Dagger said:
Trying to look into it. Cant find any "Trust pass" on the company from www.alibaba.com (http://www.alibaba.com/trade/company/tpprofile/10074665.html)

Not sure that means anything though. Anyone know how to find legitimate businesses in China? heh

Lots of research.Your on to an excellent idea but finding the proper outlet will be tough especially of the web. So many gansters out there looking to sell cardboard box with a brick inside. I am sure you will find something.
You should rather talk to DLD about a group order.

Just got a reply from Lion Nutrition. Said "all the companies you listed are flagged by the feds."

Where can I find this list over flagged companies? Not that it matters in Norway though.
Dagger said:
You should rather talk to DLD about a group order.

Just got a reply from Lion Nutrition. Said "all the companies you listed are flagged by the feds."

Where can I find this list over flagged companies? Not that it matters in Norway though.

What does this meen, flagged?
The guy from Lion Nutrition didnt say. Thought it meant that its get more easily checked on import. Dunno though. Someone enlighten us.

Have looked on some other forums, especially www.superiormuscle.com. Several of the people there seems to have ordered chemicals from China. Looking into that at the moment.
Ya'll don't watch THE WIRE on HBO!!! When the FEDS flag a company, it means that they are suspecting the company of illegal activities. They allow the company to conduct business as normal, just to gain more potential evidence on them. Then when they are good and ready they will shutdown the business and arrest the suspects. IN PLAIN ENGLISH: The companies that are flagged will not be around long. Who said U cannot learn anything from TV!??!!!!??!!
KingD said:
Ya'll don't watch THE WIRE on HBO!!! When the FEDS flag a company, it means that they are suspecting the company of illegal activities. They allow the company to conduct business as normal, just to gain more potential evidence on them. Then when they are good and ready they will shutdown the business and arrest the suspects. IN PLAIN ENGLISH: The companies that are flagged will not be around long. Who said U cannot learn anything from TV!??!!!!??!!

Hmmm, well that does it for those guys. I still like this group order possibilty though. Hopefully we can find a reliable source.
I somewhat doubt what he said about all those companies being on that list. Where is the list for instance? Also, how are they supposed to shut down sites in China?

If anything, you can get it sent to someone in europe, then resend it to US.
Im just going to try it out and hope for the best.

If anyone here is frequenting bodybuilding/steroid sites, they might help out by asking where they get their stuff from. I know many of them get it from China, but they seem reluctant to share their findings with me. Guess its since I haven`t really posted on any of those sites.

I dont think they will post in the forum exactly where they get it, so ask for PMs.
Yeah, still looking into powder sources.

In the meantime, if anyone in US(Sent domestic) are interested in cheap Cialis Caps at 55mg for 90 per cent, just PM me and ill disclose source. Not sure how Caps are to divide in 2, arent they liquid inside?

Btw, provider seems to get good feedback.
girthius said:
If this goes through, how will it be divided up etc.?

After thinking more on the subject I realized we can't do this in a public forum. It is basically drug dealing since we hold no pharmacy license. Maybe people can get something going through PM's.
Yeah, been thinking the same DLD. Anyway, powder needs some work(and equipment) to get it in the right dosage. Better find someone selling cheap pills I think. Can get 50 mg capsules for 90 cent from one supplier I know off(in US). Would be great of those could be split in two.
Dagger When Did you order it? How much did you buy? And what was the cost? And who did you order it from
Err, that site does not exist Supra.

Have not recieved my order yet, but isn`t really supposed to have arrived yet. Should come in either later this week or next week at the latest(I hope...)

Ill post about it when I recieve it and have tested the product.
Alright, got the letter in the mail today. Nice flat package. Tested both Viagra and Cialis today.

Viagra: 75-90 mg powder.
20 minutes later: Was watching TV and suddenly I felt it starting to grow in my pants! Now thats not something that happens often for me without any sexual thoughts. Effect was pretty nice, good and hard. Didnt go down after ejaculation. Experiencing slight headache. No other sideeffects.

