Double Long Daddy, The Guru
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Part 1:

Welcome, welcome all to the wonderful world of Penis Enlargement (Penis Enlargement). I trust if you are entering an unfamiliar world you are probably asking the age old question of “how can I make my penis bigger?” If you are familiar with Penis Enlargement and the various terms then please do visit the site and explore the free forum. Feel free to share your own perspective and wisdom. Ah, now for the rest of you new members you are just as welcome to explore this site on your own. In either case before long you’ll realize that the one question many men throughout history have wondered is no longer on par with the meaning of life one. Trust it’s true Penis Enlargement does work. Whether it is manual Penis Enlargement (actually using your own hands with or without manual aiding devices such as the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words]) or hanging in which weight is used to encourage penis growth. There are many ideas out there that suggest just how Penis Enlargement works. Whether it is the regrowth of cells or the elongating of existing cells for penis girth (penis diameter) or a combination of the lengthening of ligaments and growth of the tunica for penis length. There is one consensus however in the world of Penis Enlargement and that is Penis Enlargement does indeed work.

There are countless benefits that can come directly or indirectly from Penis Enlargement. Some have legitimate arguments of Penis Enlargement having as many faults, tribulations, and suffering involved as there are benefits. If it’s all the same anyone who has stuck with Penis Enlargement through the thick and thin attest Penis Enlargement’s positives outnumber the negatives. It is important to stay confident that you will reach your desired size and it is equally vital to setting up newbie (newbie just a term used on message board forums to indicate the experience or amount of time spent on the forum) type Penis Enlargement routine, a beginner’s course, if you will so as to condition your penis for the rigors of the more advanced penis enlargement exercises to come. Let’s take a look at some of the potential benefits and negatives that can be experienced along the road. Penis Enlargement is actually very much like a journey and along it are times when one will want to just give up and get off the path while others continue on in search of their goals. This is in part because no matter who you ask potential gains are near impossible to gauge and even more impossible is to guess how long it will take to achieve gains. While it is a trying journey there are benefits and one potential benefit of Penis Enlargement is of course actual increase in penis size whether it be for girth or length or of course both if that is the case. A potential negative is as with any physical endeavor, which is injury. A vital point to keep in mind however, is while there is the potential of injury it is also important to know that this is indeed your journey and accept the responsibility of all activities. On the flip side, there is a Penis Enlargement community and there are many people striving toward common goals. We’re here to help you, but once more we are not a day care and it remains your journey. It’s up to you to put in the work and it’s up to you to use caution. Another benefit that people experience while practicing Penis Enlargement is confidence. The belief in what you are doing and the belief that it will work is something that cannot be stressed enough. You should feel joy when you make a gain. It’s your hard work and determination that made it happen. If you feel discouraged because of a period where no gains have been made get through that time as quickly as possible. Do not get down on yourself, keep going, but above all else, remember that there is a fine line between too much Penis Enlargement and not enough Penis Enlargement, which brings us to our next potential negative consequence of Penis Enlargement. Penis Enlargement can become an obsession, which may or may not be a good thing. Sometimes when there is enough time it can be great because there is time to spend working toward your goals however, if it becomes too time consuming do not let it run your life. Time consuming can mean either you do not have enough time to spend on it and have little desire to make Penis Enlargement a top level priority or it is getting in the way of life. Penis Enlargement is supposed to help breed confidence not keep you from the life you should be enjoying. So, aside from the bigger penis size, confidence in the new bigger you, there is a downside, but these negatives are typically what will weed out those who give up too easily and either simply cannot or will not put in the work needed for growth to be achieved. “No one said it was going to be easy,” easily applies to Penis Enlargement. There are numerous other benefits that could be mentioned that the site’s free forum has in the past, but for now let’s move on to the reasons why we look to a way of enlarging the penis.
Part 2

Obviously, the first reason would be someone told us it was too small in some form or another. Either we think it is small or someone told us about this one guy. Of course...the “other guy”. That is “THE guy,” the one that has ruined countless lives, relationships, and of course men’s psyches since 1999...Sandy! WHY! er um...of course I meant for quite a long time. I’m certainly no expert on the subject of well anything, but I’d like to explore a moment why penis size is so emphasized in culture. Take for example the innuendos made on the very subject of the penis. It is always about size. Two factors add up to create this phenomena. One element that contributes greatly to it is the male mind. We are sexual beings. Biologically our penis is there to spread the seed...and if we feel our penis is inadequate it usually isn’t because it is smaller than most. The fact that the penis is the one constant body part we have on our minds means the more likely unflattering thoughts will infiltrate our mentality.

