When is a man at his peak for cock growth - when you cock is done growing. Like by what age do you stop growing (without Penis Enlargement).

  • Is it easier to grow/gain at a certain age ?
  • Can it be over come by doing Penis Enlargement
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Why you posted this in Picture proof?

It is easy to grow more when your older, because it is harder for your body to repair itself, and it is easier to do damage.

All tho I think doing Penis Enlargement at a very early age maybe be the best, all tho it could be the latter because your body deferences are like in overdrive when you are at a very young age.

I think the younger the better:)
I guess you stop growing automatically around 18....although some guys are later as puberty keeps rolling into their early 20's....

I agree with Pandora that early after the body finished puberty is probably best...
. . . why would it be at age 18 or 20's ? Why isnt it at 30 ? So if puberty starts at around age 13 and continues to 18 or 20's, then you only have approximately 7 years to gain in cock size ?

If you practiced Penis Enlargement at age 13 to 18 (5 years), would your cock be much larger than if you didnt do Penis Enlargement ?

Also, would it be easier with all the hormones running at full speed etc . . . at this age to gain ? ?:(
When is a man at his peak for cock growth - when you cock is done growing.
I would say at age 15 or 16 he stop to grow
Is it easier to grow/gain at a certain age ?
I think in anything in life is better to start early
Can it be over come by doing Penis Enlargement
Penis Enlargement you mean Penis Enlargment, no i think that all that is some big bull, i don't believe it :D
GashKing said:
. . . why would it be at age 18 or 20's ? Why isnt it at 30 ? So if puberty starts at around age 13 and continues to 18 or 20's, then you only have approximately 7 years to gain in cock size ?
Actually, your penis starts growing at birth and stops when puberty ends (unless you Penis Enlargement).

If you practiced Penis Enlargement at age 13 to 18 (5 years), would your cock be much larger than if you didnt do Penis Enlargement ?
I believe so... some of the large gainers that i've seen were young guys. Then again... if you practiced Penis Enlargement between the ages of 33 to 38, your dick would be bigger than those that don't (assuming that you start at the same size)..

Also, would it be easier with all the hormones running at full speed etc . . . at this age to gain ? ?:(
Hormones are the reason for growth so i would assume that they would greatly contribute to Penis Enlargement if done early in life.
Major penis growth is in the early to late teens; however, the penis doesn't stop naturally growing until roughly 30.
penguinsfan;278389 said:
I know they say it starts shrinking slightly in the 40's, so the peak is before that point.

. . . lol, I guess, like many of my 40 year old friends say, they get less pussy at age 40, maybe that has something to do with their penis growth(shrinking). Alot of their wives just dont want cock anymore ? :O

They all envy me, with my "nympho" wife and the club activity . . . . LOL rofl
I would say that it is closer to 30 depending on the person. I know that I am much larger now (I'll be 31 next week) than I was in high school and I haven't done Penis Enlargement at all.
GashKing;278392 said:
They all envy me, with my "nympho" wife and the club activity . . . . LOL rofl

Yeah, but you don't participate, right? Can't say I would envy that, though it clearly works for you two.
Hmm, my facial hair growth hasn't even bloomed yet, I just have a bad teenage mustache, and 1 inch hairs. I shave once every two weeks. This means I have an advantage right?
13 - 18 may be the best time, but it would also be the hardest time to dedicate and commit yourself to it. I'm sure its much easier for guys 20+, plus patience is a huge factor and it wouldnt come too often for them.

17 is when I started.. and who knows when I started.. coulda been yesterday;) oh wait that'd be against the rules, I mean a year ago..;)
The figure I've heard most (from medical professionals) is the penis stops grow between 21 and 25 (obviously there are exceptions). I wanna say I remember hearing it start to shrink around 30...

The best time for a man to start Penis Enlargement is when they enter puberty. The body is in gain mode during puberty (why do you think it grows?); if a man does Penis Enlargement during puberty he will be much larger than he would have been otherwise and will gain much faster than if he started later.

Of course it is possible for a man to begin Penis Enlargement at any age by manually recreating the pubescent "gain mode" environment in his body.
Still somebody in their 40s it would be much harder for the penis to repair, so old people should find it easier to make gains.
Drjeckle;283227 said:
Of course it is possible for a man to begin Penis Enlargement at any age by manually recreating the pubescent "gain mode" environment in his body.

Can you explain more about recreating the "gain mode" environment?

mclamais;283232 said:
Can you explain more about recreating the "gain mode" environment?


I agree, lets hear some more on this.
Drjeckle;283227 said:
The figure I've heard most (from medical professionals) is the penis stops grow between 21 and 25 (obviously there are exceptions). I wanna say I remember hearing it start to shrink around 30...

