I thought it might be good for the uncut guys to share some advice and I have some advice/questions of my own.

It seems like uncut guys have a different experience with Pe. I recall reading a post by one uncut guy who wasn't able to figure out how to jelq because the skin moved so much.

I also think that being uncut makes your penis shaped different. I could be wrong, but uncut guys seem to have a more tapered shape. I think this is in part do to the fact that when you retract the foreskin it often constricts the upper part of the penis. Since making girth gains I have begun to notice this more. To deal with it I am starting a foreskin stretching routine.

My stretching routine is really basic:
I insert both index and middle fingers inside the opening then pull the fingers apart.

with the head well lubed and still covered, I insert both index fingers inside my foreskin. I kegel to make my head swell and then Push the fingers in next to the head.

Any other ideas relating to being uncut are more than welcome.
I am uncut and I don't really have the tapered dick thing going on, it's more of a baseball bat.

I don't do any direct foreskin stretching per se. I do squeeze exercises with the foreskin rolled back and I think this really stretches the foreskin to accommodate the new penis size. Early on in my Penis Enlargement experience I would often notice that my foreskin was extremely swollen after a workout. I think my foreskin has actually become much bigger since I've done Penis Enlargement.
yeah i dont have a tapered dick either, actually it gets thicker as it goes along and then i have a mushroom head at the end :)

i think, just with cut guys, everyones is different. I cant imagine that foreskin would have much to do with penis shape given that skin is stretchy.
yeah i got more of a baseball bat thing going on too. i didn't really have to do any type of changes in jelquing, i guess i was one of the lucky ones???
+1 on the baseball bat. If foreskin is interfering with jelqing, i suggest getting an elastic band or rope to secure your ball sack. That normally keeps the skin semi taught for me.
I am uncut as well, my shaft is pretty semetrical the whole way. I literally hold the skin back at the base of my dick and jelq with the other hand.
I am uncut and my dick is kind of tapered. I have a 1 inch more grith at the base, than right before my glans. My glans is even smaller.
I think it ca be useful sometimes, if you have a very tight girl, and she doesn't get the hole grith right from beginning:)
Yea Im uncut and mine is kinda tapered. the thickest part of my dick is right in the middle. I would say that having extra skin is good for girth cuz it just creates more mass. And I agree with 9inches. As the girl slides down my dick it gets thicker and thicker. I would like to get a bigger head tho... Any one got any good exercises for this??
There are a lot of comments on this thread and all really have good thoughts. It is my thought, that uncut dicks often have a smaller glans than a cut guy. And, an uncut guy often has a thicker center shaft. I am uncut, although because of Penis Enlargement I have a foreskin. It seems that maybe the foreskin on the glans has kept it "squeezed down." What you think? GS
can you not jelq without having to pull the foreskin back? and to slip a quick question, when stretching, do I pull so it feels like my cock is going to come off?
Sometimes I slide the skin back and sometimes i dont. It definately feels different for me. Somedays I do girth work with the skin behind the gland and this seems to concentrate more blood directly behind the glands, and this makes it feel like Im workin the mid section of my dick. When I do it without rolling the skin back I feel like it goes towards my head more. I switch it up and it seems to give me nice results. Yea I dont think that I have a small head perse but I do feel like there is something about being uncut that prevents my head from expanding more... Idk it that makes sense to u guys but yea I would lke a bigger head....well who doesnt want a bigger EVERYTHING haha...