Hey guys I was just wondering if any of you guys who are uncircumcised just like me can upload or make some videos or explanations illustrating and showing me how to the basic exercises and the best girth exercises like the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]slow squash jelq[/words] properly without pulling the skin and doing improperly rather than exercising the penis. Please get back to me as soon as possible of you guys can help.Thank you in advance.
Honestly, there's very little variation needed in the exercises for an un circumcised man. I don't understand why you would need videos especially for you. There are plenty of videos all over the forums and the main site.
You see sorry if I you guys misunderstood me , ok what I mean to say is that can you guys , especially the ones that are uncircumcised who knows what I am talking bout, give me any advice or heads up on how to get some of the exercises done without doing them improperly which is pulling on the skin of the penis when exercising instead of the actual penis. Can you guys at least post a thread with links to videos that uncircumcised men are doing some exercises like horse squeeze, the uli squeeze and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]slow squash jelq[/words]. Like take for example the videos that you posts in the links of the thread, was guy showing and performing some exercises like uli squeeze but he is circumcised so I cannot really follow what he is doing , he is putting his one hand around penis with the ok sign starting from the base and squeezing and pulling it up his shaft to his glans but people like me who are uncircumcised with be unable to do that and would have to come up with another method to do it, so we don't be pulling and stretching the skin instead of the penis itself.
You do the exercises the exact same way in fact, it will be even easier for you to stimulate yourself enough with your extra skin to maintain your high erection level needed. You don't need any "special" version. You're still squeezing the penis and forcing blood to expand it regardless of having a little extra skin on your penis.
I know what you are trying to say right, but if you if an uncircumcised person is doing the exercises should they stretch and squeeze the penis with out retracting the foreskin, wouldn't the foreskin get in the way of doing the exercises, wouldn't you be stretching the foreskin and making it longer to instead of the penis itself.Do you have an uncircumcised penis? DLD can I please get your comment on this thread? Wouldn't you have retract penis so the intensity goes to the shaft and ligaments opposed to the skin and I find it hard for that to be done since some exercises are required to stretch and exercise your penis with both hands simultaneously. Please help me here DLD.

Hundreds, perhaps literally thousands, of uncut guys have made permanent, satisfactory gains by using the exercises and techniques you now find so troublesome. Why do you think so many have enjoyed success where you find only frustration?

Where's the disconnect?
Have you even actually attempted any of these exercises?
Why do you believe you need more than is actually necessary?
I get what you're saying, i advise you experiment a good bit to find a method that works for you. What i do for stretches is grip @ base, do a kegel and a quick jelq up to the head, then i should i have a good grip for the stretch so that i am pulling on the lig & not just the skin. For jelqs i don't do wet because even with lube the skin rides up with my grip & it continues to ride up until my balls are half way up my shaft and i can no longer grip & the base, so i just do dry jelqs.
OK guys I'll try the exercises out again and get back to you, so if even if you are uncut aren't you still suppose to use lube so that you wont hurt yourself and cause friction , or you can just warm up with warm wet cloth and start exercising. Another thing , how do you stay at semi erect or flaccid for exercises that requires you to stay in that those state. I really have to know cause every-time I start off with the warm up and I going to do the exercises I get hard.
Yeah if you're meant to be erect or flaccid then that's true for cut or uncut.
I say dry jelqs but i use lube anyway to make myself more comftortable while doing so, since the skin rides up regardless it's still essentially just a dry jelq, to try and keep the effectiveness of wet jelqs i kegel to keep blood in the penis after i try and re-grip after each jelq & then do occasional really long & slow & intense ones, the intensity of these ones seem to help me stay at a hardness that's appropriate. That's just how i do, you should experiment and see if you can get a way that's best for you.

How old are you btw? When i was attempting Penis Enlargement a couple of years ago i couldnt stay soft for shit, had to wait for my penis to calm down after every stretch out/left/right & same for jelqs because they need to be semi-~. Try masturbating before warming up before stretches, helps a lot.