The best time for a man to start Penis Enlargement is when they enter puberty. The body is in gain mode during puberty (why do you think it grows?); if a man does Penis Enlargement during puberty he will be much larger than he would have been otherwise and will gain much faster than if he started later.

Of course it is possible for a man to begin Penis Enlargement at any age by manually recreating the pubescent "gain mode" environment in his body.

I guess that must be what I did when I started P.E. four years ago this month at the age of 64.

Drjeckle;283227 said:
...Of course it is possible for a man to begin Penis Enlargement at any age by manually recreating the pubescent "gain mode" environment in his body.
... and Juan Ponce de LeĂłn actually found the Fountain of Youth.

We're all eager to read your theory on your claim.
Certainly, I'll explain in a moment. If you go to the Alternative and Experimental Penis Enlargement section there is a lot written about this already. I don't know how much they go into the theory though, as I haven't read any of it.

Earlier I got my numbers crossed, a mans penis stops growing at the end of puberty (18-21) and starts shrinking when men enter andropause (25-30).
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In the "Alternative and Experimental Penis Enlargement" forum you would notice many threads concerning things such as DHT, Testosterone, NO, PGE, IGF, etc. The idea behind this Penis Enlargement theory is to recreate the chemical environment present in your body during puberty and your penis will grow.
- I was half way through a somewhat detailed article about how all this works when I realized that it would be much easier to just tell you where to read all this for yourself (and because I was basically summarizing the book). The book where I first heard about it Scientifically Guaranteed Male Multiple Orgasms and Ultimate Sex: Restart natural penis enlargement, Eliminate forever premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, impotence and Enjoy daily orgasms by Alan Ritz. This is one of the most worthwhile books I have ever bought. Other texts just scratch the surface of what's inside his book. Another place where you can read about this right now is The Lin Institute. Dr.Lin is also a supporter of this theory. However, in with both sources there is a lot of poorly organized information and worse grammar to sort through so take notes (seriously). I began sometime ago to re-organize Alan's specifics on penis enlargement into an easily accessible table format but I've been too busy with school and medical related issues to complete it. I would post it but I'm worried about copyright issues...
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Post it. If you've selectively edited and re-written it in your own way then that's your own work. Otherwise damn near every academic paper ever written would be an infringement of copyright surely?
GashKing;273894 said:
Also, would it be easier with all the hormones running at full speed etc . . . at this age to gain ? ?:(
^^ yeah this basically the idea. I'll post my explanation as soon as possible but that may be some time next week... I'm also working on 2 other papers on climate change economics right now and undergoing medical treatment for several things <:( ... I'm going to the hospital right now to make appointments and pick up forms.
Now to answer the theme of this thread. I dont think it matters how old the man is when he starts to do Penis Enlargement and how his gains will turn out and a 'normal' healthy man of 40 has the same exact potential to the young 'healthy' stud aged 18. We tend to see more younger guys with gains because its mostly a younger market that does this and not the majority of men aged 40-60.

The penis starts to grow before birth as the male is formed and stops at puberty and it wont all be affected by testosterone and hormones otherwise steroid users would have massive dicks when they are actually no bigger or smaller than anyone else.

This stuff is like lifting weights on many levels and many studies now suggest that doing moderate intensity lifting of iron eachday for a male in his 60-70's will increase his strength and muscle mass very fast to like it was many years prior. In otherwords, he will become more youthful from doing that and gain a fitter body.

Just look and Randy 'The Natural' Couture from the UFC who is well into his 40's yet his body is fucking awesome and to me is something to aspire to look like for younger guys, incl me ... he is in GREAT SHAPenis Enlargement .. better than most young guys, so age has nothing to do with it ... you are never too old to do anything but the MIND CAN LIMIT YOU .. that is our lethal weapon, it will make or break you .. literally.

If your determined, focused and commit enough time and belief to the systems of Penis Enlargement than you will gain no matter the age ... young men dont gain better than older men, the best gainers are the ones who BELIEVE in it, have patience, determination and put the work in ... its as simple as that.
RED nice way to answer(big UFC fan like the randy couture example)

But to the thread. You will never stop growing if your body is being stressed and needs to grow to protect you from the stress. Now your penis might adapt to most of what you will do but to put limits on gains is never the mindset.

Do as I do I want at least 6-7 inches of girth so I tell myself "when I get to 8 maybe thats as far as I can push it" I dont care to be 8 inches of girth(HUGE) but if I set goals that others dont think are possible at least when I get to 6-7 and be happy with that.
REDZULU2003;352827 said:
If your determined, focused and commit enough time and belief to the systems of Penis Enlargement than you will gain no matter the age ... young men dont gain better than older men, the best gainers are the ones who BELIEVE in it, have patience, determination and put the work in ... its as simple as that.

Very nice way to hear this.