, if only this was true - I guess I should walk around with a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] T-shirt or something.
Well like I've said before I read to damn much, especially on sex. It's like I should be going for my PHD... Women say girth alot b/c its the 1st 1/3 of the pussy that is the most sensitive, and the rest well is all in there head when it comes to depth. Men tend to go for the deep penetration b/c of hard wiring that ensures that the swimmers get the best spots in the pool. If you want to make a women purr then go shallow strokes or using the tip every now and then. Also the scientist say that the "ideal" penis would be like a door knob, which for some reason always gave me visions of women doing unspeakable things to doors.:zzboner:
Originally posted by Omul_Paianjen
It is psychological too, but I really don`t see how a guy with a 5" dick could be more experienced than a guy with a 8" dick

I remember a couple guys from college that fit such a scenario. My first roommate had a horse cock, but a lazy attitude towards life in general and wasn't ambitious towards women. He wasn't particularly attractive, but there were a couple of chicks that I'm pretty sure got acquainted with the horse cock. However, he was by no means a legend. On the other hand, this baseball player across the hall was cocky and loved to be the center of attention. He was the type that would be the loudest mouth in the room and, on more than one occasion, he would shout for the entire cafeteria to be quiet, while he stood up on a chair and told a joke to 700 people. He was quite muscular. I wouldn't say he was what most women would call cute, but had a rugged, athletic look to him. He was very aggressive with pursuing women and got more ass than a toilet seat. Anyhow, the other baseball players used to tease him for having a small dick and he even used to joke about it himself (must not have known about Penis Enlargement and figured his only option was to laugh at his own shortcomings). I happened to see him in the shower on occasion and he did indeed have a small dick. Understand that the American jock has no sympathy for his fellow man around the opposite sex. I'm sure his teammates made fun of him in front of women. At a minimum, he slept with enough chicks to get the word around. Yet, they still lined up.

Let's give women some intellectual credit they deserve. Penis size is a great asset, but it really isn't everything. Some women would sleep with a guy for absolutely no other reason than penis size. However, the majority are not like that. For a woman, part of achieving orgasm is how much her sentiments are really attached to the man she has sex with. Hell, adult entertainment stars routinely fake orgasms and they're getting railed with huge dicks. So yes, I have to believe that there are scenarios where a woman can be more satisfied with the 5" guy than the 8" guy, though size is still a valuable asset.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
Let's give women some intellectual credit they deserve. Penis size is a great asset, but it really isn't everything. Some women would sleep with a guy for absolutely no other reason than penis size. However, the majority are not like that. For a woman, part of achieving orgasm is how much her sentiments are really attached to the man she has sex with. Hell, adult entertainment stars routinely fake orgasms and they're getting railed with huge dicks. So yes, I have to believe that there are scenarios where a woman can be more satisfied with the 5" guy than the 8" guy, though size is still a valuable asset.
Man, that's so true. Firstly, girls don't fuck guys based solely on who will fuck them the very best, many have to be emotionally attached to a guy to enjoy it the most. And size is ONE aspect of a good lover, and if you asked me I would say it's not even one of the most important ones. Ability to get a (good) erection and good staying power and much more important, not to mention technique.
"just don't assume that theres a way to make your dick a skeleton key to every vagina on earth."

Do I smell sanity in here?!
I was going to post on how it is a false assumption to think a guy with 8" is more active than a guy with 5", but Penguinsfan did a great job already.

I mean, I am a natural 8" and I barely have any sexual partners, whereas there are people I know to be smaller with 10X as many. It's not that I have a shitty outlook on life or no ambition or anything like that either, but I cant really go into that right now.

People I know who get around seem to just be more carefree about it in general. I also think average or small guys a lot of times dont really care about their size ( We people here are generally dick obsessed). There is also a lot to be said on preferences, quantity versus quantity,etc.

Oh how did I almost forget.. There are women who only cum from oral, and dick size isnt going to matter there. If all that matters to a womans sexual grtification is clitoral orgasm, a guy with no dick could be the most satisfying.
Originally posted by bigbutnottoo
I also think average or small guys a lot of times dont really care about their size ( We people here are generally dick obsessed).