Why does this happen however and who and what are the major contributors to this lack of confidence? We know since it is always on our minds we are in part at fault for letting the importance of size (performance is a whole other topic) consume our thoughts. The other part of the equation is invariably women. Women use this Achilles heel to get what they want. If a woman wants to hurt you she knows just how most men can be broken. She’ll tell a friend and laugh behind your back and make sure you find out just what was said. She’ll tell you and throw it in your face at inopportune time just to embarrass you. It doesn’t have be this way and while it shouldn’t be this way it is. If a woman wants you to know you are not satisfying her needs she may hint that it is bedroom related. It might just be, but more likely than anything it is the performance. The majority of women never will have experience with a massive penis, but most will admit to desiring a partner with a bigger penis. On the other hand, the root of her dissatisfaction might not be sexually related at all, unless of course she says as much, which leaves you despondent and hardly of good use to anyone especially to yourself. When this dissatisfaction is brought to your attention most likely sex will enter your mind. The two main things being size inadequacies and performance will either swirl and stick in the back of your mind until she comes out and tells you what needs to be done to satisfy whatever her needs are or if you are mature and are confident sex might not come to mind at all. For those lucky few, you know in your early days it wasn’t always that way.

There are a couple elements at work here. The young male particularly at his peak is raring to go and without all the knowledge they could and will someday obtain they all but blindly wander through this time slowly gathering the self assuredness needed to combat any potential hurtful comments about your most prized possession. The male prowess as a youth is obviously because of hormones and the natural process of maturity and the mating that comes with it just the same as all sexual organisms experience. As a man this sexual need hardly wanes to a tiny point on a thin line. So, add the biological need to procreate with the emphasis we put on our penis and it’s little wonder why we feel we need a large penis. Why is it the size though? This still hasn’t been addressed you say. As a man, the stature has historically been important. Whether the stature is physical or societal it makes no difference. They come hand in hand. If you hold a position in society that is well respected women tend to flock to such a man because respectability is perceived as power. This is what most men want in society. They want that status or at least the respectability and why not. If women flock to a title merely for the name and assumed power that comes with it who would argue with this desire? Men want to be perceived as strong mind, body, and soul, but the root is of course the respectability that comes with said qualities. This is all structured around the desired sex’s perception of us and of course structured around the sex we desire with them. While not all of this holds true for every man or woman is this at all far from the culture we all know when it comes to the two sexes in particular? Both sexes do equally as much damage to the other’s state of mind so what’s fair is fair I suppose. So, we can agree that when a man is feeling down about his size he is really feeling down about his status in the relationship he is in or has been in just as a man would feel down about his status in society if he felt insecure about the respectability of his occupation. The penis size complex is as evident in our culture as the weight complex is with most women. We want to be perceived as desirable and respectable for the same reasons and it’s all in order to feel acceptance or a sense of specialness. Men want that power and respectability that comes with having what is considered as a large penis and women want a fit and sexy body. It’s about acceptance and it’s about confidence. These are tools that we should be so lucky to have innately, but for one reason or another we feel we can achieve these things through a bigger pair of breasts or a longer or thicker penis. It’s unfortunate, but just like implants have helped supplement a woman’s confidence Penis Enlargement is here to help men the same way.
Part 3

For some lucky few, an 8 inch long and 6 inch around penis is what the good lord gave them. For most of us guys we are left to wonder what we did to be turned away when getting in line for a massive penis. Make no mistake however, while Penis Enlargement is a gift from heaven when you take that first step, it is as much an opportunity, so to expect results is to expect struggle.

When you begin as was mentioned it is best to start with a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] or something similarly simple. There are a few keys to keeping you focused on your goals, which will help you from point-to-point gain-to-gain. There are a few things that need to be mentioned here as well that will allow for a better understanding of just what that means. Obviously, no one gains an inch from a week of Penis Enlargement. If it were ever that easy then no one would be in the dark about what Penis Enlargement is. You will experience first, newbie gains, which are gains that are most likely from an untrained/unconditioned penis that has not really ever had much attention paid to it. Basic stretches(exactly what it sounds like it is...take the penis in hand with the ok grip...(form ok sign and grab just beneath your penis head with the palm facing up) and then stretch it out in various directions either up, down, left, right, etc for certain sets of time)) will most likely easily tire out the ligaments and will make it easier to perform other more advanced or intense stretching exercises later. Jelqing, which is just getting an erection and forming the ok grip at the base and sliding from the base of the penis with your hand up to just below the glans (head). This pushes blood up and throughout the internal areas. This blood flow engorges the penis to a heightened state where it may lead to permanent girth gains because of the temporary increases in girth through many routines. Early gains or newbie gains are probably from the increase of blood-flow and through either or both the creation of cells or the elongating of existing ones. One last thing about getting started is that it is best to start out slow and consistent. No one wants their progress to be halted by injury.

