just trying to see what the end result is with pumping??
meaning if you google penis pumping and those kind of words you will see some crazy big dicks out there, not like what pornstars have its like on steriods you could say!!! so im thinking is this the results you get from pumping or have they had some doctor work too, to girth that girth look?
but must say alot of sites are saying pumping is a quick fix then the penis goes back to normal after pumping sessions are overs....
I think and could be wrong but if you pump you will gian life results because of the extreme happeing to your penis when pumping... so you got to heal and grow!!
so want to start pumping and doing my clamping too which works great but just trying to think of the end result? not that there is a end result once we got the gians still want more!!
In a nut shell does pumping say 4 month from now give you good girth results??? with 3-4 day on a week
just trying to see what the end result is with pumping??
meaning if you google penis pumping and those kind of words you will see some crazy big dicks out there, not like what pornstars have its like on steriods you could say!!! so im thinking is this the results you get from pumping or have they had some doctor work too, to girth that girth look?
but must say alot of sites are saying pumping is a quick fix then the penis goes back to normal after pumping sessions are overs....
I think and could be wrong but if you pump you will gian life results because of the extreme happeing to your penis when pumping... so you got to heal and grow!!
so want to start pumping and doing my clamping too which works great but just trying to think of the end result? not that there is a end result once we got the gians still want more!!
In a nut shell does pumping say 4 month from now give you good girth results??? with 3-4 day on a week