The surveys have always suggested that 90-95% of men would like a bigger penis. However, many of them probably would indeed like a bigger penis, but are at peace with what they have to enough of a degree that they're not willing to go through everything that we do. They're the type to buy a bottle or two of pills and then give up on enlargement altogether.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
Why is it that women, in terms of sexual satisfaction clearly prefer girth over length? I could see an argument being made for length.

Originally posted by penguinsfan
My original argument for length is that the longer penis will give more area rubbing against the G-spot and nerve endings with each thrust. The analogy may not be perfect, but think about sanding a piece of wood. Get a 2" piece of sand paper and then get an 8" piece. Sand a board and see which seems to be creating more heat and friction. I remember reading this one time on some Penis Enlargement site, book, or something and it made some sense.

And that argument goes double for girth. Say you're sanding the inside of a tube. If you have a very small stick to wrap the sandpaper around you'll hit comparatively little of the inside of the tube at any one time. If you have a stick that's fit to the tube... well... I guess the point has been made. In the case of penis size this is even more so because of the very elastic properties of the vagina.
It is absolutely false that a guy with a small dick does'nt get laid as much. I used to have 5.5x5 and i got to get laid ALL the time with like a different chick every couple of days. Getting laid has NOTHING to do with your dick (unless your like 1x1 then you should begin to worry). I even had chicks dump their bf's who had bigger dicks than me just so they could sleep with me once in a while. Its about your game and how you make girls feel. My game is on a high level and my looks and body help even more, so girls dont even pay attention to my dick.

I once made a girl squirt, yes i said squirt, without even taking her pants off or giving her any vaginal stimulation... and no that is not uncommon. Most guys just have no fucking idea what to do...Get a strong basis on your game and your dick size should only be complimentary.
Originally posted by ebon00
And that argument goes double for girth. Say you're sanding the inside of a tube. If you have a very small stick to wrap the sandpaper around you'll hit comparatively little of the inside of the tube at any one time. If you have a stick that's fit to the tube... well... I guess the point has been made. In the case of penis size this is even more so because of the very elastic properties of the vagina.

Good point. I'll buy that.

Again, my goal is big gains in length and girth, so I'll be set either way.
Originally posted by crzy_young_gun
I even had chicks dump their bf's who had bigger dicks than me just so they could sleep with me once in a while. Its about your game and how you make girls feel. My game is on a high level and my looks and body help even more, so girls dont even pay attention to my dick.

I once made a girl squirt, yes i said squirt, without even taking her pants off or giving her any vaginal stimulation... and no that is not uncommon. Most guys just have no fucking idea what to do...Get a strong basis on your game and your dick size should only be complimentary.

Damn! You should be holding seminars on that shit. :D
Originally posted by Gandolf
Man, that's so true. Firstly, girls don't fuck guys based solely on who will fuck them the very best, many have to be emotionally attached to a guy to enjoy it the most.
This is so true. While a generalization, it is true that most women are more emotionally attached with their mate when it comes to sex. My current gf has told me that I "turn her on" like no man she has ever been with. I kid you not, she is a complete horn dog and wants sex all the time. I do my best, but honestly turn her down on occasion because I am simply too tired.

We have talked about her past before and the guys she has been with. She told me about the largest guy whe was with (8.5") and how she absolutely hated having sex with him. Due to the fact that she said it simply did not feel good and also because she did not have the emotional attachment to him that she does me.

When all is said and done though, I can't help but want to be like that 8.5" guy - regardless of what she says.
I think there are many different aspects of "good sex". Women do indeed want some kind of size.

I've been with the same woman for over 2 years now and in that time I've battled having a smaller penis(6x4.5), erection problems, and [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] problems.

A few years ago when I had the smaller penis, my woman would orgasm about every other time we had sex. Now that I'm bigger, she ALWAYS goes, sometimes twice. Granted, I do have a lot more [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] now and no longer have erection problems.

I think experience and confidence are what women want most, but the size is definitly an added bonus. Don't let anyone kid you, size DOES matter to a certain degree. I think if you're 6x5 and up, you're fine. If you have less, get to stretchin and jelqin.
Very Interesting Read this topic :), i cant help to think im becoming so obsessed with my cock size that when/if I gain to a big size by the time i do, i just wont have the communication skills to bed the girls like some smaller guys can!