Many members in the Penis Enlargement community have expressed the sort of euphoric and hopeful bright eyed approach when embarking on their journey. This first step in Penis Enlargement is really the first of several stages one will go through. Here is an excellent description by fellow [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] member jakb of such psychological and emotional stages any Penis Enlargement’er can relate to. http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...ead.php?t=16328
I will continue on with the stage that is most pertinent to you.

When I first found that there are ways to actually enlarge the penis permanently I nearly fainted. I thought, “My God! This is GREAT! Now, what I do?” Unfortunately, the first thing more often than not was of course to send some greenbacks to some company offering not only advice, exercises, videos, and pills. What’s worse is that I actually did send money, but never was hooked up with any password or pills or anything at all. Even when I tried communicating via email...not a word. So, I was stuck feeling like a sucker, wondering if Penis Enlargement was a scam, and pretty much deflated. I continued on however, each day exploring the results on the search engine until I found one site that offered a few free exercises and a free forum. PridePenis.co.uk is a genuine site and if you happened to be lucky enough to have tried that site first then good for you because I think without it I’d never would have continued as long as I have without it. I didn’t stay long however. I eventually found a post offering a new site dedicated to the same ideas called Mattersofsize.com. So, I find this site and I look around and I’m liking it. I’ve never left and I never will. It’s a very homey place and the ideas that are allowed to flow free with the ideas of others is simply refreshing. So, whatever you feel you don’t understand or want to add yourself feel more than free to offer your ideas to the community. Everyone is open minded and the moderators are world class. Whatever you do stay as involved and active as time permits. The more involved you are the better your chances are to making Penis Enlargement easy and effective.

Now most have their reasons behind wanting to enlarge their penis, but I’ll share mine briefly. One night I was alone in my room with the lights off and looking at adult entertainment. I couldn’t get an erection. It took me some 2 hours to get an erection. Do you know why? As I stared down at the little thing between my legs I wondered to myself, “Who could be satisfied with this thing? And who would want to have sex with someone that can’t even get hard.” At the time I had acne too so I thought no one would even get close to me anyway so there is literally no chance in hell I’m going to get laid anytime soon, but again I thought my size was laughable. Eventually, I achieved an erection and I mean to say achieved because it was an accomplishment with the diablerie sombreness that had encapsulated my room that night. My penis was a pathetic 5 inches long and 4 inches around when erect. The truth is, that is closer to the norm than most men realize. I can’t emphasize enough how many men think that they are small when they are anything but. It is also as common for men to think they are small when they are in fact smaller than average of course, but I just wasn’t satisfied with my penis and I wanted to change that fact. I’ve always had problems with depression and I mean severe depression so that didn’t help. This reason alone is enough to surmise that my confidence level was not high. The moment I started stretching and jelqing my whole attitude started to change about my self image. I was so ready to get started once I had an inkling about how to get started. I couldn’t wait to stretched. When I finished with my stretches I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed the vegetable oil and poured some into my palm, ran back upstairs, and started stroking! Nearly fifteen months later I am still just as excited to exercise my penis if not more. The confidence I have in my penis size is still lacking somewhat, but like I said some guys are never going to realize just how big their penis is no matter the size.

Truly, it is all about the penis for some of us, but for most it is about gaining the confidence we know we lack, the respectability we feel we can gain from others knowing of our enormous member, and it is the power we think a large penis wields. We want all of that, but we must realize those things can be sought after vainly and superficially. If we let sex and the size of our penis become who we are we’ll lead sad despondent lives. We should know that while having great sex and having absolute confidence each day we walk out the door are highly sought after treasures in life, but we can’t reach or command such things simply by owning a larger than life penis. It is the sites and sounds, the experience of a journey we really gain from not the beginning and not the end. If we can take from our experiences the joys and the discouragement we will look back only to realize what we’ve done, where we’ve been, in preparation for what’s ahead. Even if you don’t see Penis Enlargement as being anywhere near holistic you can be assured if anything can be obtained through the exercises here it is penis size. Take care and good luck friend.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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