Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Al, if you could give us your history I think it will really benefit the men here. You are very humble but I would love to hear your journey again (with some deserved ego:)) and I know many men will enjoy this too.
Dashdeming;335676 said:
I would love to hear it for sure Big Al.

Al has been around for a long time and has seen a lot, I hope he indulges us.
Thank you :)

I got involved in Penis Enlargement well over 10 years ago. I was already into lifting weights and fitness, and was writing about my training experiences to create "The NaturalSize Power-Bodybuilding Program".

While researching the more popular muscle magazines for potential ad spots, I noticed an inordinate amount of [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] for penis enlargement surgeries. Before then I had never seriously thought about enlarging my own penis, but I figured that there had to be a way of doing it without the nasty side effects and costs of phalloplasty; a "natural" way. I thought to myself "if I could make my penis proportionate to the rest of me without having to undergo surgery, that would be great!"

I did a lot of research into anatomy texts, talked to docs, and gleaned what I could from the scant amount of information available about Penis Enlargement on the web. I wanted a safe method of generating high intensity to stretch the tough tissues of the penis. I looked into pumps, DIY devices (some of you older vets may remember the "Googaday Stretcher"), and other methods, but none seemed to be what I was looking for.

After testing a few exercise concepts to get the feel for what gave me the most intense workouts, I put them together with some [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] work, applied the same drive that I do for my workouts, made great gains, then formulated the "For Men Only!" routine. Since funds were very tight for me back then, I had to put everything on a free website host.

I made it my mission to spread the word that non-surgical Penis Enlargement is indeed possible.
It was slow going for awhile, but as more men tried the routines and gained, the word got out and its popularity grew. Soon, I had companies contacting me wanting to know more about natural Penis Enlargement.

Since then, I've learned a lot more and am still continuing to learn about Penis Enlargement.

If I have to sum up my philosophy about Penis Enlargement, it would be to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out. Always be willing to learn, and consider the source. Research, test, and form objective viewpoints based on your findings.

If there are some other details that you'd like to know about, please let me know. You can also read some more about me here and here.

Hope this helps!
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Wow, excellent stuff Al. How did Peforum come into existence and how did it relate to Thund3rs Pl@ce?
doublelongdaddy;335726 said:
Wow, excellent stuff Al. How did Peforum come into existence and how did it relate to Thund3rs Pl@ce?

Back in the late 90's, I had a forum at boardhost (here http://members.boardhost.com/forsize/). It was doing relatively well, and I was asked by one of the originators (I think it was SciMan) of the Penis EnlargementForum (back when it was also on boardhost) to "merge" members. I agreed- as long as I was allowed to put up links to my sponsors. That's how peforum.net eventually came into existence.

The site grew by leaps and bounds! Everything went very well for a few years until the site started getting attacked on an almost daily basis. After initially supporting what I was doing for Penis Enlargement, Thunder claimed that it was my presence that was causing the attacks. I was asked to step down as admin but didn't, so he turned Penis EnlargementForum over to me and decided to branch off and create his own forum.

A vet named Thorne did some research and found that the attacks were an inside job. Given the fact that the hacker had frequently accessed the site's design properties, it pretty much had to be. Even the EZBoard.com admins said as much- they were keeping an eye on the site because of all of the attacks.

The troll attacks stopped soon after T's place got rolling. I would like to say that things got better after that but they didn't. There were still some folks that were upset that I was still at Penis EnlargementForum, and a lot of underhanded things were done to undermine what was once the most popular penis enlargement forum on the net.

Despite the damage done to Penis EnlargementForum, I've still been able to help men all over the world achieve their Penis Enlargement goals.

I truly believe that we've only scratched the surface of what we've done with non-surgical Penis Enlargement, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds :)
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Big Al;335758 said:
Back in the late 90's, I had a forum at boardhost (here http://members.boardhost.com/forsize/). It was doing relatively well, and I was asked by one of the originators (I think it was SciMan) of the Penis EnlargementForum (back when it was also on boardhost) to "merge" members. I agreed- as long as I was allowed to put up links to my sponsors. That's how peforum.net eventually came into existence.

The site grew by leaps and bounds! Everything went very well for a few years until the site started getting attacked on an almost daily basis. After initially supporting what I was doing for Penis Enlargement, Thunder claimed that it was my presence that was causing the attacks. I was asked to step down as admin but didn't, so he turned Penis EnlargementForum over to me and decided to branch off and create his own forum.

