So I told my little brother about Penis Enlargement tonight, and I could tell he was extremely weirded out....
Maybe he already knew about Penis Enlargement and was pissed that I sent him to Thundersplace (I know what kind of asshole brother am I )
Now I feel all fucked inside, that I shouldnt have opened my mouth....
I have told three people altogether, two of my good buddies and my brother,
my first buddy thought it was cool but didnt want anything to do with it,
The next buddy stood up and proclaimed to the mountains:
But actually its the second coolest to him cuz Im gonna ship him off to Thunders also... rofl
I dont really advise telling people about it anyway, cuz that is fuckin stupid, but there is a select few that are not right EGO'd out and deserve the Supreme Cosmic Knowledge
Whichever one of you told this one guy I know about Penis Enlargement (the one with the ego the size of a babies skull, deserves to be impaled immediately)
(thats why we gotta stop tellin people, Im crossin paths with other Penis Enlargementers seriously!!!
But I just want to hear from people that have told people about it
Like Kong, you told your son right??? how did that go???
So my post has become a rant, but what Im thinking now is I shoulda tried to get my brother working OUt, before Penis Enlargement, cuz i think i might have warped his mind <
Maybe he already knew about Penis Enlargement and was pissed that I sent him to Thundersplace (I know what kind of asshole brother am I )
Now I feel all fucked inside, that I shouldnt have opened my mouth....
I have told three people altogether, two of my good buddies and my brother,
my first buddy thought it was cool but didnt want anything to do with it,
The next buddy stood up and proclaimed to the mountains:
But actually its the second coolest to him cuz Im gonna ship him off to Thunders also... rofl
I dont really advise telling people about it anyway, cuz that is fuckin stupid, but there is a select few that are not right EGO'd out and deserve the Supreme Cosmic Knowledge
Whichever one of you told this one guy I know about Penis Enlargement (the one with the ego the size of a babies skull, deserves to be impaled immediately)
(thats why we gotta stop tellin people, Im crossin paths with other Penis Enlargementers seriously!!!
But I just want to hear from people that have told people about it
Like Kong, you told your son right??? how did that go???
So my post has become a rant, but what Im thinking now is I shoulda tried to get my brother working OUt, before Penis Enlargement, cuz i think i might have warped his mind <