Cialis: 30-45 mg powder.
Didnt experience any sudden erections, but it was nice and firm while doing Penis Enlargement.
Dagger said:
Viagra: 75-90 mg powder.
20 minutes later: Was watching TV and suddenly I felt it starting to grow in my pants! Now thats not something that happens often for me without any sexual thoughts. Effect was pretty nice, good and hard. Didnt go down after ejaculation. Experiencing slight headache. No other sideeffects.

Now that is an endorsement for VIAGRA if I ever heard one.
shit, what happened to this thread, it totally rocked ! (tho admittedly i came in late) if anyone wants to add to this or PM me I'm up for allegedly and maybe getting in on any hypothetical bulk deals.
levista said:
shit, what happened to this thread, it totally rocked ! (tho admittedly i came in late) if anyone wants to add to this or PM me I'm up for allegedly and maybe getting in on any hypothetical bulk deals.

I am fishing for some other sources that will be legal, I will post as soon as I know.
did anyone actually manage to successfully order from chemicalbases? are they legit? their 'no mimimum quantity' policy makes me want to place a small order but then again that's exactly what I'd put if I was trying to scam people. Any input appreciated.
If it is Liquid Cialis or Viagra that you are looking for keep in mind this stuff does not work for everyone. If you have never tried, get a small sample and take it from there.

As far as raw materials go (sildenafil, tadalafil), with the amount of time you spend measuring and capping you would be better off buying in tablet form. Also with raw materials you would have to purchase in bulk. For example a KG of Sildenafil could run you $1,400 and thats only at like 89% purity.
thanks kausion

me and some friends wanted to get some cialis and some of their anabolics, (one of us is a trained pharmacist so measuring and capping wont be a problem). Its just that their prices seem too good to be true and this is the only board when I've seen their name mentioned.
Yeah, got some from chemicalbases. Working nicely. Still got alot of it left, using it for my Penis Enlargement workouts. Don't really use too much time capping anymore.
I've tried all the crap it all does nothing.
L-lysine - nothing
L-argenine - nothing
Horny goat weed - nothing
Tribulus - nothing
Bee Pollen - nothing
Africanus Pubis (or whatever the fuck it's called) - nothing
DHEA - nothing

none of this crap does anything. NOTHING, so like Supra said, don't waste your God Damn money on it. It's SHIT, all of it.

The last and only thing I'm gonna try to boost my libido is Tongkat ali.
DON'T, I REPenis EnlargementAT, DON'T waste your money at vitamin shop on this stuff. They, among all the rest of the places in this country sell aged ground up root powder, which is SHIT. The only good tongkat ali is the stuff that uses the extract from the extraction process. Upon taking all this stuff I have to wonder, how many of these herb/drug companies are selling SHIT. That's probably 99% of the reason nothing works for me caus these pills that these FUCKING CRIMINALS sell is probably 99% filler.

The only thing you really need is

That's all the cavemen needed right? And they did alright. So I've basically run out of shit to take besides this tongkat ali. So I'm gonna waste my money on that shit and see if it helps my problem. Which is basically NO_LIBIDO unless I hold off for a week. Yes, sad, that at 34 it takes me a fucking week to get horny. I don't know what the fuck my problem is. I'm going to a urologist. Oh and what supra said, viagra, or cialis (which I've yet to try)

I heard cialis gives you massive headaches though, is that true? Or no worse than the Viagra.

You have to ask yourself one question. Why the fuck do we even need Viagra? Did cavemen need it? Well why the fuck do we? I agree that it works and I couldn't live without it as my malfunctioning SHIT doesn't work properly. I eat right, I don't drink, I sleep, I drink 3L of water a day and yes, I HAVE A BAD ATTITUDE AND IMA BOUT TO CHOP SOMEONES FUCKING HEAD OFF.