A vet named Thorne did some research and found that the attacks were an inside job. Given the fact that the hacker had frequently accessed the site's design properties, it pretty much had to be. Even the EZBoard.com admins said as much- they were keeping an eye on the site because of all of the attacks.

The troll attacks stopped soon after T's place got rolling. I would like to say that things got better after that but they didn't. There were still some folks that were upset that I was still at Penis EnlargementForum, and a lot of underhanded things were done to undermine what was once the most popular penis enlargement forum on the net.

Despite the damage done to Penis EnlargementForum, I've still been able to help men all over the world achieve their Penis Enlargement goals.

I truly believe that we've only scratched the surface of what we've done with non-surgical Penis Enlargement, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds :)

Thunder does seem to have a hidden agenda. His downfall with me, ironically, was his attacks. His members ultimately took pity on me and became a very strong allegiance. My forum grew at such a high rate that there was nothing he could do. By the time he blinked my forum became the biggest in the world....ironic.
doublelongdaddy;335762 said:
Thunder does seem to have a hidden agenda. His downfall with me, ironically, was his attacks. His members ultimately took pity on me and became a very strong allegiance. My forum grew at such a high rate that there was nothing he could do. By the time he blinked my forum became the biggest in the world....ironic.

I got into Penis Enlargement about 3 weeks ago and am a brand spankin newbie. Thund3rs Pl@ce was the first Penis Enlargement forum I ever discovered and I spent quite some time there learning the basics like jelq techniques and stretches ect. The problem was, and is, I was not able to register! Apparently the site has reached it's max member level (or whatever) and will not accept any more. That bummed me out because I could not view pictures and tutorial videos. I'm glad I found this site about a week later! I dont visit that site anymore accept for pages I've bookmarked for reference. Might be a different story if I would have been allowed to register...
Great history read, Al and DLD. Kudos!! What goes around comes around. T will get his if he hasn't already. You both are so earnest and truly CARE about helping others, with no hidden agenda. Life is too short to fuck around with a bunch of backstabbers. Right on, good men!! Right on!! :)
B1ggusDickus;335770 said:
I got into Penis Enlargement about 3 weeks ago and am a brand spankin newbie. Thund3rs Pl@ce was the first Penis Enlargement forum I ever discovered and I spent quite some time there learning the basics like jelq techniques and stretches ect. The problem was, and is, I was not able to register! Apparently the site has reached it's max member level (or whatever) and will not accept any more. That bummed me out because I could not view pictures and tutorial videos. I'm glad I found this site about a week later! I dont visit that site anymore accept for pages I've bookmarked for reference. Might be a different story if I would have been allowed to register...

Why do they do this? I never understood.
Big Al;335961 said:
You guys are my inspiration :) NPenis Enlargement would not be possible without you pioneers!

It really is a collective consciousness.
so what kind of exercises and routines did you pit together BigAl, through your research all those years ago? Did it resemble anyhting going on here, now?
so what exactly are your gains Al from day 1 to now? i wish i knew what my starting length would be, but i started doing random Penis Enlargement stuff (jelqs and stretches) when i was like 15, so there's no definite way to know what i would have been without them :P

btw, i checked out you meCoach page. are those testimonials for real? you need to coach me for free dammit lol. the gains that people made on average in 3 months would put me at exactly what my goal is. damn that would be amazing
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the1parr;361594 said:
so what kind of exercises and routines did you pit together BigAl, through your research all those years ago? Did it resemble anyhting going on here, now?

it's been awhile since I checked this thread- my apologies for the delay in replying. My first month of training consisted of plenty of jelqs, compound stretches, and a lot of [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] work. The next two month phase entailed more "isolation" exercises- like squeezes and direct stretches; with again- a high level of [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] work.
dmoney101;361615 said:
so what exactly are your gains Al from day 1 to now? i wish i knew what my starting length would be, but i started doing random Penis Enlargement stuff (jelqs and stretches) when i was like 15, so there's no definite way to know what i would have been without them :P

I added about 2 inches in length and a bit more than 1 inch in girth.

dmoney101;361615 said:
btw, i checked out you meCoach page. are those testimonials for real? you need to coach me for free dammit lol. the gains that people made on average in 3 months would put me at exactly what my goal is. damn that would be amazing

The testimonials are real :) We even did a "client study", which is still ongoing. The early client study results can be seen in the image here (it's not letting me load it to the post): http://www.peforum.net/CLIENT STUDY PUB.Bathmatep
awsome guys, small post just to give props when they needed.

My gains are really starting and its down to this place, switching up my techniques have done it justice.

cheers DLD
AverageWang;571587 said:
awsome guys, small post just to give props when they needed.

My gains are really starting and its down to this place, switching up my techniques have done it justice.

cheers DLD

Good for you! This is a great thread to gain valuable information from a legend in the Penis Enlargement World. BigAl was my mentor when I first started and inspired much of what I have created today. The legends of the Penis Enlargement world are now showing their age, myself included, but I feel confident in the next generation to come and I feel proud to serve next to such great as BigAl (and many others). We grew up together on these forums and went from being boys to men and in this evolution we have found great spoils!
AverageWang;571587 said:
awsome guys, small post just to give props when they needed.

My gains are really starting and its down to this place, switching up my techniques have done it justice.

cheers DLD

Good for you! This is a great thread to gain valuable information from a legend in the Penis Enlargement World. BigAl was my mentor when I first started and inspired much of what I have created today. The legends of the Penis Enlargement world are now showing their age, myself included, but I feel confident in the next generation to come and I feel proud to serve next to such great as BigAl (and many others). We grew up together on these forums and went from being boys to men and in this evolution we have found great spoils!
doublelongdaddy;571653 said:
Good for you! This is a great thread to gain valuable information from a legend in the Penis Enlargement World. BigAl was my mentor when I first started and inspired much of what I have created today. The legends of the Penis Enlargement world are now showing their age, myself included, but I feel confident in the next generation to come and I feel proud to serve next to such great as BigAl (and many others). We grew up together on these forums and went from being boys to men and in this evolution we have found great spoils!

I'm humbled and honored by your words :blush:

You've come a very long way since then too- in many areas. It would be good to be able to talk with you again and catch up on things. There is a lot to be discussed.
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He's been here from the start if I remember correctly

If it were not for Big Al there would be no Matters of Size. I remember when I was planning on starting MOS I was getting attacked nonstop by thunder’s place. I was about to throw in the towel and say forget it but Big Al called me and gave me a peptalk that really stuck it made me so much more committed to making the brotherhood happen. He told me if I was going to be in this business I need to grow a thick skin because I’m gonna take many slings and arrows. He gave me great advice and was a very good friend and still today we’re friends. MOS really has every legend out there on this forum ?
I never knew that, the guy has always known what he's talking about, and he is very honorable, loyal, and honest in the way he comes over with everyone.
I never knew that, the guy has always known what he's talking about, and he is very honorable, loyal, and honest in the way he comes over with everyone.

He’s all that and then some. I remember that day like it was yesterday I was so depressed and so ready just to throw in the towel and quit. He talked me back into doing it and God bless him!
Much respect to the history of MOS ! first ones who started this now guiding the next generation of future p.e legends .. one day when pe is soo advanced and easy they’ll look back on the real pioneers who started this all, keep these forums and the brotherhood alive ??
Much respect to the history of MOS ! first ones who started this now guiding the next generation of future p.e legends .. one day when pe is soo advanced and easy they’ll look back on the real pioneers who started this all, keep these forums and the brotherhood alive ??

We are all doing what we love so it will all work out! If you love what you’re doing and there’s other people to love it there’s no stopping success!
Exactly you couldn’t do this if you didn’t love it. This takes a certain level of patience & focus

I work jobs when I was younger that I really hated, I could not stand to get up in the morning and go to work, it was just not a life that I want to live. With MLS I found my true love and that’s helping my brothers make their dreams come true. Imagine how good I feel when a new person comes in in they report new gains, This brings me so much joy is unreal. The success of every brother here is a success for me.
I’ve made a gains bc of this site and I’m proud to say that & yes being able to do what you love as your career is something a lot of people can only dream of, definitely a blessing .
Thank all of you so much for the kind feedback!

You’ve always been a wonderful voice in the PE community from the beginning! It was you, thunder and me. You have always treated me with honor and respect and when I needed somebody you were always there! When I went off my own from Thunders to do my own thing all they could do was poke fun at me and try to hurt my success at MOS. Surprise surprise I took their entire members over to matters of size within a month. That’s when I showed the world that DLD was not to be fucked with. :D
@bigal was the first person that coached me on PE back in 2008 when I bought my first Size Genetics extender. There used to be a forum back then called Men's Network.
There have been many developments in my life since last participating actively on here but I still browse the forum from time to time :)

If you need me for anything, please let me know. Mike knows how to get a hold of me.
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There have been many developments in my life since last participating actively on here but I still browse the forum from time to time :)

If you need me for anything, please let me know. Mike knows how to get a hold of me.
Good to hear from you
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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